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60% off All 1kg Coffee $24.80/kg + Shipping @ Inglewood Coffee Roasters


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Inglewood Coffee Roasters
Inglewood Coffee Roasters

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thoughts on the best blend for milk-based coffees?

    • +3

      I typically like dark roasts and downtown is my favourite
      Haven’t tried Roosevolt tho
      But rate downtown over sunset blvd. but just my opinion

      • Had sunset blvd last time so giving Downtown blend a try this time!

    • +2

      Inglewood recommends Downtown blend for milk-based coffees

      I've only tried their Roosevelt blend which is very good for espresso, with milk it's still a very good coffee but I'd try another blend to find the right taste for me.

      • +3

        I've noticed the downtown doesn't taste as good as when it was originally released. Not sure if it's due to change in recipe or I'm simply no longer enjoying it.

        • +1

          Noticed the same too.

    • +3

      Sunset blvd gets my vote!

    • +1

      I prefer a medium roast, I like Sunset Blvd

  • +2

    Perfect timing as about to run out of beans. Thanks OP!

  • Kindly guide me as I am planning to end it overseas for a Coffee geek.

    • +35

      Pretty drastic move. It's just coffee bro

    • +1

      Does your friend live in a country without coffee Roasters?

    • +4

      Please don’t end it. But if by chance you meant send it, I wouldn’t bother. This isn’t really coffee geek territory.

    • +3

      Don't do that. I bought some last deal and they're not that good, I've now grinded them and donated them to the work kitchen. I've been having much more luck with Aldi Colombia beans.

      If you want to send something overseas get something unique like Proud Mary.

      • Yup… Aldi Colombia are what I feed my jura.

  • +2

    i was charged $2 on a $52 order to WA

    • $5 shipping for 2x1kg to SA

  • +1

    $1 shipping to Victoria

    • +1

      Weird, used to be free shipping to VIC, but showing $1 shipping for me also.

      Still cheap though!

  • +1

    i dont think there is a free delivery any more with $50 order
    with $79.80 still charge shipping $2

    also cannot use inglewood pts with current discount

    • +2

      Their points system is like that, cannot be used with other discounts, but it's not stated anywhere. They still have 50% sales every month, it your can subscribe to get other pretty good discounts

  • +1

    Thanks OP, I can chuck my emergency bag of coles bought beans out now.

    • +9

      Nah mate, where are you located? Donate!

  • +1

    $50.60 with $1 shipping to VIC

    • how did you manage to get a 50.6$ order

      • +4

        Without checking the products, the post title says $24.80/kg. So OP bought 2kgs with $1 shipping.

  • Any delayed shipping options?

    • +5

      It comes with delayed shipping automatically if you're in Victoria. It's ok as long as you don't mind 1.5week old beans

      • I’m looking to delay for weeks > months, not just a few days > a week

      • +2

        I was having issues with couriers please on my sub I have with them, emailed them and they've changed it to aus post for the same shipping course per order $5 in in Qld. Worth an email to them if that's what you're hitting.

  • Really hoping there is a delay dispatch option

    still going through Balck Friday/Cyber Monday's order haha

  • +1

    Just ordered downtown and lazy summer. First time trying these guys, let’s see how it goes.

  • +1

    Do you have any blends that have a mix of normal as well as decaffeinated beans (so that I can drink double shots a few times a day without the massive caffeine)

    • +2

      Coffee Supreme have AM:PM blend which is 50/50. Probably the best version of this type of mix that I've found.

      • Love Coffee Supreme, but I dont see it go on sale to this level.. same as Dukes… either of those are Fantastic, but rare to get such a discount.

  • Really enjoyed Downtown even though the shipping from my previous order was hella delayed. Will go for one more kg to try again.

  • Didnt mind downtown, got 2kg in the last sale bit now this is blend wide so will give the other blends a go

  • Downtown vs Roosevelt??

    Looking for a strong dark roast (coffee that is)

    • Will go downtown

      Coffee beans

      • roosevelt is stronger than downtown

  • These guys vs OzBargain's other fav Manna Beans?

  • +2

    I don't want to tarnish Inglewoods brand, but my friend and I ordered 1-2KG each of the last ad that popped up on OzBargain. The coffee must've been really old, we messaged each other and switched back to our normal beans…

    • Same. Reading these comments I thought I must have got a bad batch. I ground mine and donated it to the work kitchen.

  • I remembered Inglewood's website being hacked some years ago, anyone knows how its doing now?

  • +8

    Super slow delivery with these folks, often takes 2-3 weeks for an order to arrive.

    • +2

      I had the same experience. When I received the beans from the last sale it was already 2 weeks old from the roast date. You could probably get coffee beans quicker via AliExpress

      I presume they roast in batches and ship out beans that have been sitting on the shelf.

      • Not too bad as a lot of times beans taste better a week after roasting from my experience. 2 weeks is a bit stretching it though

    • I ordered mine Monday night and they were delivered Friday with a roast date of the Wednesday of the same week. Can't complain about that.

  • Still double the price Aldis dark roast

    • +1

      Triple the taste surely?

      • +1

        Quad. Def not for those who prefer light hearted roasting

  • +1

    This or Airjo?

  • +1

    must be a big backlog of beans

  • +3

    I get a feeling with the time it take to ship out orders that these guys do a special then order in the green beans and roast them, then dispatch

    Either that or it’s a one man show

    • +1

      Not a one man show, but agree there is sometimes a lag during peak periods, probably due to the process above.

  • I typically go through a kg a month, i tend to freeze the coffee in 250g bags and pull out a bag at a time when needed. If i bought an extra kilo, would freezing it for a month still keep it fresh?

    • If properly sealed once it goes in the freezer it should make no difference between 1 week to 1 year. You could buy an extra 10kg to last you the year.

      • If properly sealed once it goes in the freezer it should make no difference between 1 week to 1 year.

        This is what people keep saying, but I don't find this to be the case. I've stopped buying roasted beans in bulk as a result.

        Green beans last for ages though, without freezing.

        • Interesting, what is your process from storing to using of the coffee?
          I portion mine in tube then grind straight from frozen for most beans, if it's a very expensive/special one I'll vacuum seal each portion, if it's cheap I'll dump a whole zip lock in the freezer and scoop out what I need each time.
          If there is a difference I don't notice, might be noticeable side by side but in practice I don't notice.

          • +1

            @ozlurker: Bag comes in, beans go into 250g ziplocs into freezer, ziploc comes out of freezer and warms to room temperature before beans are put into a grinder.

            • +1

              @rumblytangara: Try frozen into grinder and keep the rest in the freezer. I find they degrade rapidly after freezing. You will have to adjust slightly finer when grinding from frozen.

    • +1

      Lasts longer in vac seal bags. Beans definitely age in the freezer, but well sealed 2 -3 months seems to have minimal impact.

  • I think when inglewoood roast too much they put these specials. Wont necessarily say coffee is super fresh when bought on these deals. There busines was shut couple weeks so chances are they selling all old stock . I buy coffee there from the container thing everyday outside mt waverley place

  • Any connection to Inglewood bees? https://inglewoodbees.com.au/

  • If you are into brown sadness water, I got their Colombia Decaf and Malibu Sticky Chai last time. Both were good drinking (chai not on special though).

    $24.80 + $5 Shipping = $29.80… not bad for 1kg of decaf.

    • Where do you get the cheapest for decaf beans?

  • This, or Aldi coffee beans?

    • I'm bait. This
      Mostly buy coffee when on special.
      Have tried all supermarket brands, very inferior.
      At this price its a no brainer. Inglewood Sunset my favourite so far.

  • When can we expect these to be delivered?

    • +1

      Looks like they're pretty slow from feedback above. I placed an order Tuesday night and still haven't received any updates…

      • i just received a tracking email from couriersplease actually

        • Lucky you- looks like it's not consistent as another member got it delivered within the week, I still have nothing…

    • +1

      6 days since I ordered - still waiting for delivery

      Edit : literally 2 mins after posting this I got notified my order is now "on the way"

      • Oh cool. Keeping my fingers crossed. Been 6 days and haven't heard anything regarding the dispatch yet.

  • Best coffee ever, if you like strong with milk no sugar ans without bitterness this stuff is amazing.

  • I got mine delivered yesterday. Took 7 days to syd from ordering. I must say Lazy Daze is the fruitiest beans I ever had in my life. Absolutely amazing.

  • Ordered last Thursday. Still unfulfilled. Minimal effort.

  • +2

    Ordered on the 16th, 6 days after still no news…

    • Send an query from there website. I've just been advised that my order is finally moving.

  • Ordered on 15th, got shipping information yesterday.

    Looks like they switched to Couriers Please from Auspost and now charge $1 for shipping for VIC Metro

    • Similar here- ordered on 14th and just got shipping info today! Going through AusPost also.

  • Been a week and still yet to be dispatched.

    • 12 days and still nothing.

      • Have you sent a query yet? Complaining here feels good - but a query through the website might just get things resolved.

        • +1

          I did.

          Just letting others know. 3 weeks from order to delivery (assuming I get it mid next week for VIC) is pretty poor without any communication.

          On top of their hack and trying to sweep it under the rug.

  • Ordered in 16th and still haven’t heard anything from them. Just says order placed. I don’t think I’ll order coffee from them again.

    • Send an query from their website. After doing that, I was advised that my 16 Jan order was finally moving - and it arrived (admittedly in Melbourne) quickly. Came through AusPost.

    • Mine took 2 weeks to be delivered from order date, and I'm in Melbourne…

  • Ordered on the 16th and got the dispatch email today - 12 days after ordering!

  • Also waiting on a dispatch notice. I ordered over a week ago now. These guys are SUPER slow. Never had anything arrive within a week. Most of their competitor ship next day, couple days at worst. But $25/kg is hard to beat! So I suffer without coffee.

  • +1

    Ordered on 15th, got shipping information yesterday.
    Received mine yesterday. VIC metro

    Glad the batch was roast on 28th Jan

  • Placed a pickup order on 1 Dec, but couldn't make it to pick it up in person.

    Asked Inglewood to ship it to me instead on 2 Feb and I received one roasted on 29 Nov.

    These guys used to do better than this but not anymore.

    Gonna switch to some other roasters.

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