Thought I would start up this topic.
I ordered 2 items from on the 8th, both dispatched on the 8th. Been waiting keen all day for them to arrive today, thought surely they would be here.
No dice…:(
Who else is in this boat?
Thought I would start up this topic.
I ordered 2 items from on the 8th, both dispatched on the 8th. Been waiting keen all day for them to arrive today, thought surely they would be here.
No dice…:(
Who else is in this boat?
That sounds awful. I ordered a Samsung SSD from Flingshot last Thursday, and it arrived this morning… had no problem with TNT. Though I would prefer that Flingshot used AAE, personally; nothing but great experiences with them.
You should have taken the issue up with a supervisor / head office, or something. They can't just blame you for ordering late, when it was blatant malpractice on their part. As a courier, it is their responsibility to ensure that standards are upheld, no matter the seasonal busyness - blaming the customer is the dead last thing to do… seems like they need a lesson in customer service, as well as how to courier properly. The least they could've done was apologise.
As for the actual topic; the only thing I ordered online was the SSD, and I was quite surprised by the excellent delivery time. I suppose you could count the Nexus 4 I've been waiting (and waiting, and waiting, and waiting) to buy, but I'm starting to doubt that'll ever reappear :-|
Wow, that sounds super annoying! The worst part about my order, was that I ordered several other things from overseas around the 12th and they all arrived on the 20th-21st.
Not entirely sure how TNT officially works. The couriers have to deliver or give a Sorry we missed you notice for each package. As the TNT rep said, I wouldn't be able to pick up today as the trucks sometime end up coming back late say 9PM and by then the depot is closed. Instead of spending an extra 5 minutes delivering a package, you can just stick a notice in the mailbox. Do that for 12 packages and guess what you get to knock off work an extra hour early. It would especially be the case on days like Christmas eve. That's just a theory. I think some companies pay drivers per package delivered and have other safeguards to prevent the above.
Frankly TNT sucks for delivery. I ordered a pump, it arrived damaged. Actually I lie, it never arrived, the card did when after waiting all day the courier arrived at 7:30 that night, then I had to go to the depot and pick it up.
After waiting for a few hours for a "guaranteed someone will call you back". I gave up and called them directly at the depot (vs 13 number).
After picking it up, I got a call about 4 hours alter to tell me that I could come over and pick it up. 2 things - I already had it AND it was only 15 minutes before they closed for the night)
Then there was the wait for the replacement cowling that had been damaged.
My motto. If I can choose a vendor who doesnt use TNT, I will.
tbh i classify TNT as a "better" courier company
TNT are worsted. one time they dumped 11,000 top line computer in local hardware shop in the rain. Another time they dumped 4,000 laptop at my dad work place in timmer yard in rain it was right off. Another time dump 24 bottle of rum at dad work place in office and dad only found out few days later after went box was empty. I personal hate TNT they have cost me alot of money. we did live in a small town.
11k PC's & 4k laptops all wet? I'd have thought 12 bottles of rum would have been enough to recover from that.
Had an interesting experience with TNT as well. Actually it's still an ongoing experience.
Ordered a laptop from Lenovo and TNT delivered it to what I presume to be the wrong address last Thursday. Some phone calls and emails later, I'm still no closer to locating its whereabouts. Apparently the driver that made the delivery is on leave now. It's most certainly not making Christmas.
Sorry to hear that. I ordered a Lenovo on 2 Dec, TNT tried delivery on 18 but I was not at home. The next re-delivery date was Friday the 21st and they did turn up with the package in one piece.
Yeah, I think the Christmas rush really puts the pressure on them to deliver (unintentional bad pun) and mistakes are made when facing a mountain of work. Just hope they end up finding it.
ive had nothing but bad trouble with TNT, i had the same thing happen to me, i ordered a computer of MLN and they used TNT. (this is a while ago though) So i was waiting all day for this package, and it didnt come so i run up tnt and they said they tried to deliver it and they left a note, which they did not. So i gave them nothing but hell lol. and they did a special delivery that night.
Neil did you email us about this? We can usually get it sorted out pretty quick with TNT if we are made aware there is an issue. That said over the last 2 weeks we have had some issues with them, the previous 2 months pretty much zero issues. To be fair to them though every single issue started with an attempted delivery and the customer was not available. So they did try to deliver at least once. We are looking into requiring a business address when we use overnight express to avoid these problems in the future.
They might have tried delivery the first time but I wasn't home. Fair enough.
The big issue I have is that from a Wednesday delivery, the next redelivery date offered was Monday. Same date if I wanted to pick up from depot (20 min from my house). That's just crazy.
TNT sent an sms on Monday morning stating they would deliver the package. So waited..waited. 3PM rolls around, go out to check mailbox and low and behold a missed package slip. I call up TNT and they said there was nothing I could do at that point. No delivery, no depot. Nothing but wait until Thursday. The rep I spoke to was probably sick of people with the same issue and was pretty unsympathetic. A look on Product Review shows people in the similar situations. You know you are bad when you are rated lower than Australia post. So I didn't email you Flingshot as it was out of your hands as of 3pm Christmas eve. Anyway, wife understands the dilemma and is fine with it. Bought her a stuffed toy from the servo as a substitute gift coming soon gift ;).
Yeah a few things purchased at the start of December from ebay & DX haven't arrived, although something purchased from victorias basement on friday arrived today. Awesome service and prices from there too.
Does anyone elses postie just put the parcel notification in your mailbox instead of someone actually delivering the parcel? I was home all day today and our postie doesn't come until around 4:30pm. Of course the post office is shut by then and I can't actually pick up the parcel until the 27th. Our postie is really nice but I find this system really annoying as I paid for delivery and they do it all the time now. So that is one parcel that didn't make it in time :)
Ours does the same, but there were complaints, so now they leave some in the mailbox. Problem is that they stick out of the mailbox, so this adds to temptation for someone to stop and steal. With a driveway of .3Km, I really cant expect Aust Post to deliver it to the door. (and I am ok with that)
While its annoying I prefer the card, that way I know I will get it.
DX mail takes up to 3-4 weeks and Christmas is longer. It says airmail, but I suspect its actually sent by ship. So it will depend on when you ordered it.
Then in 3-4 weeks time its going to be chinese new year so the delays will start again.
I had a postie rang the bell and left the card this afternoon. I went out and managed to caught him about to get onto his van. He still refused to let me to have the parcel though as he has already registered it to be picked up from the post office :(
You should have stood behind his van and refused to move until he gave you your parcel. actually surprised me today. Delivery for my items was scheduled between 17th and 24th. As we ventured past the 17th, receiving them prior to Christmas was looking off the cards. Nothing rocked up Friday (21st).
Monday 24th was the last day for them to arrive within the promised time frame."Yeah right", I thought. But then I found the parcels (both of them, dispatched on different dates) awaiting me on my desk at work today. Based on the feedback I have read about fishpond, I was expecting to receive them in about a week, or have to chase them up for a refund.
But I didn't. Kudos to you
We're really pleased to hear we we got your Christmas presents to you on time. Thanks for your positive feedback - we hope your Christmas was great and we look forward to providing you with more products in the New Year.
"we look forward to providing you with more products in the New Year."
Subtle, I like. Might have to borrow that for use at work.
I ordered a mail-order bride for Christmas last week and she's still not here. Disgraceful!
i order one of them to it real bad.
Shipping from America is very slow lately, except for Amazon. Items shipped by USPS First Class (mainly books and beads) in November have taken over 30 days to reach me. UK Royal Mail hasn't been affected much by Christmas - still about 2 weeks wait. The last Amazon box to reach me was delivered by UPS, which suprised me - normally USP are very expensive and (like any Ozbargainer would) I only paid for the cheapest delivery option.
I ordered some items at Amazon US on 4 Dec. They despatched using iParcel and it was in OZ on Friday 7th and Australia Post delivered it Monday morning. Good performance. AP used to do the trick with the card in the letterbox but not anymore. Different contractor (and very good looking). That said, we don't have any trouble with TNT, AAE or STE. We are regional VIC about 300km out from Melbourne. The consistently best is OzCableGuy in Brisbane. On ordinary shipping he always delivers in 24 hours or less unless you order on Friday. Star Track did the last delivery from OCG back in September. It seems much has to do with the last link. The one who actually delivers to you and we do alright with that.
I must be lucky. I ordered a bunch of HobbyKing LSD batteries (not expecting them before christmas, I forgot they were coming) and they turned up lunch time yesterday. Just in time for all the chinajunk unwrapped today. They're a bit thicker than regular alkaline cells though, so wouldn't fit in the first thing I tried without busting up the outer casing.
Well in January we had a stallion stuff our mare for a 15th December delivery, and the foal is still not here! Not good Santa. Not even sure if he will get the colour right (we specifid grey but apparently it was whatever is available).
Anyway, might get delivered tonight with any luck. The worst part is unwrapping. Need sharp scissors for the sack.
Order some items on Nov 17 from DX, nothing here yet, checked status, left China on 06/12/12 at airport, Don't know why they are so slow.
Australia post contractors as well as Toll Priority did secretly leave a ' sorry we missed you delivery attempt card' under the security door
Without even ringing the doorbell even though the door was open as indication someone was home
I HATE to have to deal with both companies
Thanks for fckn up Christmas
i ordered a wii u console on the 19th, expected delivery was 3/01/13, i got it on the 21/12/12, cant really complain "this time"
Lol I mean the postie on the motorbike - they don't even bother sending out the parcels in the van anymore, just give the 'we missed you' notes to the posties to stick in the mailbox on their regular run.. grrr that's not exactly how home delivery works aust post!
The number of letters is dropping off sharply these days, so AusPost is using the freed up capacity of its motorbike posties to deliver some of the smaller parcels. Kind of works nicely for them as parcel numbers are going thru the roof.
Yeah, they dropping off alright. Auspost parcel deliveries are good for us but their letter deliveries are pretty ordinary. We often get people deliver our letters overnight. They find them in their box or just dropped on the road. Wife has found a few on the road too for other people.
Bought an item off Amazon via PriceUSA at the end of Nov, mine haven't arrived yet :(
Allied Express made the news by failing to deliver packages and threatened a customer with legal action.
This truncated link works for me.
…and threatened a customer with legal action.
The allegation is that Allied Express MD Mr McDowell wrote the following in an email to a customer: "Maybe we will report to our legal adviser's (sic) for threatening behavior". This could simply suggest a police report, rather than litigation. There were conversations between the customer & Allied Express staff - whether anything stated could be viewed as threatening (by either party) is not clear.
But no, it doesn't look too good for Allied Express …
Have received from TNT many times when I order apple products. They truly sux. Worst courier in my mind. On half a dozen times I have been at home and have had the door open and they don't bother to come knock or ring the door bell. Something has to be done about this as it keeps happening with other people also.
Unless you are waiting outside your house and waiting for the courier they just drop a letter in your mailbox and say sorry they tried but you werent there.
I ordered from CustomAFL on October 30.
Was posted on December 8 (39 days after order)
Still not received (58 days after order)
Not the only one in this boat either according to their facebook page
those who ordered from Dx for xmas 2012, i got good news and bad news, good news is you will get your packages, bad news is it will take exactly a month if my experience is anything to go by, ordered 2 packages 24 nov thinking one month was plenty of time, xmas eve came and i was spewing about not getting the xmas gifts in time and vowing never to buy from hk sellers again(well for xmas gifts anyway), then 2 little miracles-morning of 24th came first package, afternoon the second! seems that if you can't order well in advance from hk sellers you should look elsewhere for xmas gifts
Ordered itune cards from harvey norman 2 for 1 deal on the 12 december still havent received them was given a tracking number that doesnt work have emailed no response as yet THANKS GERRY
On the other hand, you might see Gerry Harvey uses this thread in mass media to warn the consumers about online shopping. "You'll never have late delivery problem if you just pay double the price in our brick & mortar shop…"
I ordered a wireless pci-e card on eBay on the 27th (yeah I know not before christmas) I didn't really expect it anytime soon but I would think it would be posted by 3 days at most then checking today I see they have edited the listing to state we are going on holidays on the 21st and will be back on the 7th of January. Would have been nice to post that on the 21st guys…
I ordered something via Flingshot last Sunday/Monday. Asked if it could be delivered by Christmas, yes. TNT Express try to deliver Wed. Wasn't in. Expected to pick up at post office or redeliver the next day but no the next possible day they could redeliver was the 24th (4 days later!). Fine, no problem.
Wait the whole of today and receive a Sorry we missed you delivery note. Didn't ring bell or anything. Call up TNT, can't pick up at depot as delivery guy comes back after depot is closed and have to wait until the 26th. Well TNT blamed me for ordering too late, they are doing lots of delivery, probably stepped out the back whatever and other excuses. They suck. I'm not blaming Flingshot but retailers should take a lesson that just because a courier may be the cheapest may not be the best practice in busy delivery periods.