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[NSW] Free Tickets to Erskineville Comedy Club Festival Showcase, 7pm 22/1 @ Erskineville Comedy Club via Eventbrite


pro comedians in an intimate lounge style show. These Wednesday show will have 2-3 comedians doing trial shows for upcoming festivals and showcases.

for more info email [email protected]

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Erskineville Comedy Club
Erskineville Comedy Club

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  • intimate lounge style show.


  • +3

    for more info email…

    How about you do your job as a rep and post it here.

    • +2

      With a lot of these comedy shows, they'll be semi-well-known comedians doing some practice runs for cheap/free. Similar to cleanskin wines, they don't want to undermine the price point of their normal offerings by putting their names at the top, so there's an element of "turn up and see".

      • +1

        Hit and miss. I saw I reckon about 10 of these types of shows last year, none at Erskineville though (mostly near the Cross or inner city / inner west burbs). Some were standouts that had a "just waiting to happen" vibe - particularly Tom Witcombe (drop the guard or be super offended, seems heart is in a good place though) and Nema Naz (Persian Canadian dude, Russel Peters vibes), ripper performances, check em out if ever possible. But at one "intimate lounge style show" at the Chippendale it was much more amateur and most of the comedians were not much funny, a couple actually scary (heckling gone wrong) - the only comedy show I ever walked out of before it finished.

        But if they're even half decent it can be part of a great night out. Support the comedians - provide not just fun but good perspective on all sorts of things.

        • Absolutely. Some people don't like the lucky dip element and uncertainty of the unannounced-performers-trial-run shows, and those people should just pay their $30 and get exactly what they want in a couple of months when the festivals are on. But there are plenty of comedy fans who get a kick out of scouting the "unsigned bands demoing tracks in dive bars" type of scene, and it's a different type of enjoyment when you see a surprise packet really hit a high level.

      • Suggesting a rep behave as a rep ought to is not complaining, it's called feedback.

        Edit: seems you are the rep in question. Shitty behaviour like that gets you a neg.

  • +2

    ?for more info email

    are you serious lol

    • So they're gonna sit there and answer EVERY email that enquires about this event??
      LMAO!! Every ozB should send a email and flood their inbox. I reckon that's poor advertising, even if it is expired.

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