How Many Security Cameras & Video Doorbells Do You Have in Your House?

Just curious to know how many security cameras OzBargainers have installed.

Poll Options Sat, 01/03/2025 - 00:00

  • 109
  • 35
  • 202
  • 86
  • 27
  • 13
    20 or more


  • +11

    Just curious to know how many security cameras OzBargainers have installed.

    Why ?

    • +2

      Why not?

    • Collecting data for AFP, more camera = somthing sus inside.
      But if you are a new home buyer, more camera = neigbours to avoid :)

      • +2

        But if you are a new home buyer, more camera = neigbours to avoid :)

        I would buy the home on sale close to such neighbour, and then install even more security cameras to one up the neighbour.

        • So you can be in ACA ?

    • +2

      So he can rob you

  • +5

    In or on

    • +1

      In and on :)

    • +1

      Or at.

  • +14

    Need my google maps address and daily schedule too?!?

    • +5

      Nah just address and WiFi Password, then they can work on your daily schedule 😉

  • +1

    Postcode of property will have a big bearing on the number of security devices

    • -1

      Yes you should draw attention to how valuable your home contents are

    • I heard 7151 has a lot 😂

      • Cool! ;)

    • +2

      Especially if the postcode places you in Johannesburg.

  • +1

    30+, can confirm most of my neighbors are watching us all the time.

  • +1

    1 Doorbell and 12 Cameras covering 3 buildings and rear access off a main thoroughfare.

    • Someone must have negged you out of jealousy.

      Seriously, WTF is it anyone's business how many cameras you install on your property.

  • +1

    1 doorbell & 3 cameras around the house.

  • +3

    The fact the poll options are numbered, the votes have numbers, and the poll selections have numbers in it makes it so hard to read.

    • +2

      Just mcsquint

  • +16

    does that include the ones in the bathroom and behind the mirror as they are not for security

    • +9

      The poll is about your residence, not your investment airbnb property

  • +1

    20 or more…. :D FFS. They running a mini casino in their basement?

    5 cameras and 0 doorbells. I can see people on the camera approach. If I want to talk to them, I'll answer.

    I should get a video door bell just so I can tell the "charity trolls" to (fropanity) off from the comfort of my sofa.

    • Put a tin with a slotted lid outside the front door with a sign near it that says.

      Charity begins at home.
      All donations to go in donation tin.
      Thanks for coming.

  • +1

    1 google cam i got cheap due to an office works pricing error and 2 x used ring cameras that i swap the battery out of each weekend cos i cbf paying for hard wired cameras.

    • +5

      I am comforted that someone is watching over me :-)

    • +2

      It doesn't take much effort to have cameras on an isolated VLAN without internet access.

      • You are vastly overestimating the average home user's IT abilities there. Most of them won't even be setting up their CCTV cameras themselves.

        • +7

          You are vastly overestimating the scope of CCP surveillance.

          • -2

            @Bruceflix: Nice feel-good blanket statement backed up by absolutely nothing, bro.

            Sure, that's why the US banned the import and sale of all Chinese-made CCTV cameras in 2022. Because the risk they pose is a big nothingburger. That's why HIKVision cameras phone home to random Chinese IPs constantly. See everything else I linked to in this post.

            China is the world's premier surveillance/police state. They've had decades of unrestricted domestic spying experience to aid in perfecting their global campaign to target their adversaries' infrastructure (much of which is poorly-defended, if at all). The Chinese state is orders of magnitude more invested into expanding its surveillance capabilities in Western nations than the average dumbass home user is in protecting their privacy and cybersecurity even when they're fully aware that they're using insecure/vulnerable technology.

            VLANs at home? Lol. Good one. You try and find anyone between the ages of 16 to 60 who knows what acronym even means, that doesn't work in the IT industry.

            • @Miami Mall Alien:

              You try and find anyone between the ages of 16 to 60 who knows what acronym even means, that doesn't work in the IT industry.

              I know more that do than don't. I don't work in IT. I think I used it correctly.

              China is the world's premier surveillance/police state.

              You'll keep getting told that, as other governments, including our own, imitate the best (worst) bits.

              That's why HIKVision cameras phone home to random Chinese IPs constantly.

              It won't be random at all. And you'll find most (almost all) connected devices, whether Chinese or not, phone home from time to time.

              Everyone speaks negatively of Chinese companies for co-operating with the Communist party but few speak up against laws in Australia which force Australian tech companies to provide backdoors to the government and gag any mention of those laws being used.
              China does it, bad. Australia does it, tumbleweeds.

              Not like Australia would ever use laws like this to target journalists and whistleblowers…

              Edit: And it doesn't take much effort to have such devices on isolated VLANs… Even you said yourself, people aren't setting them up themselves, so a quick, ":can you set this up on an isolated VLAN", to the installer.

              • -3


                I know more that do than don't. I don't work in IT. I think I used it correctly.

                You need to get outside your own bubble more. "VLAN" is well beyond the comprehension of the average user.

                You'll keep getting told that, as other governments, including our own, imitate the best (worst) bits.

                No sh*t. Meanwhile, China is actively pursuing an aggressive cyberwarfare campaign against the West and is actually doing disproportionately well precisely because of the Western public's complete apathy towards this kind of next-generation warfare, because of the relative silence of politicians/media on this issue and because of the hordes of closely CCP-aligned businesses, politicians, 5th columnists and outright CCP plants in Western countries who actively sabotage their own nation's defences for the sake of profits and favours.

                The largest US tech and defence companies have had their IP stolen by Chinese hackers (in some cases multiple times), branches of US military and intelligence have been repeatedly penetrated by Chinese cyberwarfare divisions, US critical infrastructure had been compromised by the PLA for years and they've even sold compromised hardware to US government branches. The list of cyberwarfare successes the Chinese have had against Western nations is literally too long to mention at this point but sufficed to say, their capabilities are way beyond anything Joe Public imagines and anything that Western governments/media are willing to honestly and objectively report on.

                Everyone speaks negatively of Chinese companies for co-operating with the Communist party but few speak up against laws in Australia which force Australian tech companies to provide backdoors to the government and gag any mention of those laws being used.
                China does it, bad. Australia does it, tumbleweeds.

                That's a completely separate strawman argument. I don't dispute any of that but it still doesn't change the fact that Chinese technology companies are selling out their customers globally to their CCP overlords because they literally have no choice, it's a non-negotiable part of becoming a massive Chinese corporation in the same way that Australian telco carriers and ISPs cannot legally refuse to retain their customers metadata and/or share personal customer information with the government under our ridiculous national security laws because the Australian public are apathetic morons for the most part.

                Not like Australia would ever use laws like this to target journalists and whistleblowers…

                No sh*t. You're preaching to the choir.

                Edit: And it doesn't take much effort to have such devices on isolated VLANs… Even you said yourself, people aren't setting them up themselves, so a quick, ":can you set this up on an isolated VLAN", to the installer.

                Take it from someone who's worked in IT for over 10 years now. 90% of people won't be doing that. They'll expose everything directly to the Internet and not care. You can't begin to imagine how little technological literacy people have these days for anything other than using a smart phone; the public's understanding and concern for things like data privacy, Internet safety and cybersecurity has only been getting more and more apathetic as time goes on, not less, despite the risks of being ignorant on this ever-increasing. Even SMEs barely give a sh*t about any of this (largely due to cost reasons), let alone the individual. Like with most matters of actual national importance, figureheads will pay token lip service to this problem and promise the world but nothing will actually change for the better.

    • -3

      If any country was going to spy on me I would prefer it was the chinese as opposed to the US or Australia. Regardless beyond paranoia they have zero reason to spy through them and a shit load of reasons not to, like when caught it will destroy these companies.

      regardless securing these if installing yourself is a 10 second job and if you are installing yourself it is likely you know how to do that. If getting someone else to do just make sure they are competent.

      • -2

        Whataboutism 101.

        Sure mate, you go ahead and relocate to Xinjiang, the most surveilled and dystopian province of the most surveilled and dystopian state in existence and after you're inevitably disappeared into a re-education camp for something like using a VPN (which is an act of terrorism according to Chinese law), please do tell me how much you prefer Chinese concentration camps over "Western concentration camps" as you're being waterboarded, tortured, raped and sterilised while being forced to sing patriotic CCP songs.

        • Get a dictionary, you have no clue what whataboutism means lol. Reality is china cant do shit to me, the US or australia absolutely can and will. So yes i would rather be spied on by people with no abilty to imprison me regardless of how unethical or evil those people are.

  • +3

    Nice try next door neighbour

  • how many pointed at the driveway though?

  • +3

    I have one pointing at my 3D printer to make sure my house is not burning down while I head out to Aldi.

  • Get a dog

  • +3

    1 doorbell, 1 in garage for the “did I really close the garage door” times, and 3 around the house so I can make sure my cat isn’t up to too much mischief when I’m away

    • Tell me, do your "did I really close the garage door" moments mostly occur less than 100m away from your property too?

      Wife and I use to have such moments so often at our old place that when I bought a cheapie wifi camera to put in the garage so we could check remotely, my didn't get upset that I didn't consult her on the purchase. We got sick of getting to the townhouse complex entrance, then wondered if the garage was closed, and I'd reverse back down the driveway so we could check.

      Now that we're in our own house, I still have a cheap wifi camera in the garage to check out of habit even though we now don't drive off until both the garage door and driveway gate are closed.

      • Yeah its usually within 100m, but also sometimes when I'm far away. What if it just opened itself for no reason?

        I've got a wifi garage door opener with a sensor, so it notifies me if it's open/closed… but that's not enough. What if the sensor breaks? I need to physically see it.

        Totally irrational, I know.

  • Video Doorbells - 11
    front door
    back door
    side door
    5 bedrooms
    3 toliets
    1 media room
    socks dont work, need doorbells

    • +3

      I’d fall into option C

      You say that but I'd immediately think option A.

      I got cameras because I had issues with my neighbour, funnily enough, he settled down once the cameras went up.

      • I'm right there with you. My neighbors have also behaved a lot better since a couple of cameras went up. Plus, I miss fewer parcel deliveries thanks to person and vehicle notifications.

    • +4

      b) if they have a nice lawn…they are the type of person who will watch every dog walk past, and if one does a crap, they send the footage straight to council and post it to the neighbourhood facebook page. A sign saying “Smile: if you dont pick up after your dog, footage of you will be sent straight to council” is also sometimes part of the starter pack.

      I don't have a dog or a lawn but I feel if a dog owner lets their dog shit on someone's property and leaves it there, that's very irresponsible and selfish of the dog owner and it's fair to call them out.

      • +1

        I've wanted to get a camera just to find who leaves them on the footpath outside my place…. now that I've also found a couple in our backyard I'm definitely going to.

  • +3

    External areas and one in the hallway. I would never entertain the idea of having cameras in bedrooms or living areas due to the amount of potential vulnerabilities in these things.

  • +1

    External cameras… 8 including the ones built into the front lights on the house. Half of these are motion tracking PTZ cameras, one on each side of the house and a few extra battery powered ones looking at strategic locations. Some of these are floodlight cameras to double as lighting at night and has worked out real well.

    Internal is a bit of a quirky setup…

    • one is on the top floor front window sill looking down at the front fence. This is on the same brand/system as the external cameras but detection won't set off the alarms that the external system doubles as. Due to the height, we can see what is happening on the section of road in front of the house (great for observing if the garbage bins have been emptied as well as capturing the young trouble makers who leave their vodka cruiser cans all over the street).
    • the other internal cameras use a different brand… mainly for keeping an eye on the dog and checking if we've closed our garage door. Cameras not in bedrooms for obvious reasons.
  • Anyone got recommendations for cameras? Was looking at getting the Eufy ones.

    • Depends what you're looking for. Eufy is one of the better choices for wireless cameras, since they have local storage and don't require a subscription.

      Wireless cameras are easy to install, and have a fair bit of flexibility about installation locations. However, they are inherently disadvantaged by worse performance due to the limited power budget, and can sometimes miss the start of a recorded event as the camera wakes from sleep. Wireless cameras are also relatively easy to jam by malicious actors to prevent recording. And finally, wireless cameras tend to be expensive as they need to include solar panels and/or batteries.

      Wired cameras are typically cheaper, and the hardware is usually superior since they have an unlimited power budget. They can record 24/7 with sufficient storage provided, and they never sleep so they don't miss anything. They generally will not require a subscription since all their storage is local. And their signals are much harder to jam since the cables are harder to interfere with. However, they are more difficult to install and may require assistance from a professional cabler, and there are some places where it's simply non-feasible to install a wired camera.

      There's no such thing as a camera package that's perfect for a generic installation, and a bit of careful thought about what you want to achieve, how much you're willing to spend, setting your expectations accordingly and getting some good advice will yield a much better result.

    • I thought Wyze was pretty crap, but then I saw the prices of the Ring subscriptions and Wyze seems like good value in comparison, even if it doesn't work a lot of the time. So not wanting to do research or learn a new system, I'd probably buy even more Wyze cameras. If I were rich, I probably would just go Ring because why not, it's what all the rich people seem to use so it must be convenient system.

      • -1

        Both Wyse and Ring are bad solutions - they're cloud based.

        Local storage should be the highest priority.

  • OzB way any bargain basement type.

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