Newcastle (NSW) Day Trip Suggestions

Thinking to go to Stockton Beach for a drive, it's 5 hours round trip from Sydney. Any suggestions on things to do and see in Newy? Don't mind to make it an overnight trip. But have done the usual cruises, been to Nobbys and Memorial Walk several times.

Looks like the beach is clear from Anna Bay to Fern Bay, no closures.


  • +2

    Great restaurants in Hamilton, Newcastle and Darby St.

    • +1

      Beaumont Street does great pizza

  • Napoli Centrale does nice pizza

  • +1

    Uncle Ian's workshop is in Newcastle. I'd go there to meet the man, the legend.

    • ZOMG! Came here to make the same comment. Well worth the trip, just make sure you have a slab of piss, a box of darts and plenty of time for "stories".

      Also "Stockton" is boring as batshit. It's way further out of the way than people think. Stick to the main beaches. Go up the top of the hill and do the Anzac walk. Great views of coal ships waiting off shore.

      Go for a walk down hunter street and see all the dead retail shops that are empty.

      Go have a drive up Newcommon street. Very steep. Always a good way to sort out the tourists.

      King Street Macca's is a MUST! Absolute eye opener…

      If you are going to Stockton, it's only another 10mins or so to the RAAF base and they have a museum there… Don't get tempted to go to Medowie though, especially if you like wheels on your car. Come back via Raymond Terrace. If your wheels didn't go missing in Medowie, they will in RT.

      And on your way home, you could go via Gateshead or Wallsend and enjoy the gun fire…

      • I see why Uncle Ian chose Newcastle for his head office location.

    • Whats uncle ian workshop? I googled but couldnt find it

  • -1

    If you don't mind an overnighter: Thredbo, summit Kosciuszko, overnight in the alpine village or Jindabyne; return via the coast; Rick Stein at Mollymook, swim at Hyams, donuts in Berry, Kiama blowhole, Sea Cliff Bridge

    • +1

      He's going north from Sydney. Not south.

      • +2

        Thanks so much for clarifying, I can figure out left and right but never north and south

  • Thinking to go to Stockton Beach for a drive, it's 5 hours round trip from Sydney.

    all that way for stockton beach seems like a waste, its the least appealing in the area.
    Keep going up the coast to fingal etc or just revist the newcastle beaches..

    • I think Stockton is an amazing beach to experience just due to its sheer size and length… but that’s it. Apart from its size, there is nothing impressive about it and there are little to no amenities there. Places like Hawks Nest, Nelson’s Bay, Fingal bay etc are way nicer as a place to visit and spend some time.

      If people want beaches, Nobbys, Newcastle, Meriwether and around to Glenrock or going to the Ocean Baths or the other end to the Bogey Hole.

      • +1

        other end to the Bogey Hole.

        Does it make scents? Cheers

  • If people want beaches, Nobbys, Newcastle, Meriwether and around to Glenrock or going to the Ocean Baths or the other end to the Bogey Hole.

    I second this. The anzac walk is great. Stay overnight and wander Darby street for great food.

  • Just a heads up about holiday traffic and road distance between places.
    Newcastle CBD to Anna bay/Nelson bay is a 1hr each way commitment at best this time of year. Better off starting at Newcastle CBD and gradually driving south via redhead, Belmont caves beach with multiple stops IMO. Then you hit the freeway halfway down and back to Sydney in 1hr instead of 2-3 (from Nelson Bay depending on traffic)

  • +1

    Thanks all for your suggestions, forgot to post an update…

    Did make an one day road trip to Stockton beach for 4WDing, and finished off the day at Darby Street. Many restaurants were closed due to public holiday, stopped at Beach Burrito, their portion is very large, so full.

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