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Derwent Artists Colouring Pencils, Set Of 72 $60 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Well reviewed and popular product that hovers around $130 generally. Currently a whopping $165 at office works (price beat time). ATL per camels.

Somewhat niche because these are pretty serious colouring pencils which may be an oxymoron to some of us lowbrow non-arty types.

Could be a great gift for an artist (or yourself). If gifting, make sure the prospective giftee actually likes the medium!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Bought - thanks OP!!!

  • +20

    I didn't wake up this morning thinking I would purchase a $60 set of nice colouring pencils, but yet here we are. Thanks OP.

    Edit: I really don't want to spend more money but the equivalent set of watercolour pencils are also ATL (according to the camels) at $55. Linked here

    Edit 2: Someone please stop me. I've bought the watercolours as well.

    • +10

      Nice pencils and drawing implements are dangerous because the mere act of purchasing and using them, I fall under some illusion that I can actually draw. Then I quickly realise that no amount of $60 pencil sets will improve that.

    • +1

      I bought these two items in one click… Yelp

    • +2

      Bought the watercolours and originals. Thanks OP and dust!

      • +1

        Yes, look to be a number of decent deals on Derwent products right now.

  • -1

    New to drawing and have an iPad - should I also get this to access a range of colours or would Procreate suffice? The intention is eventual digital drawing, although paper drawing to scanning could also be nice.

  • Resistance is weak…

  • RRP is $125, how is Officeworks selling them for $165? Are they the same?

  • +2

    I thought alot of people on ozbagain said the quality of Derwent went down the sh!ter?

    • +5

      The quality of everything is down the shitter

      • +2

        Except inflation, that went up the shitter

        • 🤣

        • +1

          To put some persective to the overblown inflation bogey (yes it is/was a problem, no it isn't unusual):


          • @Igaf: TIL. Thank you

          • -2

            @Igaf: They way they calculated inflation changed the past couple years/just as it started going up (conveniently).
            Did you know they started substituting goods for cheaper alternatives to lower the impact of inflation?

            • @cumova: No I wasn't aware of that. Can you provide examples/evidence? If it is true did you delve into why the ABS adjusted its parameters? The system for measuring and calculating inflation has been constantly refined over decades. It isn't a precise measure , nor is it an accurate indicator for individuals, families, or any particular group because of the huge range of circumstances and products/services involved. Small adjustments anywhere make very little difference to the final number as you will appreciate if you read how inflation is measured and calculated.

              If you're concerned that there's some sort of subterfuge involved write to the ABS Commissioner, preferably AFTER you've read the background info below. They take their accuracy and independence very seriously.


            • @cumova: Still looking for that evidence?

              • @Igaf: yes sorry been busy. here is a general article talking about some let say generally changes
                towards the end it says 'Better still, for the first time the bureau has information on how much is bought of each product at each price each quarter. This enables it make real-time adjustments to weightings in accordance with actual behaviour.'

                now, what this means (sorry 'can' or 'might' mean), say the basket always monitored the price of Tim Tams. Tim Tams have gone up to $6 a packet (it was $5.50 recently, 10% increase, and $3.50 before that, 42%). Guess what, I am refusing to buy Tim Tams anymore at that ridiculous price (personally and ironically this is true).
                Anywho, people go to Aldi and buy the knock off Tam Tims for $2.79. This in turn goes up to $3.00. 7% increase.

                So inflation calculation has been adjusted to only factor in the 7% increase (proportioned for the basket of goods of course) and not the 10% that it was previously calculated. See where im getting at? if they have always calculated on products A, b, C and D and then all of a sudden they change it to A, B, C and E there is change. Where does that 3% go missing?

                If we take it one step further (im not putting my tin hat foil on)…….Then after a while Arnotts realise sales are down on Tim Tams, they drop the price to $5.75. People overtime have gotten used to the increase price and notice the price drop so go to buy the Tim Tams again.
                now they say 'Oh lets go back and start calculating this deflation guys as people are buying a different brand of product and the prices are dropping'.

                this is what they call creative accounting - use the data that fits your narrative.

                • @cumova: Peter Martin is a very smart economist. I can see nothing in his very simplified summary analysis which agrees with your tin foil hat ("creative accounting" "conveniently" etc) interpretation of the changes the ABS has made. In fact just the opposite, as the banana example, which is equivalent to your chocolate biscuit example, shows. Martin mentions the example of cars, did you not read it or not understand what he was suggesting?

                  Quote: "It's making the index more of a cost of living index and less of a "cost of a fixed basket" index. It is happening for petrol too. The bureau is reporting the prices people actually pay, instead of the prices on offer. None of this is to say that the CPI is perfect, but it would be wise to take the figure to be released on Wednesday seriously. It probably does a better job of recording changes in our cost of living than we'd do ourselves.

                  You've provided no evidence for your straw man claim: "Oh lets go back and start calculating this deflation guys as people are buying a different brand of product and the prices are dropping'." Again precisely the opposite is true, as it has been for decades. As the ABC article suggests the ABS has adjusted the general measurements to better reflect overall inflation - which is different for everyone based on their circumstances and location. Why did I highlight that last bit? Because you appear to still not understand the basis of inflation measurements, nor that inflation can and does differ significantly for individuals.

                  I agree with you that many items have risen significantly - far more than the CPI. Ww owned Smitten cat food biscuits which I used to buy have risen 57% in < 3 years; potato chips (crisps) are likely even worse (they've been raising prices AND reducing content). I've also noticed that Ww and Coles 'special' prices are now significantly higher than they used to be. Is this Colesworth or the supplier gouging? Probably both. Meantime ALDI Almond Finger biscuits which were "always" $2.99, went to $3.29 a couple of years ago, and are now $2.69 (likely a reflection of people - our family included - refusing to pay the increase and finding alternatives - Martin's banana example in action). These things are a tiny proportion of most people's spend, hence have little effect on the official inflation figure - as I said in my first reply: [the inflation figure] "isn't a precise measure, nor is it an accurate indicator for individuals, families, or any particular group because of the huge range of circumstances and products/services involved. Small adjustments anywhere make very little difference to the final number as you will appreciate if you read how inflation is measured and calculated."

                  Appears you still haven't read the links I gave you which address the issue of "your personal experience/situation" and hence have no appreciation that inflation measurement tries to find a general balance which reflects overall costs - many of which will be completely irrelevant to a huge number of people (who don't rent, don't have mortgages, aren't looking to buy a home, have access to cheaper purchasing alternatives, don't have children etc etc).

                  Bottom line: your tin foil hat notion that the ABS is fiddling with measurements to present a rosy picture of inflation is utter nonsense.

    • +1

      What you really want brother is $700 set colour pencils made by Mitsubishi, the same ones used in the Colouring In World Championship.

      • Colouring In World Championship.

        I'm scared to Google to see if this is a real thing.

  • +5

    My 90s primary school self would be so jealous

    • Haha same. These were THE status symbol, along with Pumps & Jordans…

  • Sorry, this item can't be delivered to your selected address. Learn more. You may either change the delivery address or delete the item from your order.

    No applicable explanation whatsoever for why.. Grr Amazon

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    Grr i tells ya

    • +2

      Same here! I'm in Tasmania. Can I ask what State you are in?
      I've logged a ticket with Amazon as they can't explain it and say it works their end. Can't price match with Officeworks as it is a slightly different model number.

      • +1

        Hi - i'm in VIC.
        Turns out my suburb name is a bit jankey because it has a St or Saint depending on the address autoselect.

        • It’s working for me now, not sure if it’s fixed for everyone but worth a try!

    • It is amazons new policy not to deliver most items to many rural and regional areas.
      They will not admit to this policy because they don't want you to cancel your Prime membership.

  • Someone at school said you have to always be careful of them, id you drop them they will break the lead.

    • thats the same for all pencils

  • I can't believe I just dropped $60 on colouring in pencils

  • +1

    My daughter rejected these saying they weren't lightfast. Didn't even know this was a thing??

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