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Manuka Honey 1kg $34.99, Char Siu Pork 1kg $14.99, Soup Dumplings 40pk/920g $13.49, Chinese Sausages 720g $17.99 & More @ Costco


Manuka Honey 1kg $34.99, Char Siu Pork 1kg $14.99, Soup Dumplings 40 pack/920g $13.49, Chinese Sausages $17.99 & More @ Costco

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Just got 1 kg bottle of NZ manuka honey from Aldi $15 .wasn't mgo .

    • -3

      I got it for $10

      • -4

        I just don't have those sugary thing, save $$ 😝

    • +8

      i got 0kg of manuka honey for $0

    • How does it compare to other Manuka honey, would you recommend it?

      • The Costco one has good mgo that's better than the Aldi but overall manuka honey is good for us I was mainly posting that aldi has a cheaper alternative .

        • most people buy the manuka honey for the MGO or UMF rating… the higher the rating, the more expensive it is.

          also unlike many things that get rated, manuka honey from NZ can only have a rating if certified by their regulatory body.

  • +21

    Going to Costco feels like the end of the world.

    • +11

      Especially on the weekend.

    • Apparently they've reduced the size of the trolleys because people haven't been buying enough to fill them

      • We poor now. Need big wage growth.

      • haven't noticed that lol

    • +1

      "Welcome To Costco, I Love You".

  • Do they still sell 1kg pack bulgogi?

    • If it's the ones at the open fridge, they do. My go-to whenever I have guests to host :)

  • Is there any website that I can what foods they are selling? costco website seems like don't really show what foods they are selling, I could only see something like long life foods from business delivery website.

    • +2

      There are some Costco Facebook group you might join the local one

    • +2

      if you want, set your doordash app to a random address near a costco for costco to show up on the app, use it to get an idea what they have available.

      Everything they sell isnt listed on doordash but a majority of their popular staples are on there.

  • Is puriti one of the better brands for manuka honey?
    Healthier than the ones sold at chemist warehouse etc?

    • What makes one manuka honey healthier than another?

      • The amount of MGO, which is a naturally occurring antibacterial compound found in Manaka Honey.

        • +1

          If one has more MGO, which is a naturally occurring antibacterial compound found in Manaka Honey, then you would assume this is going to kill some of the good bacteria in your gut.
          Why would you want to do this ?
          Your digestive system only operates because of the bacteria that live in it 🤔 Throwing antibacterials in there seems like a plan that isn't going to help you 🤷🏼‍♂️

          • @Nom:

            Current research suggests that certain kinds of honey can reduce the presence of infection-causing bacteria in the gut including Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Clostridiodes difficile, while simultaneously stimulating the growth of potentially beneficial species, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.

      • +4

        Essentially nothing.
        The active ingredient is destroyed by digestion.

        But your life, your money… Don't let science get in the way of nonsense

        • False.

          Methylglyoxal (MG) is not entirely destroyed during human digestion. Studies have shown that MG reacts with certain compounds during digestion, forming adducts like MG-HCr (methylglyoxal hydroimidazolone with creatine) and MG-H1 (methylglyoxal hydroimidazolone with arginine). These reactions occur quickly and can reduce the amount of free MG available.

      • +1

        Nothing if you eat it. However, it is better than nothing to put on wounds, but any "decent" wound care specialist can do a way better job with proper health care.

  • Are their soup dumplings any good?

    • +2

      Good enough for frozen. Obviously not as good as a restaurant but decent enough. Would score it 6/10

  • How y'all find this? The in-store savings only show up to 19th of Jan expiry ones.

    • i know thats amazing how you do

    • There was an email this morning. "Four weeks of offers starting tomorrow!"

  • Dumb question. Is the pork marinated and ready to be cooked fresh? Or marinated frozen?

    Or is it pre cooked?

  • Make sure you check the MGO rating which has been certified. Don't be fooled by Chinese sugar syrup.

    • And yet…

      Manuka honey with lower UMF values, in our limited sampling, paradoxically demonstrated increased antimicrobial activity

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