Hey guys first post but i found this preorder for bioshock infinite while browsing through, not sure if it's a computing error or something but the game is set at a preorder price of $8.99! For some reason it's for the PS3 and PC versions only and the Xbox version is set at the price of $55.
Bioshock Infinite Preorder $8.99 (PS3 & PC)

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For something like this where it is preorder and $8.99, is that the price you pay just for pre ordering the game or is it the whole price for the game and this is just an error?
Obviously an error, they likely won't honour it when they realise the error of their ways, but worth a shot!
definately a pricing error…
They wont honour it so don't bother.
Yeah, looking at their facebook page, they're just a small local Australian business.
Actually, I think they are based in the UK, and also ship out of Dubai (and Oz?).
Me and a few others had a laugh with our "Zumbagate" saga a few months back (listed for $8 - normally $40)…they came through in the end (about 6 weeks later!):
agreed on that.
Looks like an error, especially given that the xbox360 version is priced at $54.99.
It is highly unlikely that they will honor the purchase but it's worth a shot.I wouldn't be surprised if $8.99 is the price of their blank item sheet before it gets edited. This is simply a pricing error that will be amended as soon as the department in control of the website see's the first order and gets time.
For $8.99 it's worth a laugh.
popcorn at the ready…
I've got a shipment code. I might even have a PC capable of playing it.
PS3 is out of stock.
Either they don't honour it and I have to get a refund, or they honour it and I get the game for stupidly cheap. Either way, this works for me.
Ordered. I'll post if there's an update to the situation.
Looks like the price has been fixed.
Ordered around 15 minutes ago though before price fix so hopefully all goes well haha :)
Good for a laugh either way.Just changed!
I got it thoughits gone now but good find Op
Well… I got a shipment confirmation LOL.
Yea, me too. lol, what the hell? Not released until 26 Mar 2012 right?
2013 :p
Oops. Not used to typing 2013 yet! xD
Email reply from ozsave:
Thanks for buying this pre order with ozsave.
I can confirm this item is reserved for you and will be dispatched as soon as we receive it from the official supplier.
It seems there is an error within our system that has marked this item as dispatched and I have informed our listing person.
I hope this sets your mind at rest but please get back to us if you have any other queries.Best regards,
KerryI've been trying to get a hold of them - they finally emailed me asking if I received their previous email, which I hadn't… emailed back saying I hadn't, they haven't replied since. I've checked my spam folders. :(
Thanks for the info! It seems like my Ozsave account has been deleted, it will not login and apparently doesn't exist on the database any longer. I did receive a shipping confirmation however, so here's hoping!
Can anyone still login to their Ozsave account that they used to purchase this?
The same thing has happened to me, although now I'm wondering if I ordered as a guest (something that I don't normally do).
I've sent them an email asking if they can confirm the order as I don't have access to my account, I'll see how they respond.
Good point, I might have been a guest. I did receive a shipping confirmation via email, I assume you did too? Keen to see their reply, thanks!
Seems legit