NSW Discovery Pass (Unlimited Train/Coach Travel) Discussion


I just purchased a 6 month NSW Discovery Pass (economy) for $420. I noticed that the price is the same as it was pre-covid which makes it excellent value. The only stipulation I can see which has changed is that the pass must be activated within 30 days (previously was 6 months). Planning a few interstate trips to Melbourne and Brisbane, and possibly ACT. There are also coaches available that service the more remote and isolated areas/smaller towns.

Has anyone used the pass before and what did you think of it?
Do you think it is possible to get any shut eye on an overnight train from Sydney to Melbourne?
Can you bring food and drinks on-board to save money?


  • +3

    Yup, have used it before a few times, none since they changed activation date to 1 month.
    You can book a sleeper car, but if in seats can be difficult.
    Can bring your own drinks and food, can even carry own tea or coffee bags and if you have a resealable container, they'll provide the hot water at kiosk, no charge.
    If going to Brissie try to arrive and leave early morning, cos otherwise you'll have a coach trip either way to Casino where train resumes.
    You can book some coach services but you have to look at whats available.
    Im going to use a 2week pass in a few months to visit dad in Bris.

  • +4

    I've done XPT from melbourne to goulburn and back.. if your tall at all I found that theres very little legroom and almost painful on the knees buried into seat infront after few hours… you can get up and walk round a bit to ease the pain..

    i was in peasant class - apparently theres more room in 1st class but you pay for it.. Same as sleepers I'd guess.
    Food was average also no wifi on the one i was on which sucked.

    the scenery was good which was nice… you couldnt drive there for the price of a train ticket which is why i gave it a go. I'd do it again but try first class
    theres plenty of videos on youtube reviews from various people…

  • I picked up 6mth discovery passes back in Sep 2020 and Nov 2021, when it looked like OS travel was off the cards for a while. Got to see most of NSW by train - up as far as Grafton, sleeper from Melbourne (really didn't sleep much at all though, not a smooth ride). Would often team up the train trip with a one way reward flight (not maximising ticket value, but helped take some monotony out of longer haul return train trips) and was able to visit Broken Hill, Griffith, Armidale, Moree (twice), Merimbula (coach via Canberra) this way.

    Also did 'shorter' trips to Macksville, Dubbo, Canberra, Dungog, Bathurst and even a couple Strathfield-Newcastle trips. I enjoy the rhythm of a train ride - pack my NC headphones and a book. Outside is a slow moving landscape painting you can tune in or out or nap thru, and there's always the buffet car every few hours.

    Can only echo Sharkyoz and Pharkurnell, except to add I bought the first class ticket, and found it gave slightly better seat availability, esp at short notice (could book 1st or econ seats, sometimes only first was available on the service I wanted.

    Secondly, be prepared to travel in a replacement bus. The fleet is old and stretched fairly thin. The service and maintenance staff are routinely wonderful, but they don't have a ton to work with. Got caught a couple times (bus from Werris Creek to Narrabri), and a second one from I had booked as a bus from tweed heads, train from Casino became bus all through to Sydney. Booked a last minute same day reward flight back from Gold Coast instead of suffering that!!

    • Could you estimate the percentage of time you had to unexpectedly deal with buses?

      • Hmm, I'll estimate approx 10%

    • +1

      Thanks for sharing your experiences. I am currently using the 6 month pass and have already done several long journeys. It's excellent value. Travelling to all these many farway places, did you find that accommodation was your biggest expense?

      • +1

        More or less, yeah. I mean i guess you could camp in some smaller places but that's really down to individual choice on how you want to travel. Congrats on buying a pass, glad you're enjoying it. Now team it up with $11 a day travel anywhere in Victoria for some real value!!

        • +1

          Absolutely. I did Syd to Mlb overnight and crammed in a day trip to Ballarat on the return day. Victoria is much more compact and easy to get to the regions from Melbourne than Sydney.

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