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[PC, Steam] Total War: THREE KINGDOMS $22.49 (75% off) @ Steam


Welcome to a new era of legendary conquest.

This beautiful but fractured land calls out for a new emperor and a new way of life. Unite China under your rule, forge the next great dynasty, and build a legacy that will last through the ages.
Choose from a cast of 12 legendary Warlords and conquer the realm. Recruit heroic characters to aide your cause and dominate your enemies on military, technological, political, and economic fronts.

Will you build powerful friendships, form brotherly alliances, and earn the respect of your many foes? Or would you rather commit acts of treachery, inflict heart-wrenching betrayals, and become a master of grand political intrigue?

Your legend is yet to be written, but one thing is certain: glorious conquest awaits.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Total war peaked with Medieval 2 imo.

    • +2

      100%. Haven't been able to find the fun in any of them since they ditched the Rome / Medieval 2 engine and changed how combat etc works.

    • +1

      My 3000+ hours in the game (Plus countless more before it was on Steam) agree with you lol. Such an amazing game.

      • +1

        Easily the best mods are on M2TW. I've got about 700 on it myself. Just a shame the AI is so bad in battles.

  • +1

    I put in hundreds of hours into TW Rome 2, TW Empire and TW Shogun 2. Not sure what happened but I haven't been tempted by TW Three Kingdoms or TW Pharoah. If this had all the DLC as well for that price I could be tempted.

    • +1

      Three Kingdoms had very good additions to diplomacy, made that aspect of the game fun and made it clear what affects what, rather than just arbitrary yes no from the other party.

      Also made end game no longer a slog, Total War end game can get boring when you get to a point and just steam roll everyone, or are spending time playing whack a mole. You can end up winning campaign through diplomacy cutting the end game slog short.

    • I put 1300 hours on Attila alone lol.

  • +1

    I found this to be one of the boring ones. Bring on TW Rome 3, Empire 2 or Medieval 3!!!

    • Was expecting Westeros TW with Essos DLC.

  • +1

    Great TW game, had lots of potential but was let down by lack of support and uninteresting DLC. Base game is worth the 20 bucks imo, dlc is unnecessary to enjoy the game.

  • I've been a fan of TW since Shogun 1 and bought this on preorder. I did enjoy this game and loved the time period with all the hero characters i just found the units a bit too samey and got boring. Still for $22 you should be able to get your moneys worth out of it.

  • I've clocked 777+ hours on this game…. I can say it's pretty good
    starting with different factions really changes the game and I'm still enjoying the challenge on legendary modes.

    Haven't dare to attempt the "rage war with everyone you meet" achievement

    • +1

      Haven't dare to attempt the "rage war with everyone you meet" achievement

      That seems like a chill achievement

  • Absolutely no interest in this period of history but had a great time with this game!

  • +1

    Shogun 3. Now!

    • Fall of the samurai 2 too please

      Would be pretty confusing titling though

    • shameful display!

  • +1

    somehow i have this already in steam library.. Just curious, how difficult is this game, on scale 1 to 10 ? thanks

    • +2

      On a scale of ‘1 to Do Not Pursue Lu Bu’

  • Bought royal edition from K4G for $16 three weeks ago. A bit disappointed with the game as it feels like just a Total War game with a "Three Kingdoms" theme

  • Great game still playing it today since release. Shame there's no more update, but plenty of mods available.

  • i got a brand new disc version at JB Hi-fi Springvale for $15 back in 2021 lol… actually said $10 on the box, but they said it's price error and charged me $15 at check out.

    and yeah this game slaps with Mandarin turned on

  • Stuff the game, the fourth movie has just been released on Netflix.

    They are interesting flicks worth a watch. I would say very propaganderish.

    • +2

      Which one on netflix?

  • I have played all the total war games in the franchise… apart from Pharaoh.
    Can say with confidence that this is the game that I have put in a lot of hours into.
    Only issues are that most of the DLCs are really crappy. Base game is really good though.

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