20% off All Movies and TV Shows on DVD, Blu-Ray & 4K UHD (Exclusions Apply) + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi


20% off All Movies and TV Shows on DVD, Blu-Ray & 4K UHD (Exclusions Apply)

  • Excludes pre-orders, devices, blank media & products sold by third party [marketplace] sellers.
  • Prices displayed and clearance flag items inclusive of discount.

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  • -7

    lol @ DVD still being sold 18 years after being superseded by blu-ray.

    • +2

      I don't know about right now, but everytime I read an article about physical media sales it would always be DVD outselling Blu-ray and 4K.

      The power of DVD.

      • I think this is probably partly attributable to the fact that a lot of Blu-ray buyers graduated to 4K, whereas a lot of DVD buyers remained loyal

        But you're 100% right. They're cheaper to make and sell the best; I never buy them, but it would be foolish to stop making them

        • I still purchase DVDs and I know others that do too.

    • +2

      Just wait until you hear about vinyl sales being up and CD sales being down!

      • +1

        Let me know when cassette tapes are outselling CDs.

    • Unless the content got a remaster, lots of shows arent able to take advantage of blurays bitrates.

      But would then come with more annoying DRM.

      Not to mention, ours is visually slightly 'better' than a lot of countries, thanks to PAL resolutions.

  • +1

    Was hoping to stack with the 2 for $30 deal but it doesn't look like there are any 4k blurays included in that promo?

    • Yeah it's unfortunate. I'm not buying anything for more than 30% off their usual shitty prices.

    • +1

      Yeah, thats another no purchase for me. Some were saying Australia day might do 30% off but even then I still need my BOGOF or 2 for $30

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