Boxing Day Sales

Hey guys
I always look forward to the Boxing Day sales but this year I can't seem to find anything to throw $$ at.

I'm into video games, movies etc

Last year I grabbed the kinect sensor for $70 from jb after cash back.

This year I was hoping to get a super slim ps3 but there is no deals that great I can see.

No rally great deals on games either I can see

Am I going blind and can't see these deals or am I correct?


  • there aren't many games on sale this year. i was hoping for a clearance sale on wii games :(

  • Best bet is buy the main newspaper(Vic herald sun for example) see if the games stores are doing anything?

  • We've been listing all the deals here, There is a graphic on the front page promoting this. ;)

  • Go to KMART. Somehow their prices are quite good although they don't have full range of games. I found Mass Effect 3 for $20 and Rocksmith for $69 brand new. Maybe you can find something good.

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