• expired

American Tourister Light Max 82cm Suitcase $151.20 + Delivery ($0 to Most Areas) @ Pera Luggage


I got my The Iconic order cancelled for the American Tourister Light Max 69cm (About $ 93) so I went looking.

Pera Luggage has the cheapest at the moment for $ 168 with free delivery. Comes down to $ 151.20 with the code. Other sizes available too.

Code valid for "first time' customers.

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Pera Luggage
Pera Luggage


  • +4

    4 kg

    • +2

      Good idea to look at PC polycarbonate suit case far stronger .

  • +3

    Try American Tourister Applite Large (82 Cm)which weighs @3Kgs (soft shell though). Have two of these and loved them so far!

  • Is this categorised as oversize luggage for check in bags?

    • Never had any issues with overseas travel to Europe (Qantas, Etihad, Finnair). No one measured. I think it's oversized in the US.

      • I see. I'm flying with budget airline soon and I've read reviews that they'll squeeze every penny out of you on your check in luggage to make up for the money saved on flying budget… Trying to make sure I don't go over the size limit I guess.

        • All allowed sizes are on their websites usually.

  • Can anyone recommend a light and durable one please?

    • nere bondi is pretty good and durable

    • I think light, durable, cheap pick 2 is the deal here

      In terms of rigidity, strength & weight from my research:
      Polycarbonate > Polypropylene > ABS

      ABS is cheapest.

    • Samsonite C-lite or Fire-lite

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got an Airconic 77 in yellow to make up for my denied lime Proxis from the Iconic.

    • Would have loved that one for the weight, but the Mrs said that color is a no. 😅

  • Suitcases still available in some colours.

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