Best budget (~$400) 10inch Android tablet

Looking out for a 10 inch android tablet (preferably under 400).

Options I found were:

Galaxy Tab 2
Xoom/Xoom 2
Nexus 10 (I know this isn't sub 400, but its probably worth it if it ever comes back in stock haha)
Toshiba AT100

All of these are for most part out of stock at various Aussie retailers.

Any other tablets I should be aware of? Is it even worth buying now or just waiting till the new models are released?



  • +1

    My vote is for the nexus 10

  • +2

    Specs-wise, Nexus 10, by a long shot. The closest thing to it is probably the Asus TF700 Infinity, which is getting on in age, in comparison.

    However, 'best' is fairly subjective; what's best for you may not be what's best for me, or others. Do you plan on using expandable storage? If so, the Nexus is out of the equation. Would you require a long battery life, and greater productivity options (specifically those afforded by the dock on the Transformer)? If you post your requirements, making a recommendation will be a whole lot easier.

    In my opinion (and do note: my opinion), the Nexus 10 and the Transformer tablets are the only real contenders here; IMO the only thing going in the others' favour is price. If I were in your shoes, I would wait for the N10 to come back into stock (of course I am a bit biased; I own a Nexus 7).

    Is it even worth buying now or just waiting till the new models are released?

    Ah, the age old question. Obviously as this year wraps up, we'll see some new announcements and previews at CES and whatnot - however actual release may be quite a while away. I say jump in now, or not at all ;-)

    • Yeah, I'm quite content with using my laptop as my main productivity device, I'll just be using the tablet as a casual web browsing/light research device/light note taking not requiring a keyboard.

      Battery life is quite important, anything 8 hours and more will pass my requirements. Expandable storage is not an issue, 16GB is more than enough for me. However, I would prefer that the tablet runs ICS (4.0) with an option to either officially update in the future to jelly bean or at least custom rom to jelly bean.

      Micro usb connection is a requirement. Other than that, weight, design, hdmi port etc are bonuses but not requirements.

      I agree that the Nexus 10 is by far the best, but honestly the way LG and Google seem to be going meeting demand I'd only be able to get one by the time the second edition comes out haha.

      Other than the Nexus 10 then? Any decent alternatives within an affordable price range? The transformer I don't really fancy due to the price (I don't swear allegiance to Android, and for the transformer price I could easily get an iPad)

      tl;dr - Looking for a decent brand name cheapish android tablet between 200 - 400

      • Sounds to me like the Nexus 10 is best suited to you, then (which, BTW, is manufactured by Samsung, not LG - thankfully)

        I haven't been actively looking into the tablet space since I bought my N7, but I'm fairly certain that there really aren't any decent alternative (besides the Transformer, which you've discarded). The N10 and the iPad blow away the competition with their hardware and rapid updates, and (AFAIK) are the latest releases into the tablet space (in terms of 10" tablets, anyway). Others might be able to provide their own experiences with decent 10" tablets, however.

        I only neglected to mention the iPad since your title indicated Android tablets only. I've often found that people like on OS and stick to it… a decision between the iPad and N10 might depend on how you like the software, more than anything else (and of course, the actual device and it's feel come into it as well).

        If I were you, I'd just wait for N10 stock - which really (hopefully) shouldn't be terribly far off, given the considerable amount of time that has already passed (speculation on my part, obviously). Though you could just get an iPad, if you're so inclined and don't want to wait.

        • I totally agree, I would have an N7 if not for my wanting a larger screen. I'm quite glad that the N10 is not an LG product (no disrespect to LG owners of course) but again I honestly cannot see myself being in the right place and the right time to actually acquire an N10 given the ridiculous demand. I sorta wanted Android due to the customisation/extra features (I owned an iPad, too restrictive for my purposes) hence the title of the thread.

          Thanks a lot for the input though, It was quite clarifying insofar as it nicely narrows my advisable choices down to two. Though I would like to hear other experiences of Android tablets before I commit waiting for N10/giving up and buying iPad :)

  • I would say the NExus, except it doesnt have expandable storage beyond the maximum 32Gb config you can get it in. Due to that, and the ability to add the dock (plus an amazing screen) I would say the Transformer Infinity. Buy from the US (B&H) or somewhere though, couple of hundred less then buying here

  • I got the wife a Xoom for Christmas and at first it seems more than adequate.
    I got this on the EB Games online stores recent sales for $188 +postage.

    It is an aged device, but has good features, but not the fastest aparently.

    Plays youtube very well and will probably fit the bill.

    If it wasn't on sale I would have been looking at a 7", and probably in that a Nexus7 for the portability.
    The Xoom was just a better price for what we want.

    I haven't used it too much, as I know if I start I will take over her new toy…..

  • I think for the price you should consider a Cube U30GT. It's a pretty solid device, with the main shortcoming being a tinny speaker (not such a big deal for most people). The screen is IPS, clear and responsive to touch, and you can pick one up quite cheap. It's also got a faster processor than all of the above tabs bar the Nexus devices I believe (not sure what's rocking the GT2 though). It's also very hackable and there are a few custom roms out there.

    I'm not a dealer, but I have a spare one here that I bought for a friend who decided they didn't want it, and I'd be willing to sell it if you were after one. PM me if that's the case.

  • -5

    Nexus 10. There is no competition at the moment. Even then there is quite a few problems - some with Android and the software currently available and some with the actual tablet.

    I'm not sure what the hold up is on Good Android tablets. There is no HD comics on Comixology for Android and that is a huge reason I got an iPad and is one of my most used apps.

    Quite a lot of the problem is Google. Have you seen Google Play? $5.99 to rent a movie in SD. Almost none are in HD. The HD quality is sickening compared to what iTunes offers.

    The Books are simply so much worse at the moment it's not funny. The prices are just so horrible.

    And apps? Myfitnesspal for iPad versus Android. One looks like it came from the future and is quite awesome and the other a shell of what it should be.

    Have you seen Android tablets with on screen buttons? I felt like smashing it after the buttons kept moving around - the brightness of the buttons not being independent of the screen itself. For whatever reason I have never needed to worry about the lack of buttons on the iPad.

    If Google offers something don't expect it to constantly be available. Google Wave, Google Buzz, Google Apps for free, Good storage for free on Gmail, Keyboard phones, SD Card slots, on screen buttons, removable batteries etc. They removed Google Fast Flip, Google Knol and Aardvark. Rumour has it that Google Talk will soon be discontinued - that will just be unforgivable.

    People on the internet think that every decision google makes is good but that is not the case. The phone Nexus 4 has gone a step too far and AFAIK the tablets aren't too behind in nearly all aspects. I can't keep a straight face as people seriously consider the Nexus 4 over other phones.

    Google blatantly admits that the storage in the Nexus 4 is not enough (By releasing a Nexus 7 32GB). LG's comments about the phone are eye opening indeed. Google sidelines the fact that the battery isn't removable as if that it's obvious. It can't even power usb hard drives due to cost cutting. If I was a casual phone buyer I'd naturally assume with good reason that the last two points were included in a new phone that sets the standard for Android phones.

    It's not like Google can't practically instantly make an awesome phone/tablet. It's not like it doesn't have access to information on what consumers want.

    I perhaps got too carried away here…

    • +1

      I can't keep a straight face as people seriously consider the Nexus 4 over other phones.


      Google blatantly admits that the storage in the Nexus 4 is not enough (By releasing a Nexus 7 32GB)

      You know many other phones have 16GB storage and non-removable battery. You know many other phones have 16GB storage and non-removable battery. Of course it would have been much better to see a 32 and 64GB model(so they have a choice), but for some reason they haven't made it yet. The iphone 5, for example has 16/32/64GB models and many people still choose to buy the 16GB. Yes, Nexus 4 doesn't have USB OTG, micro sd slot, removable battery, LTE but they had to cut costs somewhere.

      Biggest attraction of the Nexus 4 is the price. Not everyone wants to spend $700+ on a phone.

    • I perhaps got too carried away hereā€¦

      Just a tad. Your first two words were relevant to the topic… everything that followed was pretty much just bashing on Android tablets and Google. The OP was asking for Android tablet recommendations; I'm sure he knows what he's getting into. You should just save your rant for someone who asks.

  • Can I ask in connection with this thread, which of the 10 inch tablets has the best 'feel' - design and ergonomics - specs completely aside.
    Or more accurately, which android tablet is the closest to the ipad? I love the design of the ipad, but am looking for a similar android one that doesn't need to be a powerhouse but for various reasons does need to be as close to an ipad as possible :)

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