• expired

20x Everyday Rewards Points on Apple Gift Cards in-Store (Limit 10 Gift Cards Per Member) @ BIG W

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+Offer Limited to 10 gift cards per member. Points can take up to 7 business days from the date of purchase to be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card.

Rewards Points $20 = 400, $30 = 600 , $50 = 1000, $100 = 2000, $200 = 4000, Variable Gift Card $1 spend = 20x Rewards Points

Offer available 30/01/2025 to 05/02/2025. Available In store Only.

Make sure you check your Apple gift cards for signs of tampering before you pay for them. See the Gift Card FAQ for more information.

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Everyday Rewards


  • +6

    I just don't see buying Apple GCs worth it with all these reports of tampering. Known problem for a long time now yet Apple refuse to even acknowledge the issue let alone do anything about it.

    • +1

      Yeah, that's why I didn't bother. I prefer 20% or X% discount on online Apple gift-cards emailed direct

    • +5

      Just open them and redeem in store if worried. Hard for staff to argue with you then.

      • +4

        That's exactly what I do because I only buy the cards for personal use. Rip it open, check the serial numbers match, pay for it, then redeem it into my account straight away.

        • don't let the "don't drink the drink you're buying till after you've paid for it" brigade found these comments..

    • +1

      My local Big-W have them behind the counter so its safe.

  • -1

    Playing russian roulette

  • +2

    For those in Sydney CBD: don't bother trying at the Town Hall Big W, they don't stock them.

  • -3

    Will stock up to pay my tax debt.

    I always get that call from ATO in July every year threatening jail time. And they are kind enough to accept apple GCs as a payment method

    • +2

      Yep. I do that too. But somehow they always ring me again during the same financial year saying that the payment didn't go through. I end up paying again. Definitely, there's something wrong with Apple.

    • +2

      they asked me for Google Play GCs

      this would be perfect time to stock up https://freepoints.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/29-jan-…

  • -3

    Cool more I can pay off my tax debt I keep getting calls about…

  • -2

    Can you ATO with these. How?

    • +2

      Mark Jones will call you from the Authorised ATO indian call centre.

  • What is the tampering that is scaring you all? I purchased a $100 card from Woolworths the other week when they were doing the points thing. The card worked fine for me. What was I supposed to be wary of?

    • +2

      Scammers steal unactivated Apple gift cards from stores, damage or swap out the redemption codes inside and then place them back on shelves for unsuspecting consumers to purchase. When you buy one of these tampered Apple gift cards, you're paying to activate a code that only the scammer has access to.

      What you're supposed to do is open the gift card before you pay for it so that you can check that the serial number for the sheet on the inside matches the one on the outside. You should also check that the redemption code hasn't been altered (this could be as subtle as changing an L to look like an I).

      See the Gift Card FAQ for more information.

      • -3

        For real? You're saying that somebody is able to somehow reseal the card? And also they are able to steal and then replace these cards instore without security cameras catching them? Sorry I do not believe this.

        • They indeed do this, but it's difficult to catch them in the act, unless you set up a sting operation.

    • +2

      I got burnt 2 weeks ago on the 20x Rewards @ Woolies, I tried to redeem at the checkout as soon as it was paid for.. serials didn't match.
      Spent 45 minutes at the front desk to be told nothing they can do.. speak to Apple.
      Spoken to 4 different people at Apple.. still ongoing to get resolved.

      The guy at Woolies checked, every single gift card on the shelf except 1 had serials which didn't match. That's apparently how they received them in the store.

      • Yes I bought a variable $500 gift card and the card claim code was damaged. Luckily the counter was able to refund me.

  • If i have 10% off at big W.
    Can I use that for these and still get the points?

    • +1

      Your 10% off wont work for buying GC.

  • +1

    Just went to BigW in Warringah Mall and all gift cards been tampered with. Some even got the code scratched out. All still have seal and look fine from outside.

    Unfortunately, we paid before checking so getting the store to fix these now.

    Last week bought a 15 cards from Woolies and they were all ok.

  • Just bought and redeemed $200 x8 Apple GC from Bankstown Central. To my surprise they all went through, redeemed less than 5 mins from purchase!

    Initially I thought they were all sold out but they had a total of 3 places they sold the GC’s! Tip: try the one right before the checkouts for your best bet. I found the $200’s there.

    I know it’s only 10% off but still better than nothing, can pair with TRS and that’s 20%. Thanks OP.

  • Multiple gift cards available at BigW Merrylands and Liverpool. However please go to the service desk to pay as they kept on getting declined. The guy at the merryland’s service desk was really helpful to revert the payment. Bought macbook pro with the gift cards.

  • With all the reports of tampered gift cards, they really should only be sold at the service counter. Or simply just be sold online and delivered via email.

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