Amazon are price matching Coles.
Bundaberg Ginger Beer 24x 375ml
Bundaberg Diet Ginger Beer 12x 375ml
Amazon are price matching Coles.
Bundaberg Ginger Beer 24x 375ml
Bundaberg Diet Ginger Beer 12x 375ml
Was it alive?
39.8 g of sugar, bloody cheap !!!
Bundaberg Diet Ginger Beer 12x 375ml
thats the deal here
What do they use instead, Aspartame?
Who knows, tastes 99% the same
Sweeteners 950, 951, and 955 are artificial sweeteners with the following names: Acesulphame K (950): A commonly used artificial sweetener in Australia Aspartame (951): An artificial sweetener found in products like Equal • Sucralose (955): A synthetic sweetener found in products like Splenda
It's a story of grammar errors and I
leave my grammar out of this - God Rest Her Soul …
Does the Coles special start tomorrow?
Does anyone else feel the diet ginger beer taste like snails? 😅 the full sugar ones must cover up the taste.
I don’t want to hear any sugar comments. In this house normal ginger beer is hero end of subject !