- 3mths use via $20 referral + extra $7 payment - credit/thanks to @WatchNerd…
Terrible service!
You're much better off going with ALDI that uses same Telstra network but with better customer service. My data seems to mysteriously drain with Belong no matter how much I get and then when I try to recharge my prepaid plan early they don't allow that!
You can only buy overpriced data to top up (minimum $10) rather than being able to recharge your prepaid plan early.
Absolute scam of a service, stay away.
All of Belong Mobile's plans are postpaid mobile plans only, $10 can buy at least 100GB…
This is an absolute lie. I am currently out of data and the only option I have is $10 for 5GB. Happy to provide screenshots.
It is correct! You can buy data cheap from people here or on eBay (currently 100GB for $8.50).
Pm me your Belong number, I will send you 10GB data and you can pay me $1 later
@vinzchang: Thank you for the offer but I'm changing over to ALDI. I never had to worry about buying data from strangers using ALDI.
I appreciate your kindness but I don't think having to rely on buying data from random providers is an appropriate or sustainable solution for me, plus opens up the potential for scammers.
All the best to you.
@vinzchang: jb22's only interest is in complaining & blaming!
Rather than be an adult & take responsibility for their decision & conditions they signed up for, they blame Belong as a SCAM!
Very childish!
Best not to enable that poor behaviour.
Current & long time Belong user
Have used most providers for years. But never ALDI - doesn't suit my low budget use. Used to be a good option for some, before changes.
Found Belong Customer Service good - able to get through by phone quickly at time when Telstra wasn't available. Resolved my problems.
Once data allowance for month is used up you still have (slowed) internet access until next billing date, unlike most other cheap providers
Received this SMS (19/1/25)
"Hello. you're out of data. You still have an internet connection but it'll be very slow until (next billing date) 02/02/25. Get back to normal speeds now by logging into your account and adding more data: Thanks Belong."
(Didn't pay $10 to top up data.)
Am using Belong now to send this😉
Hardly notice the difference for my use. Fast enough to watch catchup TV, anime, etc with a few glitches. Using it as home WiFi. Done plenty of 250MB+ downloads.
All at no additional cost!!
Belong has a convenient system to share (GIFT) data! Over years, gifted up to 1TB of accumulated DATA each time transferred to new Belong account. Until it finally ran out.
If you know someone on Belong, they might gift you data to be returned later, or as suggested above - buy data from someone with too much.
And if someone uses your referral code, you both receive $20.
Received $20 yesterday! Almost another prepaid month - FREE🎉
Absolute scam of a service
After years using Belong - I'm happy with it. Written about budget SIM use here for over 8 years including a Wiki.
Seems like you panicked rather than understand how to get the best out of Belong😒
I don't know what kind of apps you use to barely notice a difference but I can tell you that social media is not usable on the slowed down connection nor is anything beyond music streaming or Google Maps. Crazy how people will defend terrible companies.
Also your solution for their bad service is to ask people to donate data to you? lol
So upset by facts! It's just your problem🤔
Guess you have reception problems if you can't access social media etc. Not a problem for me.
Am also out of data… Social apps unaffected .
Have been accessing all the regular services like streaming services, downloads, Google Maps, music just as easy as when had full internet service. Same with other apps.
Movies do have glitches - but that can happen when many are accessing mobile data locally at same time with good internet access.
No I don't ask for a donation of Data - we help each other in circumstances like that
But no need for more internet service than I'm getting free at the moment from Belong.
Cry & neg someplace else!
@INFIDEL: Doubt I'm having reception problems, I'm using a new iPhone and traveled across multiple suburbs in Victoria and still terrible internet speed when out of data. Even streaming music isn't seamless, it lags so I'm not sure how we are having such different experiences. And as I mentioned above, the only option to top up data is $10 for 5GB which is crazy expensive.
not sure how we are having such different experiences
Reception is always different in different areas & times of day.
Often commented on in various telco posts. Not just a Belong issue!
Likely due to number of users & their high use at towers near you, distance or obstructions between you & towers.
Works great for some but terrible for others on same network. Irrespective of any restriction on Data speed.
Normally don't get reception at local Westfield shops. Staff just say "So you're with Telstra". Just change to store's wifi or walk to entrance for reception.
If you don't know about reception problems in different areas & time of day - you are very inexperienced!
Music steaming is seamless for me on restricted Belong data.
Using a new phone - wonder if settings are correct?
Even I stuffed up & changed a setting last week.
Thought Belong had turned off my Hot Spot…
As use mobile for home Wi-Fi - was very concerned.
No it was my mistake when I turned on Data Saver to restrict data usage hoping to speed restricted data.
Changed setting - back to streaming music videos etc on TV.
the only option to top up data is $10 for 5GB
Wrong again!!
As already pointed out but you ignored…
Data can be bought elsewhere. eBay sellers have 100GB for $8.50-9. Gifted very quickly.
Its not a scam as you mistakenly claim…
If you don't want to understand Belong (month to month post paid service, but paid up front, requiring termination of service or port number - otherwise charged for next month) - best to go to a simpler to understand prepaid provider.
For most - it's a great service owned by Telstra, with some great benefits.
Back to watching videos on Belong restricted Data😄
@INFIDEL: Funny how you keep resorting to personal attacks and trying to label me as inexperienced and unaware.
You are literally suggesting people buy data from strangers online to make up for the company's terrible service and practices.
I'd rather go back to ALDI and not have to worry about buying data online from strangers and risk losing money to dodgy online sellers. The reason I left ALDI for Belong was because Belong had 5G and ALDI only 4G at the time but now ALDI has 5G so no point in staying with a shitty service that's overpriced.
@jb22: Believe me, you're not funny, just happy to be ignorant & wrong.
Old adage… "None so blind as those who will not see"
But you still think that its all Belong's fault!! Definitely yours🤔
People here would have been happy to have helped you before signing up…
Did you ask for advice?? Do your research??
Seems you just want to complain😜
So expect criticism!
You don't understand how Belong works, but equate your lack of knowledge as being a SCAM by Belong!!!
How wrong can you get??
You signed up to a month to month service. Rather than a prepaid service with simpler conditions.
You didn't investigate if was suitable to your needs.
But blame Belong for your error😜
Even as you are now getting data you don't pay for!
I'm very happy with my free data (after monthly allocation was used up) - to watch videos, steam music, etc😄
You make unfounded allegations, & uninterested in learning from others with greater experience…
The fault is totally yours.
Stop crying!
Grow up & learn!
Belong should be happy you're leaving😉
@jb22: Heres proof…
That the restricted Data works!
My BELONG DATA USE since slowed data began on 19/1:
Over 30GB = 2.5GB/d
Shows I have no problems with the FREE slowed data provided! I love it!
Graph of data usage shown on $135 5G Moto G54 Android mobile - mainly used as Hot Spot for home Wi-Fi.
Used 205GB* this billing period (3d left)
*used 175GB accumulated data before restricted
Not bad on a 7GB monthly Plan!!
So don't understand what you are complaining about.
Seems a problem at your end.
But you keep denying that & claim it's a SCAM😭
BELONG is a Month to Month service - unlike Prepaid SIMs
You select your Plan with included data
Any changes to Plan don't come into effect until next billing date!
You should have read the t&c, & got to known that BEFORE signing up!! Often.discussed (by WatchNerd) at top of Deals.
Definitely not a SCAM
as you falsely claimed😜
It only showed that YOU stuffed up by not knowing what the service is!
@INFIDEL: Sweetie, it's not that serious. I don't know why you're going out of your way to defend a crappy company that provides a crappy service.
Also going out of your way to personally attack anyone with valid criticism. Chill out.
Believe it or not, not everyone has the time or capacity to constantly buy data from strangers on the internet because they are being overcharged by a crappy service.
Some people would prefer paying a simple monthly fee from a reliable service. I already switched to ALDI and it's so much better, getting a lot more data for the same price and they offer double data for the first 3 months.
I literally don't care about the company, I will go to whoever is offering the best deal.
Good luck constantly sourcing and begging for data from complete strangers because you're staying loyal to a company that couldn't give two craps about you.
@jb22: You still refuse to understand that you're wrong😖 Still just blaming others!!
With all the Belong users here - you seem the only 1 ever complaining about this…
But you never considered it is ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT!
Falsely claiming a business is a SCAM (fraudulent) is a serious matter on Ozbargain & under Law.
I just don't care about you & your lies… BUT
It is misleading to members who might believe you.
YOU are the one who made the mistake of confusing this month to month service with a prepaid SIM😜😜😜
It's your fault!!
Not anyone else's!
But you obviously are too misguided to believe YOU made the mistake!!!
What a pathetic time waster!
Guess you will keep blundering through life, not reading T&C, not seeking advice, making mistakes - then whining on that its everyone else's fault!!!
What an annoying FOOL you are!!
It's what young children do to avoid responsibility!
Businesses can take legal action against false allegations affecting their business.
(I've received a defamation threat for my warning about a business online. My wording was cautious & accurate - based on my successful action through the Ombudsman.
The website received legal threats - taking down my factual warning!!)
I provided proof (screenshots of data use) that slowed data works great for me. 2.5GB/d!
So it's a problem you should do something about. Suggested reasons, but that doesn't fit with your tirade of Blame!
You ignore anything that does not fit your false narrative😜
constantly sourcing and begging for data from complete strangers
More lies from you!!
You seem to make up anything to attack others just to support your false ideas!
I had suggested that to help YOU!
Even an offer of free Data was rejected - it didn't fit with your blame narrative!
As I've commented - got over 1TB free Data from Belong through Deals here! Never needed to source it elsewhere!
Plus lots of $20 referral credits when members used my code for $20 added to their account.
Belong offers great Deals - for those who know how to benefit from it.
You obviously don't!
Stop being a whinging baby👶
Withdraw your mistaken false claim!
It just proves what a fool you are!
YOU can't be trusted to tell the truth, instead making up stories to attack the business & others!
Hopefully others won't be misled by your false claims!!!
@INFIDEL: And there you have it….the only reason you are defending this inferior product is because YOU PERSONALLY BENEFIT from people using your code.
Hopefully people can see how abnormal your behaviour is and steer away from supporting such immature and vile tactics.
Good luck.
such immature and vile tactics.
Loll! You really don't understand, do you😜
So make another FALSE ALLEGATION!
the only reason you are defending this inferior product is because YOU PERSONALLY BENEFIT from people using your code.
What a loonie😜
This is Ozbargain where we all like extra benefits!
All Belong users can benefit from their Referral Code.
306 currently do💰
Recommended in most Belong Deals!
See link at top of Belong Deals like this!!
Received a total of $20 last month. Definitely doesn't buy my loyalty. But an occasional $20 is handy to pay for another month @$21😄
@jb22: So what did Belong say to your complaint?
You claim this is a serious matter, so a complaint to the business is always the first step.
If that fails - complain to the TIO!
When I've complained (once in over 5 years of use) to Belong, they responded very quickly.
Gave me $45 credit. Problem.solved.
So am happy with Belong Customer Service!
Otherwise all this is just a meaningless & juvenile tantrum for attention.
@INFIDEL: I did complain to them multiple times and each time they said my only option is to pay $10 for 5GB.
That was the only option I had on my app. And the slowed data for me was completely unusable beyond streaming songs or using Google Maps. For me, it was completely unusable.
The difference between you and I is that I am not accusing you of lying about your customer service experience, but I have nothing to gain from being honest.
You have a lot to gain financially from minimising the issues with the company as you have so often stated.
I won't be responding any more.
won't be responding any more.
Thank goodness for that!
Take your tantrums to the next Deal you misunderstand😜
@jb22: So you didn't even complain about what you claim was a fraudulent SCAM!!!
they said my only option is to pay $10 for 5GB
That was the only option I had on my app.
Yes, because that's how Belong works!
YOU should have known before signing up!!
As their app shows - Its a month-to-month service (NOT a prepaid SIM).
Shows you are unable to change your Plan for current month (as you though you could - to add $ to Plan).
So only option this month was to buy expensive DATA…
OR use the FREE slowed DATA!
As they explained in SMS.
Next time - ask questions, read up, rather than make a mistake & cry here how it's all a "SCAM".
Wasting members time on YOUR TANTRUM!
Cry to your mummy instead!
Otherwise we simply won't believe you!😖
@jb22: caveat emptor
Latin phrase means "let the buyer beware". It's often used in current consumer law.
What it means
The buyer is responsible for doing their own research and asking questions
No recourse under Consumer Law if the buyer doesn't do that!
Given you ignored such ancient but still relevant consumer advice…
Seems there is no helping or hope for such ignorant people.
They will keep making mistakes & blaming others for their mistakes😜