• expired

½ Price: Connoisseur Ice Cream Varieties 1L $6 (Was $12) | Tim Tam Biscuit Varieties 165-200g $3 (Was $6) @ Coles


1/2 Price Connoisseur Ice Cream 1L and Tim Tam Biscuit (165-200g) varieties in the upcoming catalogue 29/01 - 04/02.

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  • +14

    Tim tams now $6! That's 50% more than pre covid… ($4)

    • +6
    • +1

      but but but… inflation is going dOwN !?…. right? right?!

      • Disinflation is not the same thing as deflation

      • Inflation RATE is going down but it's still inflation not deflation

        • this clarification has left me deflated

    • +8

      It's what they call price jack.

      The simple fact is Australian made Tim Tams are cheaper in New Zealand than Australia. A packet at Pak'n'save cost $4.65 ($4.21 aud) regular price, although it's special is 2 for $5 ($4.52 aud or $2.26 per packet). New Zealand also has 15% gst compared to 10% and although their minimum wage ($23.50/$21.26 aud) is lower it is by that much ($24.10 for Australia).


      • 😠

      • yeah, i remember going to NZ 20yrs ago and realising Australian beer was 25% cheap and at the supermarket…. so backwards

        • That could be related to excise, but I just put in this example as theoretically it should be more expensive in New Zealand as it has to be imported.

    • How is it from the top trusted brands to the top distrusted brands? Red and Green brothers.

    • +1

      Manufacturers and retailers charge the maximum price they believe they can get away with without affecting sales.

      • +1

        And it is working very nicely.

        Because they know suckers will pay regardless!!

        • Meh. i haven't bought 36 pack coon cheese from coles ever since they tried jacking it up to $18 and WW didnt follow suit so they dropped it to $15… Or when WW/coles jacked up their branded milk, followed by jacking up all other brands of milk as everyone was buying branded milk coz the price difference was negligible
          If everyone followed through you would see price drops for sure.

  • +10

    Constantly just artificial, cancerous garbage on special…

    • +2

      In terms of healthy eating, this week's specials are rubbish for both Coles and Woolworths

    • It's normal to eat ice cream during summer, especially it's hotter these days in Sydney …

  • +2

    Im so glad I have legit reason to avoid Timtams (gluten) so i dont have to feel so bad boycotting buying jacked up rip off prices 🤣
    But wait, CADBURY blocks are now $7.00 shelf price 💥

    • Yep saw that $7 and just loved ( woolies)

      • +3

        Loved or laughed? 🫢🤣

        • There is GF version but for more $$$

          • +3

            @trixieb: Yeah ik 🤡
            I’ll stick with my 50cents broccoli bunch from spudshed and snack on that instead 🕺

        • Oops spellcke

      • The new digital pricetags at Woolies always make me do a double take.

        The price says "$15" when you glance past the shelf and the "3 for" is in teeny tiny letters

    • People can buy Timtam knockoff from Aldi (Just Divine) and it's cheaper …

      Cacao is getting more expensive according to news … But I have got heaps of free expensive chocolate bars from David Jones 😋 with new accounts to get $10 rewards, even $15 rewards last Christmas month.

      • +1

        Always makes you wonder when the news push <raw ingredient> shortage/price increase. Almost feels like it's a paid article by ColesWorth to justify their price increase.

  • V8 range vegetable juice also increases to RRP $6. now that's a total rip off

    • Havent seen anyone buy this in years lol

  • I tried the Coles brand irresistible vanilla ice cream. i actually think its better than conny and has more vanilla throughout it without being artificial tasting. haagen is still no1 for me but exxy af

    • The coles one is frozen dessert and others are ice cream? What's the difference between two? Planning to try coles one now.

      • +1

        From what I understand it is the ingredients used. If you look the dessert will have less milk/cream. They use other stuff to make it like ice cream. The other term I have seen used is ice confectionary

        Soft serve is like frozen dessert

      • +2

        The Coles Irresistable range is ice cream, the Coles Simply range is frozen dessert.

        The difference is milk fat - to be classed as ice cream in Australia, it must contain 10% milk fat.by weight (since 1991, according to ChatGP)

        Coles Simply contains coconut oil to make up the fat content, Streets Blue Ribbon (which used to be my favourite) apparently replaced a bunch of the milk fat with vegetable oil (which is apparently a lot worse for you than most oils, even coconut oil), and the taste is totally different… it only happened in the last 18 months or so, as it still appears in the Choice top ice creams list (though I think they've removed references to it being an ice cream, it still appears in the photo)

        What I still find misleading is when you see "such and such ice creamery" selling a "vanilla dessert" product. Norco is particularly guilty of that. There's a big blurb on the side of the pack about how they've been making ice cream for 70 years… and then it's not ice cream in the tub.

        I don't mind the Coles Irresistable range - pretty decent ice cream. The Bulla Murray St Bannoffee was my favourite (it's been replaced by biscoff, then by lemon curd in that range), though I generally find Bulla ice cream products to lack richness. Sara Lee Hokey Pokey is my go-to. I'm yet to find a vanilla to replace the Streets Blue Ribbon for creamy flavour.

        • I hereby anoint you as Ozbargain's official ice cream expert.

          Edit: have you tried Aldi's Kapiti range of ice cream and if so, what do you think?

          • @gyrex: I second the appointment :)

          • +1

            @gyrex: Tbh I mostly learnt the basics of that from ozb, and then last time the connoisseur ice cream was on special this debate raged, and I went on a bit of a quest to figure out what happened to my favourite, because I'd heard they had changed the recipe, but wasn't sure if that was Internet rumour - or if maybe just the food standards definition had changed, or if the definition had always been that way but they finally enforced it… but they did change the recipe: "Unilever — the British parent company of Streets — responded that the ingredients had been changed slightly to deliver a smoother texture and reduce shrinkage in the tub when it is moved in and out of the freezer."

            I tried the Kapiti Vanilla Bean in my quest for a creamy vanilla replacement, but I find vanilla bean tastes different to vanilla. It's almost more of a french vanilla flavour, which is fine enough on its own, but I found there was some quality about the old Streets Blue Ribbon Vanilla Ice Cream that made it combine REALLY well with strawberries and/or ice magic. The creaminess of it was sublime. Now, I dunno, it just tastes gross.

            Don't think I've tried the rest - I tend to prefer caramel, honeycomb and/or banana flavours in my ice cream, so affogato/cookies and cream/plum/fudge/chocolate/etc aren't at the top of my list to try. Even with salted caramel, I prefer vanilla with a caramel swirl to caramel ice cream. It's all just a personal preference thing at a certain point

            Edit: I also don't like nuts in my ice cream, which a lot of the conossieur ice creams had until recently - hazelnut & murray river salted caramel; caramel honey macadamia; etc. They seem to have added a bunch of new non-nut flavours to their range which I gave a shot when they were $5. It's okay, but I found them pretty topping-heavy.

            Also Edit: I will say that Coles has been pretty good at making quality ice cream with interesting flavours at a very competitive price point, for years now, and they used to have flavours that you wouldn't normally see on aussie shelves.

        • Superb one mate. Thanks for the details

  • Company revenues should be increasing due to inflation

    • Only if they can buy their ingredients and other costs of running a company without inflation

    • I believe banks are the main winners with inflation. They create the money they loan and are allowed to charge interest on it.
      If their borrower is a government they pass the repayments on to the state or country.

      Meanwhile all this extra money weakens the buying power of the money in our pockets.

  • I won't buy Tim Tam at $3, so Aldi's Just Divine (Tim Tam knockoff) for me if I want ;-)

    I like Connoisseur ice cream, so I'll buy it 😋

    • Aldi doesn't sell all the flavours of Tim Tam though. Prefer Tim Tam.

      No Aldi dupe of Connoisseur? Lol

      • +1

        Aldi only sells similar original flavour (Just Divine brand). I like Tim Tam's Cafe Grande though, last time bought at $2.75 when on sale …

      • +1

        In Woolworths there's Gelativo brand (gelato, not ice cream) with coffee flavour 1L at $6.5 normal price … Not bad to replace Connoisseur's Cafe Grande 1L when not on sale :P

        They have other flavours like sorbet mango, passionfruit, and sorbet lemon lime.

      • Aldi's premium range of ice cream is Kapiti (made in NZ) and it's absolutely beautiful. Normal price is ~$7/1kg.

  • $3 for a standard pack of Tim Tams…nah.

    • Yeah nah

      Aldi's Just Divine then :P

  • $5 was the sweet spot

  • A pity the post says today, so I went in. It's not till tomorrow… I'm in WA, so it's probably a daylight saving thing

    • I'm in Perth too. Mine says "LATER TODAY".

    • Coles/Ww catalogues always start Wednesdays

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