Pannier for Commute with 16" Laptop

Hoping some seasoned pushy riders can help out.

I'm after a pannier that fits a 16" laptop - ~25x40cm. Lots of panniers on ebay / amazon but they all seem to be pretty tight for that unless I go to something huge and more suitable for a long trek. Preferably well padded otherwise have a bit of slack in there to maybe put in a small (2cm thick?) foam insert around the edges as an extra safeguard. Doubling as a backpack would be an extra boon. This is the most suitable thing I've found so far. Any other suggestions or things to look out for? I'm new to this so would prefer to not spend a bucket-load as I don't know my endurance for this mode of commute and might give up, but also understand will need to pay for something decent.


  • I'm after a pannier

    Had to look up what this was NGL….

  • Get something water proof as the main priority. You can easily add a padded sleeve to protect the laptop rather than trying to find a bag with built in padding.

  • Perhaps not what you're thinking you need, but for what it's worth this is my commuting bag

    • Love the form but 29x36x15cms is too small.

      This looks ok but exy. Says "Eco-Friendly, Leather-Free Option Available" - do these normally come with leather trim or something? I can't find anything else about it.

      • They're typically made of waterproof cotton duck

  • +1

    Have a look at Rhinowalk bags on AliExpress.

    E.g. this may be the right size

    Don’t forget to use your favourite Cashback site and any available coupons.

    • Yes did look at this one but it's pretty bulky, like I mentioned in OP (something huge). Was hoping for something a bit smaller. Finding it hard to get something specific to larger laptops.

      • You might be asking the impossible:

        • Big enough for a 16 inch laptop
        • Not bulky
        • Cheap

        Might have to pick two criteria.

        How about this bag then zip tie or some other fastners on your bike rack.

  • How often do you commute? Are there alternatives to lugging a large laptop with you each time? Leave it at work?

    Personally i dont like panniers and prefer a backpack. Panniers wreck the handling of the bike IMO.

    • I've just started this year, once per week now but hoping to get that up. Am doing backpack but not a fan. I don't need to take the lappy with me every time but when I do I do.

      • Good on you for giving it a go. Its a personal choice re backpack or pannier. I came from riding MTB so enjoy the jike handling more freely.

        I commute regulalry and also found i prefer to travel 'heavy' on minimum days. Used to take 4 shirts and trousers once a week then just take socks and underwear other days, but i had a locker and shower room when i had an office job (no laptop)

        These days i have a different job af two locations, so ive got a pair of boots at each location and take my work clothes and lunch. daily.

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