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Feather Hi Stainless Platinum Double Edge Razor Blades - 50 Blades - $19 Delivered @ K5 International


K5 International Feather Hi Stainless Platinum Double Edge Razor Blades - 50 Blades

Feather Hi Stainless Platinum - 50

Feather Hi-Stainless Blades are renowned for being the sharpest double edge razor blades on the market. These blades feature a platinum coating for enhanced comfort and will fit most traditional double edge razors. Made in Japan, the platinum coated Feather is exceptionally sharp but will reward you with the closest shave

The most aggressive blade on the market, perfect for those with non-sensitive skin and or coarse facial hair.

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  • +1

    I find the "aggressive" label a bit odd. I've heard it a few times. Being really sharp generally means a blade will cut with less damage, i.e. it'll slice rather than tug and rip. I get fewer problems with Feather than blades that are supposedly "gentler", like Derby.

    Now the question is, have I gone through enough of my purchase of 200 blades a few years ago that I need to buy more? They've got a pack of 200 for a decent price too. Might as well, they can sit at the back of the cupboard for a year or two and still work perfectly.

    • +5

      I get what you're saying, and it's probably just poor technique, but I've found I'm MUCH more likely to cut myself with Feathers than Derbys.

    • +1

      I think they are 'aggressive' because of the angle at which the blade is cut. It will depend on the handle (and you) as to how easily they slice you up. I often cut myself with Feather, but never get a nick with Voskhod blades. I find they work perfectly with my handle.
      Unfortunately, the Voskhod blades can't be found anywhere after the Russian embargos and I've just gone to Dorco Prime, which are pretty close to Voskhod and less than half the price of Feather.

      • +1

        I think Executive Grooming still has them available, for a very decent price in 100 packs for $21.95, I quite like Voskhod, definably in my top 3 choices of DE blades, very smooth and sharp. https://executivegrooming.com.au/catalog/product/view/id/120…

        • I just bought a pack of those after K5 refunded my purchase as they're out of stock. It wouldn't surprise me if they broke up a 200 pack to fulfil the 5x10pack orders.

        • Thanks for the link! I'd given up hope of finding them in Aus for a decent price.
          Out of interest, what are your other two top picks? Do they work similarly to the Voskhods?

    • I'm cursed with almost baby skin and slow-growing beard to match and Feathers are always my go-to after trying many others. Can't say I've ever had a problem with cutting myself and reckon they give a beautiful shave.

    • Feather was my first blade and I was on it for a good two years. Switched to Astra Superior Platinum and was pleasantly surprised at how balanced it was. Not too sharp or abrasive as Feather but still gets the job done. I've not had to use any alum block ever since and haven't had much razor burn even then. Astra all the way now.

  • +1


  • +2

    These blades become dull after 2 uses for thick beards.

  • damn i missed out

    • +1

      If you want you can buy the 100 pack from Beard and Blade, for basically the same price, at double the size.

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