Brands included: Samsung, SONY, TCL, Hisense, LG
When you buy an eligible
TV & soundbar of the same brand in the same transaction!*
Unfortunately you can not return the Soundbar
15% OFF when you buy an eligible Samsung TV & soundbar of the same brand in the same transaction!*
Shop the range
*Excludes Ffalcon. Eligible TV and Soundbar models at: Matching brand of TV and soundbar must be purchased in the same transaction. Offer applies to the current ticketed price of relevant products. As prices change regularly and we frequently run sales and negotiate on price, some products are likely to have been sold below the current price prior to this offer. Prices may change after offer ends. If TV or Soundbar is refunded for eligible change of mind, offer will be forfeited and the offer amount for both products will be deducted from refund amount. Offer ends 29 Jan 2025
Do they sell His Masters Voice brand?