NSW - Electricity Provider for High Solar Generating Home

We have a 26kw solar system at home and generate about 160-190kwh per day on a nice summer day. We installed excess solar to not have to worry about having and EV, battery and potentially a pool in the future.

Currently with Alinta but their feed in tariff has been reducing over the last few months. Does anyone else have a good recommendation for a good overall electricity provider with no cap FIT and still decent rates in NSW? We have gas and electricity so looking to change over both.


  • Cannot offer an alternative. But I would add that as and when more people install solar the retailers will gradually remove any FIT incentives due to oversupply. They may even start to charge for accepting surplus solar
    This has already happened in Victoria where the FIT is being reduced to .003c (that's 1/3 of a cent).

    • -2

      Actually it's a minimum feed-in tariff of $0.033/kWh in Victoria or 3.3 cents. More than 1000 times what you tried to convey

      • -1

        The Vic ESC is proposing 0.04c/kWh for the next financial year.

      • Wrong - that is the 24/25 rate.

        2025-26 (proposed): 0.04c
        2024-25: 3.3c
        2023-24: 4.9c
        2022-23: 5.2c
        2021-22: 6.7c
        2020-21: 10.2c
    • Its happening with AusGrid in Sydney too.
      Depends on the time of day.

      But to answer OP, it comes down to the grid owner, not the retailer.
      So unlikely to get a better deal from another retailer.

      They usually just reconfigure their offer to make it look different, maybe better…but not really.

  • +6

    NSW has already introduced Two Way Tariffs. My prediction is that installing solar without Batteries is a waste of good money.
    As for putting in batteries, do your own costing, but don't trust any government. They keep telling us we are getting the cheapest power ever, but we are the most expensive in the world
    Installed Domestic Rooftop Solar capacity now exceeds grid capacity. So in perfect conditions the grid will fail mightily.
    Last summer the electricity to some entire Perth suburbs was shutdown because of this. And I think Sydney has come close this summer
    NSW also has a plan to introduce an incentive for households to install Batteries, and feed-in at preferred times at some sort of preferred price.
    Once consumers have replaced government infrastructure spending with millions of backyard installations, they can shutdown more coal powered stations, and then Installed Domestic Rooftop Solar capacity will exceed grid capacity again. No problems. Rinse and repeat. rinse and repeat.

    • -4

      But solar is still going to save us from the weather gods, right?

    • +1

      Perth suburbs was shutdown because of this. And I think Sydney has come close this summer..

      Victoria has already introduced a "Backstop" mechanism, where any new system post 1/10/24 must have the ability for the AEMO thorough the Network operator, to shutdown production of rooftop solar. It will also be mandatory if you want to export to have a working Internet connection and your system connected.

      Any system older that this can be manipulated the same way by increasing the supply voltage on the network.

      This will mainly happen on clear sunny days, where A/C use is negligible, so creating an oversupply.


  • +2

    We have gas and electricity so looking to change over both.

    Why not convert everything from Gas to Electricity?

    You should really consider a battery, you could practically $0 power bill if you install a decent battery.

    • But what about the daily Tariiff, and raing/overcast days?

      • Raining and Overcast days still generate. My small 6.6kw system generates about 1kw. So if the OP has a large system he still could be generating enough to power his house and charge his battery.

        Depending on battery size, he still could feed a bit into the grid and cover the cost of the daily supply charge. OP could move to a supplier that also has a very low daily tarriff.

    • Alinta allows me to move the electricity credit to pay for gas so essentially $0 bills. My issue was the FIT constantly reducing as time goes.

      Also my wife prefers gas cooking so a non negotiable. But we could probably change to an electricity water heater.

      • My issue was the FIT constantly reducing as time goes.

        Yep, and its happening to every solar owner. So you are not the only one impacted.

        Also my wife prefers gas cooking so a non negotiable. But we could probably change to an electricity water heater.

        I can agree on the gas cooking, but move to Electrical Hot Water.

  • +4

    Ausgrid has sent a clear message regarding excess solar during daytime hours so the message you're receiving from Alinta will be exactly the same from all other retailers serving the Sydney market - any "deals" you see for higher than average FiT will be balanced by a higher supply charge

    Option 1 is to increase self consumption during peak hours

    Option 2 is to feed in to self storage so you can demand shift

  • -3

    Don't forget the govt can switch off power into the grid these days. So I'd factor in battery storage, maybe incrementally.
    The next LNP govt in NSW will be dancing to Duttons fake nuclear tune, so also expect other negative impacts on how it all goes with feeding in,tariffs etc.They will want to create an illusion of unreliability.The LNP (state and fed) will happily impact private renewable power supply investments going fwd.
    Personally I envisage, they'll adopt an annual or biannual safety inspection on private solar, that earns govts $$, and dissuades new adopters.

    • dutton reminds me of Paul Keating. LOL

      • -1

        To look at????
        Can't be intellect or wit.
        Keating has gonads and brains located in the correct compartment. Dutton has neither,in either.

  • With fit so low, how do u cover the daily service charge?

  • +2

    Your solar power generated between 8am~ and 3pm~ is essentially worthless, in fact it's more than worthless. The wholesale price right now for instance is negative $29 per MW. So your exports are actually costing the retailer money to get rid of.

  • It's a crazy system we live in when people are struggling with the cost of living and instead of lowering electricity prices as a whole because household solar contributes to generation, we are instead penalised for producing power.

    • +4

      You do realise you're in an elite minority… right?

      Because 26kW worth of rooftop solar at one residence is not normal

      As explained by others, your generated power only has value at specific times as transparently indicated by the publicly available wholesale prices governed by the laws of demand and supply

      Your actual problem is that Alinta has been shielding you from this reality and subsiding your worthless exports

      The fact that they allow you to shift the electricity credits to your gas bill just means they are currently making huge margins on gas

      Bottom line, if you've splashed the cash on a large PV setup, the era of "dumb exports" is ending and it's time to upgrade to "smart storage/exports" by investing in batteries and/or an EV

    • +2

      It's not cost of living crisis when you have 26kw system, that's excessive and if that's a system installed on your roof alone then it's excessively large for an average home. NSW distributors already signal their intention to charge those export excessive amount to the grid and you better look at solutions to absorb that energy before time is running out. Otherwise you may find yourself standing by your inverter everyday at 10am to switch it off.

  • We have 5.5 system Sydney.. Red Energy.
    Got $14 cr for solar last 1/4. Hardly anything.

    What is suggestion for batteries, cost. effective etc ?

    Also about using solar to power during the day insread of grid ?

    • We have 5.5 system Sydney.. Red Energy.
      Got $14 cr for solar last 1/4. Hardly anything.

      Does this mean you are self-consuming most of the solar you generate or the Red Energy plan is not a suitable one? Or was your bill -$14?

      For comparison I have 8.75kW system and last quarter it resulted in $106.20 credited from Origin Energy. Reduced my bill from $368 down to $262.

  • Dump the GAS, you save the daily rate and usage charges. You have plenty of your own energy to use, Fit a battery so you can be using you own power 24/7 rather than just when the sun is out, you can then also charge your EV overnight.

  • +1

    Be happy to even get any cents to export. Sooner or later, we'd need to PAY if we export during oversupply times! (wholesale prices is negative $ during oversupply).
    Going forward, Solar panels is for self consumption (forget about export and earning money). Get another EV to soak it up.

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