RSS Alcohol Free Feed

When logged in to OzBargain I see no alcohol deals… (I've turned them off)

I would like RSS feed that does not include alcohol.
Is there a way to employ -cat:alcohol to any of the RSS feeds provided?
Or some special feed?

Ideally I'd also like to turn off the category pets as well. (As I have none)
I assume this is doable these days?

Currently I am just using
as my RSS feed input to my reader.
My reader wants money to filter and even then won't filter "categories".


  • Didn't know RSS was still a thing. Thanks for the memories.

    • +1

      Even though they weren't so great

      • Always been, still are. Some people would rather curate their own feed, instead of being spoonfed algorithmic propaganda.

        • +1

          I was singing.

  • +5

    RSS is published with all the category and tags information so those who use them are able to process the feed in the way they see fit.

    I literally just googled "filter RSS by category" and someone on Reddit recommended so I went to create a feed from OzBargain new deals excluding the Alcohol category

    • That is perfect!

      Not sure why my GoogleFu failed me this time around.

      • What RSS reader do you use ?

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