My photos on my computer are in folders per subject. Windows won’t allow multiple folders for creating desktop slide show and to copy all thousands of pic in one folder is a huge task; need to keep originals in respective folders to know subject ie location where photo came from.
. Is there a way of grabbing automatically as in an apparatus or application that can move all my photos not including duplicates in-one place and or allow for the creation of a large slide show; maybe it’s two separate processes? I tried with an app or two from windows store but they required I choose individual pics one at a time or bulk within a folder and did not recognise duplicates, and when I tried to run a slide show they both froze up.
Any suggestions as to what I can do to easily create one giant slideshow on a windows 11 computer?
My partner has alzheimers and I feel this could be beneficial to his wellbeing.
Something like this at the command prompt as long as space isn't an issue (copies all pics)?
cd /d c:\FolderWithSubfoldersContainingPics\
for /r %d in (*) do copy /y "%d" "c:\FolderYouHaveCreatedToPutAllPics\"