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Bundle Deal: 3x Smart Bluetooth GPS Tracker Work with Apple Find My APP US$5.16 (~A$8) Delivered @ BeeBeeBee Store AliExpress

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  • have anyone own this before? Saw on previous post someone bought the REMAX one.
    want to get some, and see past experiences on this model. Thank you

    • +1

      Theres lots of different ones with the same shape but different brands, so i dont think there is a real "REMAX" brand they all end up being some sort of "AIYATO" OEM tracker, evven the other shaped ones

      They work great, i find their beep louder than apple's beep, which is nice, no UWB obviously, and the included battery can be a hit or miss, put in some decent batteries and they last the usual time

      Just make sure the listing makes clear it works with the "Apple Find My" network, and doesent tell you to install some other app

    • THey're pretty good but also for such a cheap price just give it a shot man

  • Is anyone know about the range of that device?


    • -1

      It doesn't have percise location, so there is no range.

      It just pings of other Apple devices that close by.

      • +3

        There's definitely a range limit for these devices. It pings off other Apple devices using Bluetooth LE. So it's ability to talk to your device / other devices is limited by Bluetooth LE range, which usually is no more than 100m.

        For this device I'm guessing Bluetooth it's 50-100m range.

        • +1

          Sure. But the questuon (I believe) was more about the range from where the owner is standing. eg. if I'm standing in the kitchen can this find my keys in the backyard 30m away.

    • +3

      I have a few these.

      At best it's 10 metres in an open space for BLE polling. There is no ultra-wideband precise tracking with these.

      I've also found the bluetooth connectivity to be intermittent E.g., sometimes it will take a minute for the tracker's bluetooth to poll.

      So I wouldn't use these on anything important.

  • +1

    Showing $13.47 for 3. Am i doing something wrong?

    • Use the bundle link in the description. Add 3+.

      I got 6 for $14.33

  • Got any deals for the google find my device trackers?

      • +4

        Probably because they (like me) don't own any IOS devices, so Find My isn't really an option.

        • Correct, don't own Apple, so these devices are useless to me.

      • +1

        Why would you want less comprehensive trackers?

        Far more android phones in the world, than Apple devices.

        • -5

          China heavily skews that statistic.

          iOS holds a 60% market share in Australia, 58% in America and 65% in Europe.

          • +2

            @TheFreaK: Not just China, your stats only count for 13% of the world, the rest is Android territory.

            • -3

              @lgacb08: Your right, India is the other skewing country since those 2 countries add up to around 35% of the world population.

              Once again, I would still go Apple though since the countries that I am more likely to be in have a higher percentage of Apple devices.

            • @lgacb08: Sure, but as far as tracking things in Australia is concerned, iOS still has greater proliferation and thus the iOS trackers are more effective. If someone takes my belongings to Tunisia or somewhere to escape iOS trackers, well, I'll just let it go. They've earned it

          • @TheFreaK:

            iOS holds a 60% market share in Australia

            Try 55%, iOS market share is dropping, either way, its basically 50/50 between the two. 55% one, 45% the other.


            Considering I don't own a iOS device, Apples find me network is useless to me.

            • +1

              @JimmyF: Not to mention the Europe numbers he quoted seem just made up. Most sources have iOS share in Europe between 25-30%. Europeans are not as obsessed with iMessage as Americans. They (like most of the world) are Whatsapp dependent

    • This seems to be the only one on AliExpress. Much cheaper than the others. But I need a credit card style one.
      Google Tag

      • +1

        Good find! Thanks!!

        Hmm seems about half the price of the chipolo trackers I've got.

        Might have to order a couple and see how they go! I need a couple of extras.

  • Buying a few to track my cats. Will CCP track where my cats are shtting😨?

    • since these connect to find my app from  , depends on whether  is sharing the data or not.

  • -1

    wonder if this works with android

  • Good price. Same as taobao

  • Any real world battery reviews

    • I ordered a similar one, the battery lasts for less than 3 months.

      • -1

        So can we replace batteries? Or is that like a one off thing? Use and discard once dead?

        • The third pciture on the product page will answer your question.

  • Price is back for bundle deal, for 3 I see:

    Promo codes
    Shipping fee


    I cancelled my previous order and placed a new one.

  • Deal still on for the black ones. Just got 6 for AU$14.30 delivered. Access via bundle page in the description.

  • I got mine yesterday and they work really well. Build quality isn’t the same as an apple airtag but what can you expect for $5! I had to set them up as “add other item” in FindMy - otherwise bargain! Thanks again OP.

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