Reolink Wi-Fi Cameras - Feedback? Reliability? Issues? Things to Consider?

Hi all,

Got a few scenarios for the WiFi Reolink PTZ Cameras that I wouldn't mind seeing what the OzBargain Community has had experience with. My only experience thus far with the Reolink solutions is all POE Hardwided and using existing networks with PtP links.

Scenario One: Off-grid type solution with Starlink Mini for WiFi Connectivity for security/monitoring in Farming. No NVR, just internet connectivity.

What recording solutions are available? Cloud storage like Maybe FTP? Still send notifications etc?


Scenario Two: House Solution: external garage with Outdoor WiFi from the house (about 10 meters away), which will have NVR inside the house. 240V power available in the garage, so powering the camera won't be a problem. Just trying to avoid having a Point to Point link to this one garage for 1 camera.

Connect to the NVR all okay? Reliability all okay? Obviously, it is reliant of WiFi so if there is an issue there, then it will go offline. 2.4GHZ and 5GHZ WiFi would be available.

Anything else that I haven't thought of or need to consider?

Appreciate all input.



  • It's really all dependent on WiFi signal and position. I've had an old 410AW for years now and it was rock solid in the original position with maybe 1 or two dropouts per day for a few seconds each. I moved it to a different area for better surveillance coverage and in the new position it's super flakey. Maybe 20-30 drop outs per day now for a few minutes each time.

    • The plan was to use a TP Link Outdoor AP and it would be like 20 meters max from the Camera.

    • Did you use yours with an NVR? or just cloud based?

      • Currently using it with Scrypted

    • What caused the drop out

      I hav 4 atm no drop out yet

      • Just crappy wifi signal in that spot

        • Oh right, thought it might have been camera related. Thanks for confirming

  • if you get stuck with coverage

    Ubiquiti U7 Outdoor supports Up to 465 m² coverage.

    Ubiquiti AP's should work with regular routers in AP mode. Will need a machine/mini pc/raspberry pi to run UniFi Controller software but i think only required for initial setup or configuration.

    • Coverage isn't a problem and budget in this case doesn't allow for Ubiquiti gear.

    • To my knowledge, don't need to use controller software at all - you can connect to and configure the devices individually. The controller software does make it a lot easier and gives you history/analytics.

      • To my knowledge, don't need to use controller software at all - you can connect to and configure the devices individually.

        Yes, that is correct.

        The controller software does make it a lot easier

        100% it does.

  • Scenario One: Off-grid
    What recording solutions are available?

    You can definitely pay for cloud storage if you like, but ongoing subscriptions for storage are a scam IMO.

    Unless you're planning on recording 24/7, I'd suggest using a large capacity SD card for local storage - this would be accessible via the app. You could also send footage to FTP if you have a suitable NAS elsewhere.

    If possible, I'd still suggest using an ethernet connection to your Starlink mini rather than using WiFi.

    Scenario Two: House Solution
    Connect to the NVR all okay? Reliability all okay?

    Assuming your outdoor AP is on the same LAN as your NVR, the camera should be auto-detected by the NVR and work perfectly.

    Reliability will depend on the strength of the WiFi signal, so make sure your camera position is chosen with signal in mind - I would suggest using a phone or tablet with a WiFi signal survey app to select a good position.

    Do you have a particular camera model in mind for each of these locations?

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