10% off Accommodation @ Rydges Sydney Airport Hotel


Get 10% off accommodation bookings at Rydges Sydney Airport using the Corporate ID SYDSQUAD

Note: Toggle I have a code and enter SYDSQUAD in the Corporate ID box, not the Promo Code box.

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  • -1

    Is it cheaper than booking through booking sites?

    • +1

      I did a very random search and it's comparable.

      • +1

        The "prepaid advance booker saver" is a promotion run by Rydges Head Office, running simultaneously with the SYDSQUAD promo code at time of posting.

        The point of difference however is, SYDSQUAD bookings do not need to be pre-paid, they can be cancelled within 24 hours of the booking and bookers do not need to sign up as a member to receive the discount.

        Enjoy :-)

        • Good to know though its cheaper if you are already a free member and happy to pre-pay

          Example I got was $354 with their referral vs $319 for member pre-pay

  • +10

    The Sydsquad boys are legends. Jump onto their YouTube live stream if you’re into aviation, you won’t be disappointed.

    • They're a bit over the top for me - I like my OPN boys up in Brisbane. A bit more mellow and they tend to follow the aircraft a bit better, not get distracted with the YouTube chat while the camera is just pointed in some random direction.

      Not to mention OPN is in 4K!

  • +3

    I was just watching Sydsquad!

  • +2

    Kurt, Tim and the other SydSquadders are lit

  • Sydsquad is great second monitor content while working from home

  • Rydges Sydney Airport Hotel pricing are getting ridiculously expensive. $339 per night for standard room with discount code, what a laughing stock.

  • It is expensive, but so convenient when you arrive in Bus from Canberra and fly International.

    Their breakfast is one of the best breakfast I ever had in a hotel.

    They sometimes do ~30% off through the year, and Booking is usually matching their price, with free cancellation. Worth checking if you have long term plans

  • its worth it, i wont be doing any early morning rushes to airports anymore

  • Anyone tried this and know if they require photo ID / proof of eligibility to use the corporate code?

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