• expired

[NSW] Free Strawberries, Watermelon, Cookies + More @ Woolworths (Gregory Hills)


Free stuff at the entry at Gregory Hills but probably everywhere.
Strawberries, watermelon, cookies, cheesy bites, cookies, zooper dooper for kids and lemingtons.
11am to 2pm.
Let the ozbargainers raid and celebrate

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  • -8

    take all the free stuff you can and don't buy anything from this Unaustralian store

    • +3

      I actually was looking for the bunch product which i couldn't find so i walked out shamelessly with some free strawberries

    • +5

      Because of their labour practices, underpaying staff and suppliers. Right?


      • +4

        Yet the same user shops at Temu & loves Amazon

    • Coz they didn't sell him the flag last year to go with his we're full sticker.

  • so lots of cookies then

  • Australia Day

    Don't mention the A word. it's a Long weekend, so it doesn't cause offence.

    • Why would you be offended by Australia day? Or even think that it offends someone else, who cares?
      You do you, don't let Sky News tell you who or what people are afraid of…

      • +1


      • -2

        Sky news? Haha. They were the only ones going against the covid scare campaign lmao. You do you, dont let legacy media tell you what people are afraid of 🙄

  • I tasted each of them today they were not so bad, fresh instant glucose into the brain-blood barrier.

  • Think this is across all Woolworths, as I saw it at my local today

  • Is this free boxes of strawberries etc or just free samples

    • The lady was giving brown paper bags the size of the palm. I got 8 strawberries. People were asking for more than one bag. The girl before me got three.

  • Cookies?

    Are these an American product?

    • They were more like baked soft ones by the looks of it. I didn't get my hot little hands on them though.

  • +2

    Fk woollies and Coles charging $10 for the Brut deo stick. That's an increase of $6 and it's volume has also shrunk.

    • -1

      Cause Woolies and Coles determine the size of the stick…. also the only way prices increases is if people buy them at that price, just like housing, if no one pays that inflated price the price comes down but unfortunately too many people pay ridiculous prices for items they don't need.

      • +1

        Doing my bit. Spent $20 at Colesworth since November. Literally found almost nothing worth buying (except the cheap turkeys post Xmas).
        Finding the independents a lot better.
        Ie. Independent Weetbix $2, next week it's $2.20 at Coles. Meat price is around half and quality double…so no brainer. Colesworth has lost the plot .

        No bag of strawberries for me ..but I have 40 odd strawberry plants and am well over strawberries this season.

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