Small Screen Laptop, Red Keyboard Backlight?

anyone here know of 14" screen, "decent" laptop (doesn't have to be anything like top of range) with red backlight in keyboard.
Main uses: document editing, email n telegram / skype and similar



  • +2

    Most laptops that will have a 'red backlight' will be gaming laptops with RGB lighting, which will be a waste of money given you are not doing anything intensive. They will be heavy, bulky, have poor battery life and cost way more than you should spend given your use case. Why do you need the red backlight specifically?

    In any case, you haven't listed a budget which will help to narrow down a few options

    • +3

      why red

      I below its common knowledge that red anything goes faster.

      • +1

        I just rub my laptops with cheetah blood, problem solved.

        • post link to a video so I can confirm this works please, and do you have a lawful source for supply?

    • i'm not exactly sure of the full reasons why red (this is not for me) but the preference is I think that this is used at night by someone with more of a hunt and peck rather than touch typing style. Red is better there.

      Is to replace something like this: (I don't think this is the exact model, because the one he has is not aluminum body, but otherwise similar)…
      which although now considered slow, does what is wanted but is becoming hardware unreliable and not capable for windows 11 etc.
      This has red backlight not RGB. (a selling point to dJs, although that is very distant from the vocation and use case here).
      So, they have come to like that keyboard, but don't have a use for gaming laptop and all the disadvantages of those that you list.
      I didn't put a budget, because I want to know if anything exists, (more recent than that "Beats Envy") and didn't want to restrict the range.

    • A worm light?

    • I like the thinking outside the box and will suggest something like this, (and have suggested a separate backlit keyboard)
      Preference remains though for a single thing to be carried, so if there is a "new" laptop, that is what they'd go for I think.

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