2x $230 Prepaid Boost Mobile Prepaid SIM 170GB (12 Month Expiry) $415 Delivered @ Lucky Mobile


LuckyMobile appear to have some of the discontinued $230 Boost Prepaid Mobile 12 Month Sim packs available still with Sim expiry date 11-04-2026.

They are selling x2 of the $230 Starter Parks for $415. So effectively $207.50 each.

What's included:

  • $230 Boost Prepaid Simcard with a 12 month expiry
  • 170GB of data
  • Unlimited Calls
  • Unlimited SMS
  • International Calls/Messages included to a large number of countries from Australia
  • Full Telstra Retail Coverage - Not the cut down Telstra Wholesale coverage you get with the likes of Woolworths, Aldi, Belong, etc

Whats the difference between Telstra Retail and Telstra Wholesale networks?

Telstra Retail Coverage providers:
  • Telstra
  • Boost Mobile
  • JB HiFi
  • The Good Guys
Telstra Wholesale Coverage Providers:
  • Woolworths
  • Aldi
  • Belong
  • Superloop
  • Tangerine
  • More
Coverage difference

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Lucky Mobile TeleChoice
Lucky Mobile TeleChoice


  • +6

    You can get the $300 boost sims for about $240. For $35/year (~$3/month) seems like you’re better off getting those for all the extra data.

    • +7

      where can you get that?

    • What's $35/year?

      • +2

        Difference between the two boost plans after discounts.

        PM $300 sim at OW with the CellPoint $247 delivered price. Brings it down to $235ish.

        $235 for 265gb of data vs $207.50 for 170gb data.

        You decide if around an extra 100gb a year is worth the $3/month.

  • Boost no longer have this plan. I wonder how customers can use it

    • +8

      It is a prepaid starter kit - still valid.
      If you are an existing customer and want to use it, you need to get a $2 simcard from another provider, port your number out, and port it back in again on this Boost Prepaid starter kit.

  • With their reception getting worst recently, these twin pack worth no more than 300 imo.

    • +6

      Unsure how it gets worse when they are on the Telstra Retail network?
      Perhaps there has been towers being upgraded/maintenance in your area recently?

      I receive SMS messages from Telstra about that on occasion.

      • +11

        after recent 3g shutdown, i noticed calls and data connection became low. using S23

        • +2

          Hard agree. Not impressed with boost in Brisbane lately. Have to manually chop and change between 4g and 5g sometimes and that doesn’t always help.

      • +1

        I have both Telstra and Boost Sims and my Telstra has definitely pulled ahead of boost in the last few months no idea why like you say they should be the same…

        Though also it may well be pixel software being the garbage tier google always manages to do as rebooting the boost phone generally brings it back.

        • +2

          It's quicker to chuck in airplane mode for 10 seconds. Same issue with pixel here.

          • @ty2050: Yeah did finally realise that this last week.

            So maybe my complaint is more with google but going onto about phone menu with my pixel 6 on Telstra Sim and pixel 8 pro on boost the pixel 6 nearly always reports a stronger signal even though the 8 on paper has a stronger modem system.

    • Don’t think it’s getting worse imo

      • In Hornsby maybe

        • Well I'm there and it's worse for me, at home, in the shopping centre, on the train, pretty much anywhere.

    • +4

      Yeah I don't know what it is but I have 2 Sims (work/personal) in two pixel phones and my work (Telstra) Sim consistently has better signal than my personal (boost) over the last few months. No idea why but almost thinking to swap to Telstra on the personal Sim too.

      • +9

        I'm with Boost and reception has definitely gotten worse for internet in the past few months!

      • what models are the pixels? some of them, like my 5, tend to have issues connecting to particular bands or something like that. on another phone I'd have perfect service

        • Telstra is a pixel 6 and Boost is a pixel 8 pro.

          Think it's potentially just the 8 pro having software issues as airplane mode on and off will often refind the network. But also going to the about phone network sections generally shows the 6 having a better signal even though the 8 has a better modem in theory.

    • +5

      Same. A lot of time it says i have 5g but cant even load a website

      • Yep I force it to 4g only and it sometimes helps

  • +2

    Expiry date 11-04-2026

    • +1

      That's the expiry of the prepaid starter pack.
      If you activate on the 10/04/2026 you will still get a full 12 months on your plan.

      • +8

        Yeah we just commenting because it was missing from the post

  • +10

    These have been around $190.00+ recently through online sellers , this is not such a great deal considering you have to buy two ⁉️

    • +3

      Yeah this was ~$180 recently. I don't see the deal. Unless it's because it's not sold anymore?

    • +1

      I got one from cellpoint for $190 a little over 1 month ago.

      • I wonder if that was the last of them. When I used google shopping and checked on eBay only the 230 and 300 seem to be sold.

  • What are the differences between Telstra Retail Coverage providers and Telstra Wholesale Coverage Providers?

    • +1

      Described in the Ops post!

  • +1

    Not value for money knowing it has been cheaper in the past. Vendor knows boost has discontinued this plan and put the price up.

    • +2

      Not wrong but supply and demand, otherwise nothing should be a deal because "vendor knows price of everything has gone up, cheaper in 2005".
      Cheapest plan from Boost is now $300, I think it has hit $245 with cashback before for a one year expiry pre-paid plan.
      I use at most 20gb a year so this is arguably still a deal for me, in current climate.

  • +1

    I paid $160, the going price is about $190. Not sure who wants to outlay to buy two either.

    Don't see how this is remotely good value for an old plan (I activated 12 months the other day, Rep said it ends Oct 2025).

  • +3

    For some reason, I read it as 2 for $230. Got excited and then reading it properly turned me off.

  • +1

    Got it for about $155 after cashback a few months back.

    Not a great deal as usually you can get it for ~$185 w/o a cashback

    • Searched for deals, but can't see any near $185. Can you post a link please?

    • +2

      music takes up nothing. i stream almost constantly and was always fine on 170gb. plan struggles if you're always on the youtubes or whatever.

        • +3

          crazy. maybe you're on some phil collins lossless setting or something? spotify averages 40-50mb per hour. its mp3 streaming..

            • +1

              @Maths Debater: Have you checked that it's actually Spotify through the android or apple usage reports?
              I only used 1.5GB in Dec which was my highest month for a while Firefox abs hotspot used more for me, but I still only used 9GB

              • @gunslinger: I just had a look at my mobile data usage and Chrome has used almost 6gb! Never sign in to your account because it syncs between devices! Thanks a lot for your help!

    • Imagine someone like me who loves watching reels on facebook while commuting to work daily.

    • +1

      Comments unpublished as it turns out my data usage had nothing to do with Spotify.

  • +1

    Any decent alternatives to Boost for a one year pack?

    I don’t even use anywhere near 170GB, so looking to save some dollars there.

    • also currently looking for this replacement…. 100GB a year would be fine.

  • +3

    How is this even a deal. Rip off!

  • This was 390 a couple of weeks ago for two which I was tempted on but certainly not now

  • What is the best provider option these days?

    I'm on boost… But keen to jump

  • +2

    How is this even a deal. Rip off!

  • +2

    Not even a deal bro

  • +1

    $205 for one SIM here. Cheapest I can find currently. Still not a deal.

  • +3

    It appears that Telstra has heavily relied on its 3G infrastructure. Following its shutdown, the reception quality for Telstra and Boost has noticeably declined. I've found myself needing to use my wife's Optus service in many areas where Telstra previously provided strong coverage.

    • Luckily with Boost you aren't paying premium Telstra prices. Sounds like some people should get Optus next time, or a backup esim

      • +1

        Boost's free international roaming via Wi-Fi calling and texting is a valuable feature. I'm not aware of other prepaid providers offering this, but I may be mistaken. A Starlink Mini could be a useful backup option :D

        • Yeah I think they are great, but still depends where you live, bit patchy but I've been lucky.

          They are that cheap we could afford another backup, good idea.

  • +1

    These Boost $230-labelled SIMs are more expensive now due to supply vs demand. It’s a discontinued plan and the # of SIMs remaining is probably small, yet there is demand because Boost has moved to more $ SIM options ($300 or $365). I’m guessing the resellers get their money back on them if they don’t sell them, so probably doesn’t hurt to raise the prices. Gone are the days of the $170 offers for this. I was planning to get one in two months when my current Coles Mobile expired, but now I might go with a Vodafone MVNO (Lebara probably) instead. Coles (Optus) is crap reception in my area, and Wifi calling isn’t always active for some weird reason.

    • Yes had all last year to get one, not worth it now if over 190 (used to be easily 160).

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