Cheapest I can find is from Kogan but they've been out of stock for a while.
Should I care about grey imports compared to local stock? Same features?
Cheapest I can find is from Kogan but they've been out of stock for a while.
Should I care about grey imports compared to local stock? Same features?
Avoid Kogan their deal was dishonest, given their customer service and no offer or a rain check I can only assume it was a scam to get people to sign up to their site (illegal bait advertising). I have contacted the ACCC.
Apparently Kogan had it for $378 +postage again. How did I miss that? Now it's $419 +postage.
$422 delivered ($49 postage)…
$429.00 delivered ($40.00 postage +$5 insurance)…
can't find one too, really want one :(
BTW Kogan didn't honour that $378 deal