[Oculus] Free VR Games: BSDXR Forklift, Therafy, Sky Climb (were $319.99, $429.99, $22.99) @ Meta


Two educational VR games, I understand to be used in training settings, but now free to enjoy in the privacy of your own home. (+Sky Climb)

BSDXR Forklift (was $319.99 as at 25-Jan-25)

Therafy (was $429.99 as at 28-Jan-25)

Sky Climb (was $22.99 as at 18-Jan-25, previously had 50-90% off)

I can't speak to the prior pricing value or how long they'll remain free, but have played BSDXR Forklift, and plays very much like DigVR (which is also excellent). Albeit, no progression saves. It's interesting, and either way, a steal for $0.00!

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Referral: random (459)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

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  • +1

    Having a look, Therafy may have in-app subscription service attached; unfortunately at work for the day without access to headset - will need to confirm once home.
    BSDXR Forklift certainly does not have any subscriptions.

    • +4

      It does say on Therafy page that subscription is required.


      • +3

        60 bucks a month, tell him he's dreamin'

      • Loaded it up this evening/morning - its 4am, doesn't look to be any options of subscriptions in the experience; unless I skipped through and am on some trial (didn't take any payment details, and Meta isn't showing any subscriptions).
        Therafy is 1.2GB however; looks and feels alright, but feels like slow, and not all too exciting progression (I do have a son with autism who is quite young, maybe he'd feel its more beneficial than I do as its a 'catered experience', but still a few years out from allowed to use the technology!). Painting 'therapy' seems okay (but Vermillion does it way better); as far as I could tell; it doesn't require a subscription to access free content.

  • +3

    Are the decimal points for those original prices in the wrong spot?…..

    • +5

      Generally Meta Quest apps are priced between $14.99 - $59.99, but there are definitely some outliers - most of them are not intended for home users, corporate training for example - some applab ones might be indie developers having a joke.

      There is a 2 week/2 hour refund window on most Meta apps, but why take the risk, when it's now moved to free! :)

  • +5

    Therafy looks truly harrowing. The bulging eyes the stiff limbs. Just watching the intro video is enough to make someone want medical assistance.
    But it's not all bad, with the $429.99 I saved I can put it towards professional assistance or a new Oculus controller when I peg it against the wall in frustration.

    • +5

      Why put it towards professional assistance when you can self medicate by inappropriately driving and deliberately misusing a VR forklift for free?

  • Shall I paste these into Games that taught you skills?

    I was surprised when "Sky Climb" wasn't vocational training for skyscraper window cleaners 🥲

  • +1

    thanks OP. I always wanted to learn how to operate a forklift and or a crane.

  • Aaand now I have a meta account, now just need a quest3 deal lol

    • But the problem is that you may no longer be eligible to receive the $47 signup bonus a referral normally generates if you decide to go ahead with a Quest headset purchase. Not 100% sure on that though.

      • Still eligible, $47 referral is tied to registration of new devices (make sure you accept one of the 'random' OzBargain referrals beneath Meta deals before activating a headset for free $$!)

  • So now I can do stupid forklift stuff without jeopardizing my career as a forklift driver….. My try and simulate real world stupid into this VR to see if it truely is VR.

  • +1

    Now i will be on my way to being forklift certified. :)

    • +4

      *VR forklift certified haha

      • Gonna go play me some fortnight

  • Whats the hourly rate of the forklift driver?

    • +2

      In Australia, forklift drivers can earn between $27 and $39 per hour, depending on the location and the type of work.

      • +4

        Haha thanks for the explanation, I missed on typing VR , I intended to say how much is the hourly rate of a VR forklift driver .

        • would be a decent "fk all" rate

        • depend if you are training an AI to do it.

  • +3

    Now just need around five grand to buy a used forklift which I never thought I needed but hey at least this saved me three hundred bucks.

    Cheers OP! 🍻

  • +5

    exactly what i want after 8 hours warehouse shift coming back home into my quest 3

    • I wanna go on the yardwork simulator!

  • +1

    The VR Forklift is actually pretty good!

    The kids are actually having a go moving crap around :)
    There's no 'scoring' like a normal game, but for a sim its pretty good!

  • Just FYI - these are supposedly for Quest 2 or later.

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