• expired

NordVPN: 100% Cashback (New NordVPN Customers Only) @ TopCashback


Cashback terms and exclusions

  • Cashback can only be earned by customers opening a new NordVPN account. Renewals are ineligible for cashback.
  • Cashback is eligible on the VPN service only. Upsold products like NordPass & NordLocker are ineligible for cashback.
  • NordVPN is excluded from all signup and referral bonus thresholds. Reference the Tell-a-Friend terms for more information.
  • Cashback is ineligible on payments made with Crypto currency.
  • Cashback is ineligible on use of any codes not approved and posted by TopCashback.
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchase of gift cards and/or use of gift cards for payment.
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchases made via the retailer's mobile app.

30-day money-back guarantee

Enjoy full access to the award-winning VPN completely risk-free. If you are not 100% satisfied, tell us within 30 days of buying NordVPN and get a full refund.

Try NordVPN Risk-Free

Referral Links

Referral: random (4042)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

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closed Comments

  • +1

    TopCashback is currently under maintenance
    We expect our service to resume by 03:00 AET

  • You should be able to stack with a Nord referral for 4 months extra free

    • Have you done this without cashback being rejected?

      • +2

        I just checked & yes, my cashback was paid.

  • NordVPN vs SurfShark?

    • +1

      Neither. Both are the same company. Wouldn't trust them regardless of what name they slap on their service or how much cash back they want to offer.


      I suggest having a read on https://www.reddit.com/r/VPNTorrents/ to get a better idea on VPN providers. Nord, Shark et al. just pay YouTubers to shil their services.

      • Thanks.

        Would the negger care to elaborate on their disagreement?

        I never quite understood what's so private about tunnelling one's traffic through someone else's servers, tbh… Sure, you avoid the ISP, but reveal yourself to someone else.

        • I'll take that neg as a negative then.

      • +2

        Thanks for that read, have been using ExpressVPN for a while now, no idea why.

        Do you have a recommended VPN provider?

      • For the most part no VPN provider is that great however still handy to have NORD (especially with 100% cashback). Great for quickly browsing overseas sites to act as local to there or to sign up for accounts overseas and so on. Also handy if one needs to D/L something from less approved places rather than local ISP monitoring. :-)

        • +1

          Also handy if one needs to D/L something from less approved places rather than local ISP monitoring. :-)

          See, it's igroance like this that's dangerous. I'm not trying to be rude, just trying to help.

          Your ISP most likely doesn't give a shit what you download. They most likely aren't monitoring you. Continuing to spread this misinformation annoys me.

          What actually happens with the vast majority of times with torrents is copyright trolls connect to a swarm and log all the IPs downloading material.

          They take this IP and look up what ISP owns that IP. They then send threatining emails to the ISP. So the ISP doesn't get sued they then forward on this threatening email on the to customer who was using that IP at that time.

          The ISP wasn't monitoring you. They're just passing on the message from the person who was monitoring you.

          Here's the thing with VPNs. Using a provider who logs will result in the exact same result. Except instead of the copyright troll contacting your ISP, they contact your VPN provider who will then be able to look in their logs to see who was using the IP at that time and forward the threatening email to you.

          The only way to actually stop this from happeing is to make sure you are using a VPN who has been confirmed to not keep logs.

          You should also be looking for a provider who supports Portforwarding to get better speeds and in some cases be able to download at all (if two people in a swarm don't have portforwrding, neither can download/upload from each other).

          If you're not talking about Torrents/p2p but rather DDL, there's very little chance your ISP cares. Why would they? Also your IP isn't exposed in a public swarm.

          People think "oh I'm using a VPN I'm safe". Are you?
          Have you checked for IP leaks?
          Have you got a killswitch setup for when your VPN drops?
          Is you VPN provider trustworthy?

          • @PainToad: What about using KODI for educational purposes. Could that get you a letter from ISP or others? Asking for a dear friend. Thanks.

            • @Naigrabzo: Using Kodi how?

              Streaming your local media?

              Using shaddy pluggins? If so, where are they sourcing media from? DDL, UseNet or Torrent?

              • @PainToad: They are absolutely doing a slim shady with KODI. ;)

                Which VPN would you recommend that doesn't keep logs? I heard PIA might be the go but they are based in the USA.

                • @Naigrabzo:

                  They are absolutely doing a slim shady with KODI. ;)

                  Sure. But doing what? Using DDL sites? Torrents? Usenet? Debrid?

                  Only you can make a decision about what precusions you want to make. My only advice is you shouldn't be using things that you don't know how they're working because you don't understand what risks you're taking.

                  • @PainToad: Lets assume quite safely that they are watching overseas live TV channels using an addon. ;) I suppose technically it's a direct download stream?

                    • @Naigrabzo: If you are talking about IPTV, in Australia, nobody cares. Barely anyone would use a VPN for it. It's such a small scale thing here it draws no attention. Far less a concern than torrenting. That said, i'd wonder why you bother using Kodi for that and move to a Tivimate setup. :)

          • @PainToad:

            They're just passing on the message from the person who was monitoring you.

            I vaguely remember there being more consequences than that, no?

            The only way to actually stop this from happeing is to make sure you are using a VPN who has been confirmed to not keep logs.


          • @PainToad: Agree. Worked in Telco over 20 years.

            In Australia we remain fortunate, ISPs dont care beyond doing the bare minimum to be regulatory compliant (i.e. some DNS blacklisting of sites) and managing network capacity/stability. Otherwise, they really dont care unless you abuse the service, act fraudulent in some manner, or draw the attention of the police. Some however do prioritize traffic and protocols on the sly from time to time, so, it can be useful there.

            But It also depends on what country and you are actually in. There can definitely be benefits when you are travelling to get around certain blocks, filtering, prioritization etc and to select a third party country for torrenting just to add another level of human effort in the unlikely event you draw some attention. Chances akin to the lottery. In any case, would be exeedingly unlucky for the VPN provider to ever give you up even if they could. Almost all claim to not keep personally identifiable logs. More likely, the person made a mistake and leaked.

            Unless you are doing some seriously dodgy things, the whole song and dance about this VPN provider over that VPN provider for the most part of over dramatzied hoopla.

  • +1

    Has anyone tried using a '+' in their Gmail to get a new account for this?
    Eg: email+nord1@gmail

    • +6

      Yes, it's what I used and no drama's with signup or receiving the Cashback (last year).

      • +1

        I tried the same earlier today and so far everything seems fine..

        • Same, worked for me too. Hopefully they honor it.

    • Yup used this no isses

    • I do this every time

  • +1

    Cashrewards didn't give me 100% cashback for Nord VPN. Hopefully TopCashback has a better service

    • +2

      Ive had no issues with topcash with nord got tracked in 5 mins & got paid out going back 10 months ago hope it's still as good .

    • +1

      Remember to choose a country without Tax added (I think I chose USA) when buying otherwise they'll add GST if you select Australia which is not incl in the Cashback. Also pay in US$ with FX free card to get closest to 100% cashback. FX rates change so amount received back is based on rate given at time of it being received into your TCB account if that makes sense.

      • That makes sense and is very helpful.
        But my comment was about the fact that Cashrewards didn't give me cashback at all! Topcashback should be a better one.

        • As long as it tracks and don't buy any add-ons all should be well. If it doesn’t track one can always cancel within 30days and get refunded.

          • @Borg: The issue is that i tracked very well. However, it takes 90 days to give us the cashback and thus we lose the chance to cancel Nord VPN.
            But, they said Nord VPN is saying it didn't track well when I did the purchase.
            Hence, they rejected that.

            They just reject, becasue it is brings the money for them. Too easy! Nord VPN is just scam.

            • +1

              @mkowarkski: Not good at all. I'd take that up with Cashrewards i.e. you met your end of the bargain as per what they "Cashrewards" required.
              You have proof and receipt so Cashrewards are obligated to pay regardless of what Nord say as the deal is between you and CR. Its up to them to dispute it with NORD but pay you in the meantime…unless you feel something isn't right on your end when buying.

              General Tip: I always screen record when buying these types of things and ensures that they can't say anything was done incorrectly.

              • @Borg: They said Nord VPN rejected your transaction, because your cashback did not track with them (went to another channel!!!!). They say Nord VPN doesn't give us money, so we cannot give you money! These are just bullshit! They don't want to pay the cashback. I have done cashback many times and I'm sure this was done correctly. They just want to get the money and don't leave it go.

                I contacted Nord VPN about my cashback; they said we don't manage it. Then, I forwarded that response to Cashrewards team, and they said we connect with Nord VPN again, but that takes another 3 months! Bullshit!

                I may go through Pay Pal and cancel my membership with Nord VPN if they don't give me cashback.

                Recently, also 100% casbhack on Temu with Cashrewards also did not track and when I claim and contact them, they don't respond!

                • @mkowarkski: I once had that with "Cashrewards" with a Myer purchase.
                  It was Bullcrap and took them to task over it as it was arould $40 cb. I knew there was no way it could have been another channel. I hadn't been anywhere near Myer in advance to using CR caskback link. In short I told them so and as my reward tracked correctly via their site wasn't my problem and something for them to sort out with Myer or for them to get Myer to tell me what other channel was used. They ended up paying me!

                  For Others here: If in doubt ensure you clear your cookies in advance (or use alternate browser) in case you were researching Nord reviews and clicked on an alternate referral link unknowingly. Rules out any possible alternate channel rejection.

    • -2

      same here. It's a scam, NordVPN are likely "rejecting" 20-30% of the cashbacks automatically — they come out ahead financially, boost their subscribers, and thus boost their intrinsic worth due to subscriber count increasing.

  • Topcashback seems to take longer to have the cash back than Cashrewards.

    • +1

      Cashrewards didn't confirm my cashback at all. No valid reason was provided. They just reject, because it is for their benefit

      • I had the same experience with Cashrewards… they just drag it out and reject on some transactions with no reason given. I reckon they rely on people not giving a crap for a few bucks- but they still get the referral. But then I've had some transactions come through quickly- so very hit and miss.

        All of them are the same though and hardly worth the effort these days.

        The thing that CR annoys me the most on is they heavily promote a headline cashback rate, but its only in the small text that it's for one transaction only (for ever), and the rest you refer through them is like 0.5% or something. Topcashback seem to be more transparent about how much you'll actually get.

        But always best to compare offers from each before a big purchase.

      • +1

        Interesting to read this. Same experience here. I think NordVPN are a bunch of scammers, and this is a very deliberate act on their part.

        • It's ok to give it go if it's already 90% off though.

  • +1

    My subscription expired today, good timing!

    • My sub auto-renewed 2 month before expiry. Jerks

      • +1

        A good reminder to others…ensure you turn off Auto-renew once all setup.

      • Yeah, pretty dodgy. But 2 months or 2 weeks?

        We will charge you for the upcoming subscription period in advance, unless you cancel the subscription before the day of the charge. For monthly plans, the charge will be made on the day of the auto-renewal. For other plans, the charge will be made at least 14 days before the auto-renewal.

        • On my reading of that, there is a distinction between the charge and the actual auto-renewal. If you are charged 14 days before the renewal, you should be able to (1) cancel the auto-renewal within the intervening period, and (2) get a refund for the charge (because you didn't in fact auto-renew).

        • Oh yeah 2 weeks. My bad. Still unethical though.

      • Maybe use paypal if possible and make sure you remove recurring payments, or just switch off auto renew.

  • NordVPN OR PureVPN?

    • Why those two?

    • Neither, PIA

    • Both if they're free

  • Hi all, I am new to this. Should I opt for a basic 2 year plan listed for about $81usd? Would this be approved for 100% cash back?

    Thank you in advance!!

  • +1

    Be very wary of this folks. I've been in a fight with NordVPN and Cashrewards for the last three weeks over a similar deal that wasn't tracked. They both point fingers at each other, but have basically told me "too bad". Despite other deals tracking the same day, on same browser. NordVPN is, in my opinion, a scam, and I'm sure these deals are to bait you into buying 2y in advance, and not seeing a cent of your money back.

    • +2

      Generally, for these VPN + cashback type service, the VPNs have 30 day money back money guarantee.

      If your cookie/cashback didn't track, rather than wasting everybody's time getting the cashback to track (you probably are never going to get it working), immediately just cancel your subscription and get your money back.

      If you wish to, you can retry as a new customer using another email (or use the gmail + trick)

      • +1

        I have done this last month, my transaction was simply cancelled as it was on pending status.

  • Anybody knows if you can pay in AUD and avoid credit card surcharges?

  • Curious how long it's taken for cashback to track today?

    • Signed up 2.5h ago; no tracking so far.

      I've also not got the tracking from yesterday's Everyday Mobile CB deal.

  • +1

    Cheers, tracked after about an hour. Ended getting more back than I paid as a US Virgin Island resident 😜

    • +1

      Same here! Tracked at $4 profit with United States default

  • Thanks, got tracking email within 2 hours after signing up. Cheers

  • Adblock was off on the landing page but turned back on for the checkout page, beware of that.

  • No tracking 3 days after - is this common?

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