Best 6.5m Extension Ladder for Double Storey Homes

Hi OzBargain Experts,

I am in the market for an extension ladder that can at least reach up to 6.5m height with safety being the most important criteria.

The purpose is for carrying out general maintenance work such as cleaning the gutters, cleaning security camera lens that are mounted close to the eaves, etc.
Unless there is a leak or some other emergency, I don't really plan on getting up on the roof as I will be leaving that to the pros.

Based on my initial research, I found the following two options:

[1] Gorilla 3.7 - 6.5m 150kg Aluminium Extension Ladder [$445]…

I can also buy the outrigger accessory for added safety.
Gorilla Aluminium Outrigger Ladder Accessory - Cost: $67.45

[2] Indalex Pro Series Aluminium Extension Ladder 150kg 26ft 4.4m - 7.8m with Arc Leveler — Model: PROX26
Cheapest price I found was $728 (including delivery fee of $49.00).

This one is probably overkill, and mostly used by professional roofers.

The gorilla ladder weighs ~ 16kg, and the Indalex ladder weighs ~ 24kg.

The Gorilla ladder coupled with the outrigger accessory is probably the best option - lighter and cheaper.

If you have a better suggestion, please share your thoughts via the comments section.

Poll Options

  • 6
    Gorilla 6.5m 150kg Aluminium Extension Ladder + Outrigger Kit [$512.45 + Delivery]
  • 3
    Indalex PROX26 7.8m 150kg Aluminium Extension Ladder [$679.00 + Delivery]
  • 4
    Other Option? [Post comments]

Related Stores

Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse


  • +1

    I am leaning towards the Gorilla ladder

    Be careful how far you lean or you might fall off.

    • +1

      "Be careful how far you lean or you might fall off."
      OP is leaning towards, not away from.

  • +2

    You need the ladder to reach 6.5m or you need to stand at 6.5m? Big difference. Ladders are advertised by their total length, not their usable length, unless you want to stand on the very top run with no other points of contact. Generally knock at least 1m off to get a better idea of usable size.

  • Bailey Ladders. Still Aussie made (I think) Always been well made and spares available, feet etc). Bunnings sell some models I think. Worth a read>…

  • +2

    Next weeks post: “I fell off my ladder, how do I clean the gutter with one arm in a sling?”

    • -1

      Next week after that: "Hi DoctorC's better half. Can anyone recommend a handyman. Dr is in hospital"

  • The pros will have their own equipment and may not want to use your ladder

    • may not want to use your ladder

      Nor should they. My ladders are for my use only.

  • +2

    The Little Giant range of multifunction ladders is pretty good. I got mine from Sydney tools.

  • ohh I need one too ! I am in the same boat

    • -1

      You probably need a dinghy, not a ladder.

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