Meletrix BOOG75 Hall Effect Switch Wired Keyboard - Shockwave (6975669182210) - saving up to 37% of LED power consumption
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Surcharges: 0% direct deposit, 0.9% card, 1% on all other payments.
Meletrix BOOG75 Hall Effect Switch Wired Keyboard - Shockwave (6975669182210) - saving up to 37% of LED power consumption
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Surcharges: 0% direct deposit, 0.9% card, 1% on all other payments.
Why not just price it into the item?
And then charge the surcharge
What a strange thought process. That expensive things should have free shipping.
Because the cost of postage only depends on how much an item costs. Not it's weight. Or dimensions. Or distance it needs to be sent.
I've had nothing but good experiences. Bought most of my PC parts from them.
Umart are surcharging now? Reaaaaalllly.
Who'd have thought BOOGers would cost $300+ damn
If you've got some time there's this that seems to justify the price…some keyboard nerd Not sure I'm convinced…
Why the downvote? We don't see others downvoting $2K watches now, do we? How is this any different?
I’d go one of these instead…
Hall effect, wireless, cheaper and looks a lot nicer (subjective I know)
Keychron taking a page out of Mode Design's book with those wood accents - looks nice
Seems like a decent price too
The K2HE has ongoing issues with keys chattering and ghost presses if you check Keychron reddits
I would probably buy a Wooting instead now, because their software support is a lot better, but the Boog75 is easily the nicest feeling and sounding prebuilt I've used.
Why is the postage so complicated? You’d think you would get free postage for a $300 keyboard. Why surcharge too?