Looking for an Easy Way to Create a Slide Show on a Windows 11

My photos on my computer are in folders per subject. Windows won’t allow multiple folders for creating desktop slide show and to copy all thousands of pic in one folder is a huge task; need to keep originals in respective folders to know subject ie location where photo came from.
. Is there a way of grabbing automatically as in an apparatus or application that can move all my photos not including duplicates in-one place and or allow for the creation of a large slide show; maybe it’s two separate processes? I tried with an app or two from windows store but they required I choose individual pics one at a time or bulk within a folder and did not recognise duplicates, and when I tried to run a slide show they both froze up.

Any suggestions as to what I can do to easily create one giant slideshow on a windows 11 computer?

My partner has alzheimers and I feel this could be beneficial to his wellbeing.


  • Something like this at the command prompt as long as space isn't an issue (copies all pics)?

    cd /d c:\FolderWithSubfoldersContainingPics\
    for /r %d in (*) do copy /y "%d" "c:\FolderYouHaveCreatedToPutAllPics\"

    • -1

      Too techy for me but thanks for the suggestion

  • +5

    I'd just use irfanview. It's an old program that's existed since 1996


    After you run the program, click the Slideshow icon on the main window. Then open up a new File Explorer Window… then drag all the folders that you wish to include in the slideshow into the "Slideshow files" section (and choose the sort order, optionally) and then click Play Slideshow.

    You can also save the slideshow as a video but the filesize can be very large if you have thousands of images.

    • Finding programs or apps to run slide show not really the issue, trouble is that all the pics are in separate folders, and some are duplicate or triplicated on the computer. I tried grabbing the pics one at a time but 2 apps froze after loading them.

  • it almost sounds like you dont have backups.
    please have backups

    • Sorta do have backups as my partner is always creating duplicates, as do to alzheimers he can’t remember how to operate computer but tries and ends up making copies or deleting things on accident. One reason to create slideshow he won’t have to manage folders files or pics.

      • backups are in other devices, not the same device.

        have at least 2 backup disks and keep them up to date.
        use this app to remove duplicates: https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka
        (not the most user friendly, but the fastest)

      • +1

        My suggestion: Manually pick the photos for the slideshow and put them in another folder.
        nobody wants to see photos of a tablecloth that accidentally got taken
        or 4 photos of the same thing when someone pressed the shoot button repeatedly by accident.

  • I was thinking that a way to get all the photos into / onto one location, I think there are some sort of apparatus that searches for tour pictures and grabs them leaving duplicates behind, not sure if they are copies or moved onto said apparatus. Seems in my memories I have seen advertisements for something like this, seems it would be the easiest way to put the pics into a slide show app, anyone know what i am talking about?

    • Moving the pictures into one directory is the easy part, you can use a program called Search Everything which is a file indexer. Once you've installed the program, just type in the file extension that your photos uses (.jpg, .jpeg, .png etc). It'll show you list of every file that ends with that extension.

      You can click the "Path" column to sort the list of results by directory.

      You can then multi-select all the files you want to copy using SHIFT+Click or CTRL+Click and then cut / or paste them somewhere else.

      You can use the advanced search to restrict searches to a certain directory, if you find that there are simply too many files being displayed.

      If you want to get rid of duplicate files you can use a program called 'Czkawka' to find similar looking images and delete them. Here's a video showing you how to use it

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