Ryobi - Battery Lawn Edger - Find Me a Deal

Hoping someone can help me find a deal on the Ryobi battery lawn edger - Best that i have found is $199 at bunnings for the unit only.


    • +3

      This forum is literally called Find Me A Bargain

      • -2

        I am looking for a wife, can you help me?

        • +10

          Sorry, this forum is not called Find Me A Miracle mate.

  • +8

    Ryobi is bunnings exclusive. best you can do, is find gift cards at 2.5% off.

    • -6

      Ryobi is bunnings exclusive

      You can buy Ryobi from Amazon.

      • +4

        Yes but those are grey imports from(usually) the US. From what I've seen they are often aren't any cheaper, and I don't believe you get a warranty from Ryobi Australia.

        Cheekymonkey is correct in that Ryobi is exclusive to Bunnings in Australia.

        • -4

          Yes but those are grey imports

          You can still buy them from Amazon…

          • +1

            @jv: Yes, I didn't say that you couldn't, just that it's a grey import and comes with the associated issues with that.

            Like if you buy one with charger, it's a US charger that will need an adapter and might also need a step-down converter.

            You can also buy "Ryobi" tools and accessories from aliexpress but that's even more problematic.

            • @BrotherEstapol:

              Like if you buy one with charger

              just buy skins…

              • @jv: I actually did buy a ryobi imoact driver off amazon, a few years back. It was a different model to what we have in Australia. It was cheaper than what the skins were at the time, howbeit, when i have looked, they are far more expensive over there, to bring in.

                • @BewareOfThe Dog:

                  they are far more expensive over there, to bring in.

                  You'd probably only do it for models not available in Australia… We often only get a subset of all the models and it takes a while for newer models to get here….

                  I buy from Bunnings for the 6 year warranty…

  • +2

    Keep an eye on marketplace

      • +14

        This is not a tip, it's dodgy AF. You're willing to put so much effort to be that dishonest? Shameful man.

        • -7

          I am actually a woman, not that it should matter tbh.

      • +6

        I’d rather keep my morals and pay what I think is a fair price.

      • +2

        Do you work in real estate as well, possibly in auctions? Bloody dodgy practices

  • Keep a lookout for Gumtree listings.

  • I think I got mine for $119 :O

    edit: looks like lawn edger is different than mine, I think I have a edger or some thing like that

  • +1

    Do you have an existing ryobi whipper snipper? If it's expand-it compatible, you could find an edger attachment which can be $50.

    Or at least worth the investment if you need a line trimmer.

    Also I edged using only my line trimmer for a long while. Did a decent job but an edger will get that depth and make it easier to maintain. You could ask a friend to borrow an edger to start the edge and then maintain with a trimmer until you find a decent bargain.

  • Who has any of the following and can share their experience?
    Ozito 18v lawn edger $179
    Ryobi 18v edger $199
    Ryobi 18v brushless edger $299
    Ryobi 36v edger $299

    Waiting for a sale though.

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