• expired

[PC] Free - HuniePop (was $21.95) @ Steam/GOG


Another free game for you to add to your collection.



Free for 24 hours only.

Mature content notice: HuniePop contains explicit language, strong sexual themes, partial nudity and is intended for mature audiences.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Link to English page GOG

    • more like goon.com

  • -2

    invalid steam link

  • -2

    Link doesn't work

  • +17

    You need to login to steam since it is age restricted. For men of culture only.

    • +9

      And women too

      • but not children this time

        • There's an Anakin joke somewhere.

  • +5

    I came for the strangely compelling gameplay

    • +9

      I think a lot of folks came.

      • came for the game, stayed for the game.

  • +6

    The ozb adage of "buy now, regret later" has never really applied to me for free stuff… Until now.

    Hahaha, what did I just add to my steam account?!?

    • +6

      Possibly Pron

      • +8

        Clicked on the link and now I think I'm on a list

  • No spam un-subscriptions required this time

  • That's the one which I'll pass even free. I know it's a sin to let that one go

  • +10

    Anniversary gift for wife sorted

  • Dokidoki

  • -3

    Thanks, bought 5

  • +1

    Anime b00**$ …

    Im sold

  • +1

    Dafuq is that Game

  • +10

    I hurriedly clicked the link because I saw 24hrs. Only to find out that I already have it.


  • +1

    This is actually a good game me and the Boys played it in discord, the second one isn't as good as you don't need to remember the likes and dislikes of the characters

  • +13
    • +42

      I just want to add that if you don't want the uncensored version of the game, then you need to be very careful that you DON'T go to the game's folder and create a blank text file that you rename to "huniepop_uncensored_patch.game".

      • +6

        You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

      • -2

        '… and create a blank text file …'

        This will not work/this is incorrect information. What you need to do involves copying the .dll file that is already in the relevant folder, then renaming THAT copied file 'huniepop_uncensored_patch.game'.

        The following video shows you the steps, and importantly, shows you how to verify that you have successfully 'unlocked' the uncensored version. If you have successfully unlocked the uncensored version, when you start the game it will have the word 'Uncensored' in the bottom left of the screen, in grey text.


        Of course, always use 'Brave' to view YouTube vids that you have a link for, to avoid shitty ads.

        • This will not work/this is incorrect information. What you need to do involves copying the .dll file that is already in the relevant folder, then renaming THAT copied file 'huniepop_uncensored_patch.game'.

          What the game looks for to unlock the uncensored build is a file (any file) named "huniepop_uncensored_patch.game"

          You can do it with a blank text file, a copy of the steam_api.dll, or a zipped copy of the entire game itself.

          Note that it doesn't work if you don't change the file format of the renamed file. You specifically need to rename the blank text file to "huniepop_uncensored_patch.game".
          NOT "huniepop_uncensored_patch.game.txt"

          This is something known since the game was originally released, and I won't confirm nor deny having that knowledge in-part from following the game's development since the early Kickstarter days and have my name in the Kickstarter Backer credits.

          • @pj1351: Hmmm, once again I have been downvoted for trying to eliminate ambiguity via a short/sharp post, this time even including a 'YouTube' link (because everyone seems to have forgotten how to read! LOL).

            c'est la vie

            • @GnarlyKnuckles: downvoted because claiming pj's method is incorrect, is incorrect.

              as pj said, ANY file named "huniepop_uncensored_patch.game" works

              • @huang297: Nah. Instead of instructing peeps to create a 'blank text file', pj should have mentioned the necessity to delete the file-type extension; given that some peeps have their system set to show file extensions, and others don't. I note that pj has now added this vital information, above.

                Thanks for alerting me/us to the Steam censorship hack btw, pj.

    • +2

      Today I learned. Ty.

      Then again, a wise meme once said, if your parents catch you masturbating, look them in the eye and finish like a man.

  • +1

    I will play this friends offline mode

    • No need to do that. There is a setting that stops games from showing that you are playing them. Don’t know exactly how to turn it on because no shame here

      • Really? Damn 15+ years and didn’t know that was a thing haha.

  • +2

    i play this for the fun puzzle gameplay. no cap ;⁠)

  • Any cheat codes to get …. further ….. in this game? Asking for a friend.

  • +2
    • Free is free but have I put myself on a watch list by adding this to my Steam library?

      • Amateur mistake is making your steam library public in the first place.

  • -2

    Great game, highly recommend. You will definitely get “friends” that judge you on steam but the unfriend button comes in handy

  • My fav kind of puzzle game.

  • My name is in the credits! Kickstarter backer…. Never played the game though…

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