This is the original price:
Same Day Return from Fremantle (B-Shed or Northport)
Adult 84.50
Concession 79.50
There's also different prices for teens, kids and family.
Same Day Rottnest return from Perth (Barrack Street Jetty, Elizabeth Quay)
Adult 125.50
Concession 121.50
Note, work peeps came from Perth, it's 1.5hr trip, I came from Fremantle (B-Shed) near Freo station and it's only 0.5hr. Second time we came from Northport - uber/drive only location that looks like the Docklands. We went recently in Nov, feel free to ask questions. Our biggest tip: Do not go on a full moon, last boat back of the night on a weekend, unless you enjoy being trapped at a pub you can't leave.
A day trip to Rottnest for a family with two young kids costs around $400 just for the boat, plus another $200 for the bus. It ends up being quite expensive and out of reach for many families, including ours.
Aren’t there usually 25% off deals from places like EB or Hello Perth? We’d love to visit again one day if it’s more affordable! Maybe the state government could consider subsidizing the trip, similar to what they’ve done with public transport and the museum. In the meantime, it seems like better value for money to visit places like Scarborough or Cottesloe Beach instead—but to each their own!