WSU Parramatta Vs UON Sydney

Hey there, I'm considering to study Master of Professional Accounting in either WSU or UON.

WSU: the main campus is in Parramatta so I assume in terms of facilities it's better than UON Sydney. QS Ranking (350ish in the world, 23 in Australia).
UON: the Sydney campus seems very small and doesn't seem so interesting. However, it has better reputation (QS ranking 179 in the world, 14 in Australia)

How's your experience studying in either campus?

What would you choose between those two?



  • +2

    Cannot give you an answer to the experience of both unis, but why is reputation (usually measured in ranking) a thing? Maybe it is important in other parts of the world, but in Australia, no one will ever care what uni you went to as long as you have to paperwork. Experience is king in the workplace, and you learn on the job anyway.

    I graduated from Usyd, and no one has ever asked, nor has it given me a significant advantage in employability, at least not in Sydney.

    So yeah, don't worry too much about rankings; go with the one you prefer.

    • +1

      Perhaps us USyd graduates just avoid the scrutiny applied to graduates of lesser universities? ;-)

    • Thanks for the insight. Really helpful 🙏

    • +2

      Yep this. When hiring grads I couldn’t care less about their university or their grades. I’m more interested in their fit for the organisation and their work experience to the job.

      Interestingly a decade plus ago I had a lot of American friends who were grads from Ivy League universities (I was about 6-7 years older than them). They loved their snobbishness on their universities, last time I saw some of them was maybe 6 years ago and the ones I saw just laughed at their stupidity about how they thought their university mattered as new graduates.

      • Oh good to know. I thought by graduating from top unis we'd have a better chance of getting hired.

        • +1

          To be honest, neither of those two are considered top unis by any means comparatively to those higher ranked.

          I hope you like accounting.

          • @gmail92: Yeah nah. I'm not saying those two unis are top unis. I'm just saying top unis in general.

  • +1

    Similarly, what will you really be doing on campus? For classes with mandatory attendence everyone leaves immediately after, they aren't lounging on the lawn talking about politics .

    I would pick whichever is more convenient.

    • Make sense 😁

  • +1

    Those rankings don't really apply to satellite campuses. Unless the lectures are recorded, you won't have the same calibre of academics teaching you at UON's Sydney campus.

    • Mmm yeah, that's what I thought as well.

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