• expired

Earn 20x Flybuys Points on Apple Gift Cards (In-Store Only) @ Coles


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Next week's upcoming gift card deal at Coles! Equivalent to 10% off.

Offer valid from 5/2/25 to 11/2/25 and only available in store at Coles Supermarkets (excludes Coles Online, Coles Express and purchases via giftcards.com.au or coles.scanshoppay.com.au), subject to store availability. To qualify for this offer you must present your Flybuys card at the time of purchase. BONUS POINTS can be awarded more than once for each Gift Card type including different denominations of the same Gift Card up to a maximum of 50,000 points per customer per day. NOTE: a purchase limit of 5 cards per customer per day applies. $20 = 400 Flybuys Points; $30 = 600 Flybuys Points; $50 = 1,000 Flybuys Points; $100 = 2,000 Flybuys Points; $200 = 4,000 Flybuys Points. While stocks last, no rainchecks. Gift Cards can't be used to purchase other Gift Cards at Coles. Flybuys' privacy policy applies. Standard Flybuys terms and conditions apply and are available at Flybuys.com.au. TM and © 2025 Apple Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

Before purchasing any Apple gift cards, please check whether the gift cards have been tampered. There have been numerous reports during prior deals of physical Apple gift cards being tampered. More info here.

Any questions, please refer to the FAQ. The FAQ covers gift cards deals at Coles, as well as Apple gift cards.


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  • -3

    Besides paying debts to the ATO what can I use Apple cards for as a non apple user?

    • You can gift me MacBook Pro

      • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • +2

      Congratulations on being the 10000th person to make this joke.

    • You can redeem it for $0 after someone swapped it in store

  • +5

    Read the stories on Facebook group on the Apple gift card tampering. I wouldn’t risk it unless shops start to lock gift cards under the counter.

    • +3

      Colesworth monitor every move of paying customers and treats them like thieves, but all the gift card scammers gets away with it

    • +1

      I got mine off the wall at a Woolworths just recently, when they had the 20x points p/$. And had no dramas or issues. And ordered the device from an Apple Store in Sydney that I wanted. It took just 2 days to get to my front door. If u live in the Western Sydney burbs, you’ll have issues at Woolworths supermarkets with the Apple giftcards, and even at Coles — from what I’ve heard. Because that’s where the problems arise. Bloody Eshays and Bogans. I broke the seal in store where the serrated edge is, below to see if it matched the serial code on the card, and it did. And then I bought it, to know that it hadn’t been used. I did it in front of the sales staff, as I had mentioned to the sales team staff member, that I had never bought the Apple giftcards in Woolies or Coles.

  • +1

    Isn’t variable value one safe? Because the value is loaded only after purchase?

    • Nope. I bought a variable one and it was tampered too.

      • Last time I bought in Woolworths, I had to get the physical card from the counter. I believe that one is safe

      • Were you able to get a refund? From apple or coles?

  • When will these Apple gift cards be straight 10% off

    • -1

      When Apple will throw us a bargain. It will not happened

    • -4

      Waiting for the 15-20% like last time

    • They never do or never have, Kev. Best off to get them at the supermarket (Woolworths, Coles) that u shop thru, when they do the 20x pts p/$, so that u can get your value added. Bloody Karens. I only ever buy those other giftcards (Ultimate), when they’re 15% off. Woolies hasn’t done it (the 15% off) for a while. But Coles did in the Black Friday sales week, a cpl of mths back.

      • Thanks mate. Assuming the max value is $100, how many can I add to cart through Apple?

        I am looking at a 5k computer from them

        • Buy 10 on the various ones. That’s 10 x $500 max on each card. I mainly do my groceries at Woolworths, so u can get 10 Apple giftcards max p/day at Woolies. It’s only 5 per day @ Coles, that if u have the Fly Buys card. But I don’t know if they have various ones from $20-$500 on. Otherwise you’ll have to get 25 x $200 Apple giftcards. That’ll take u 5 days. They generally sell out everyday generally by the Friday. Especially in the Sydney suburbs.

  • Time to stock up Apple gift cards for subscriptions!

    • iCloud / Apple Music. Or Streaming services?

      • Apple Music subscription plans 🤗🤗🤗

  • +3

    Last gift card I purchased had been tampered, the serial numbers didn't match and there were several characters scratched off the slip inside. Thankfully Apple support helped me out, hopefully I was on it quick enough that the scammer never redeemed the code before Apple cancelled it. The FAQ says to open the gift card packaging before purchase, but I'm guessing Colesworth wouldn't like this if they caught you?

    • but I'm guessing Colesworth wouldn't like this if they caught you?

      Open the card in the aisles away from staff and verify the numbers match there. Colesworth staff are there to clock in and clock out. They do not care whatsoever.

      • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Last purchase of 4x$500 gift cards got tempered. Still waiting on a refund :(

    • What store was your purchase?

    • Should’ve checked while in store, like I did.

  • 1 point per $1 spent 2000 points=10 flybuy dollars.

    20x means
    Flybuys Points: $40 = 400 not
    Flybuys Points: $20 = 400 as the post said and so on…..

    • I have updated the deal description to reflect the terms and conditions as shown in the Coles catalogue. The section you were previously quoting now says this:

      $20 = 400 Flybuys Points; $30 = 600 Flybuys Points; $50 = 1,000 Flybuys Points; $100 = 2,000 Flybuys Points; $200 = 4,000 Flybuys Points.

      • 20x points should give 10% of the purchase price as flybuy dollars. The conversion in the description is only 5%

        • +2

          Can you please explain how you calculated that to be 5%?

          “20x points” means you earn 20 points for every $1 you spend on Apple gift cards through this deal. For example:

          • If I spend $20 on Apple gift cards, I will earn 20x20 = 400 Flybuys points. 400 Flybuys points is equivalent to $2 in Flybuys dollars, which is 10% of the purchase price (or gift card face value) returned to you in the form of Flybuys dollars.

          • If I spend $100 on Apple gift cards, I will earn 100x20 = 2000 Flybuys points. 2000 Flybuys points is equivalent to $10 in Flybuys dollars, which is what you stated in your first comment. Again, that is 10% of the purchase price returned to you in the form of Flybuys dollars.

          • +1

            @WookieMonster: you are right, i keep thinking 400 Flybuys points is $400. sorry to waste your time.

  • +1

    Just bought one $100 tampered gift card, luckily got refunded immediately at Coles reception this time.

    When looking at gift card package closely, this time they scratched off the last 2 digits above the barcode on the external packages.

    Of course it completely mismatches the code inside and it will be much harder when you try to raise a case with Apple as you won’t know the original full code on the package for Apple trace it.

    So another tip for you guys is to check theres no scratch off on the external package when purchasing the Apple gift card

  • Just confirming these can used in-store and online at Apple?

    • Yes, you load them into your Apple account and you can use that to purchase online or in-store at Apple.

  • I just purchased 5x variable Apple gift cards at Coles Kew (High Street) with $500 each (Total of $2500 - Max per day for flybuys points benefit) and all were fine and loaded into my account no problem. No tampering on the ones I purchased.

    Is the tampered cards more of a Sydney issue?

    • Also just wanted to mention that they gave me a piece of paper about gift card scams and after the 2nd Apple card (over $1000) they needed a Coles supervisor to approve the next gift card purchases.

      Apple also offered me 2 months free Apple TV every card I redeemed. I declined them all and then later received a email which gave me the option to redeem the 2-month Apple TV offer anytime before Oct 2025. I haven't had Apple TV in a long time and don't use it so not sure if everyone gets the same offer or if targeted.

    • +1

      They sure are, in Sydney suburb areas. I went to around 5 Woolworths when the last 20x pts was on, and they had problems with the dodgy situation. So they took them all off the shelves. As many thought that they sold out.

  • Good luck finding any in Sydney. Been to 6 of them and only the smaller denominations. One store flat refuses to sell them anymore due to all the issues they’ve had. Bring back the digital 10% off

    • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • +1

    Couldn’t find any in Sydney.. Only $20 left, enough to make $100

    Been to 3 stores..

    • Thank you for sharing the info. Good luck mate!

  • I have purchased 3 gift cards , 2 of $200 value and one with $500 ( variable loaded with $500) from
    Coles. They did not allow to open before buying. We came home and opened those. Both $200 cards had $100 value in side and code were scratched. Then we when to Coles rouse hill from where we purchased those to returned. The counter lady called manager and to the surprise manager said it’s not possible whereas there are lots of complaints online. Anyway Coles lady asked us to call Coles store help line as money is with Apple. By this time it was past 6pm and they close at 6pm.
    We contacted Apple Apple said contact the store where you purchased as inside cards are of different value.
    Today contacted Coles not they asked few images of cards and receipts. Now Coles treating us as if we tampered those to pay of some debt. It’s still under investigation.
    I’m feeling like robed. And think have a police complaint for a record.
    What option do I have ?

    • That is terrible. I say keep making a fuss and escalating, they will have to help eventually

  • +1

    Bought nearly 5k worth in the last 2 days. Opened them in store before paying to check for discrepancies and added funds to Apple account while in shop. No issues

  • +2

    Bought 15 gift cards from Broadway Coles, no issues. Supervisor told me that they are now keeping all Apple gift cards at front service desk, they never go on the shelves. She showed me the fresh package from Apple before she opened it. Not much left but still some there if anybody is desperate.

  • How long does the 20x bonus points gets banked in? I got the base points but im missing the bonus. It used to come together at the same time after 1-2 days of purchase

    • +1

      Last time it took about a week.

  • +1

    Heads up. I didn’t initially get the 20x points on the variables cards, so I reached out to flybuys. First response was that variable cards weren’t eligible as per their T&Cs. So I sent screenshots of the catalogue literally showing the variable card, with nothing in the T&Cs about it not being eligible. Then I magically received the bonus points.

    So if you bought variable cards and are still waiting on the bonus points, maybe reach out to customer service

    • Had the same issue with variable cards purchased. No bonus points awarded, thanks for the heads up!

  • First tampered experience - Bought a $200 card from Coles today in Sydney - Last 2 digits were scratched off, case logged with Apple. Called the store to inform them they had tampered cards on the shelf, they couldn't have seemed more disinterested.

  • Hi, there all. Id just like to ask how long do the bonus point reflect on your flybuys account?

    • Day or two in my case

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