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[PC, Steam] Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown $8.49 (90% off) @ Steam


Do you want to be a fighter pilot in the comfort of your own desk!? Do you have the need, the need for speed!? Now's your chance! Made by Bandai Namco.

Played this recently, although short, it was a fun game and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Plenty of DLCs available (not included in this deal), including a Top Gun Maverick one (50% off - $15.97).

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  • +1

    Yes and yes

    • +2

      Just don't buzz the tower!

  • +1

    Wicked game, great on Steam Deck as well.

  • -1

    is it like the part in halo where you fly a plane?

    • -1

      No, better than that useless overrated and over-hyped turd.
      Ace Combat series is a matterclass, embarrassing that you comparing them!

  • Everytime you post on here, it's like you're flying with a ghost, man.

    +1 for the obligatory Top Gun reference…

  • How long is the single player campaign? Also worht buying this to play on keyboard/mouse? Or is this more of a joystick thing?

    • +1

      The campaign is really long. I think there's maybe 20 missions, and they can take 1 hour each. You'll probably die in them so the campaign can take ages. It's absolutley fine on KB/M, the game is kinda an arcade flier so you don't need that much control.

    • +1

      Ive only ever played with a ps5 controller, which works well. Im sure KB and Mouse would be just fine.

      • Oh yeah forgot about that, I guess I could just use controller.

    • Yes, 20 missions as mentioned by naturaldecay.

      I played with keyboard and mouse. I would advise changing sensitivity to high or have a large area, so easier to manoeuvre the plane.

  • Thanks! Grabbed this and Dark Souls 3 for 50% off too.

  • Unfortunately not a great PC port.

    • -1

      Tried to get into this but something always felt off. Once I got stuck on a certain mission, it was not worth it.

      • +4

        You’ve lost that lovin’ feelin'…

        • It had more to do with how the story was being forced upon and uncanny valley of unlikable characters. I still remember one of the earlier ace combat games without a story and aliens more exciting. Guess, when you make 7, the passion from the creator is missing. Edit, they made way more than 7 and I think I am remembering ace 3 (independence day feel)

  • Would love to see some Unspacey decals applied to some f-14s for the win.

    • Or better yet some state of the art veratech fighters.

  • An awful lot of DLC. Looks like all just plans for PvP so probably not important. And a season pass that was limited.

    Assuming at some point a complete edition may make an appearance.

  • Very tempting.

    I don't have anything similar to Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X on PC.

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