Free Shipping from Japan with No Minimum Spend (+ ¥900 JPY Charge Per Order) @


Free international shipping is back in the new year!
Suruga-ya is a 2nd hand store for Japanese goods like retro games, anime, books, and more.
Quality is usually excellent for 2nd hand and issues explained directly in description.

Related Stores, Japan, Japan


  • Good deal, but extremely common promo.

    • Every week now.
      It is also 900 yen oer order now, not 500 like the title says.

      • Fixed, thank you.

  • +3

    The charge per order is now 900 yen. They've bumped it up a couple of times over the past year or so.

    I've noticed the prices of the items on my watch list increase by 10-20% over the past year as well.

    • Additionally, the minimum price for items could be 300 yen before, now its 650 yen.

      There are still bargains, but it is harder to find.

    • +2

      30%. Min used to be 500, now 650. Shipping "not shipping" fee was 500, now 900. That, mixed with exchange rate changes, makes it a lot less appealing now.

  • What are people buying? Items look average

    • +1

      Got a boxed Wii U and motion plus remote for about $80 (console alone averages $200 on eBay currently).
      Sadly high "commission" is killing it a bit if you don't want much stuff or something expensive.

  • Do they support PayPal Pay in 4?

    • Yes. I've used it quite a bit.

      When you select PayPal as the payment method and then go to pay, it opens the PayPal window and you can select pay in 4 as long as you are over the usual minimum.

  • +3

    Any good items to but that we cannot find in Australia or that are cheaper than in here?

    • Generally things that are in abundance in Japan but not here. Rarer gundam/model kits, trading cards, older video games/consoles, figures, etc.

      It won't all be deals though.

  • -5

    Put a order and then asked something about the item. They were unable to answer. Request a cancellation and they said they can't/don't cancel order but ONLY this time (making very clear it was a favour) they were cancelling that to me.

    I would never buy anything again.

    • +3

      Most reasonable people would ask first, then order.

    • You didn't think to ask before you placed your order? (I didn't neg you btw)

      • +1

        Neither did I although there's plenty of reason to there lmao

  • +1

    No need to keep posting this as it has never been longer than a week without free shipping for a long time now.

    It used to be 3-4 days on then 5-6 days off but they've gone mainstream now and it´s practically free shipping more often than not as they are really making money with the international influx. Last one finished 2 days ago and it's already back on for another 5 days. Prices have gone up, minimums have gone up and the surcharge has gone up from ¥500 to ¥900.

    The one upside is faster delivery. It used to be around two weeks, but I mostly get things within 5 days now, sometimes even 2. As always, everything is packed very well by individuals whose names are linked to your package. If there's a problem with the contents, that individual is held accountable. I have only once had an issue, and it is a very strict, long winded and frustrating return/refund process, so be warned.

    Not the bargain spot it once was as prices have rocketed and there are a lot more people using the site now, but there are still the occasional gems if you're fast enough.

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