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Plumrose Canned Spiced Ham 340g $3.25 @ Coles


Nice discount from the full price of $6.50.

Not a big discount, but a saving is a saving for some.

Other Plumrose varieties are also on sale.
Check those out in Coles app or website.

Plumrose Cocktail Frankfurts 25 pack 400g $2.85

Plumrose Skinless Hot Dog 560g $3.25

On sale until 23:59, Tues 14/01/2025.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Isn’t this what they serve prisoners in Guantanamo Bay or has the UN forced them to stop that now?

    • +13

      If they're getting this then they're been fed better than our homeless.

    • +4

      No, Geneva convention forbids that sort of cruelty now.

  • +26

    I thought that this was a spam post at first.

    • same. is spam actually just spiced ham?

      • +1

        The Hormel Foods Corporation once said that it means "Shoulder of Pork and Ham", but in some dictionaries "Spam" means "spiced ham".

        Members of staff at the SPAM museum say it stands for Specially Produced American Meat.

        In 2019, Spam began making advertisements containing the definition “Sizzle Pork And Mmmm”.

        either way, SPAM is more than just a mystery meat, it's a way of life!

  • +3

    MMMMmmm, steamed dogs!

    • +2

      riiighht…. and you call them steamed dogs despite the fact they're obviously canned.

      • it sure aint raw meat in that can, cowbye

  • +1

    Its just not the same as regular Spam unfortunately.

    • In what way? Couple of days ago we tried spam for the first time in my life. Diced and pan cooked to add to mac and cheese.
      Wasn't bad. Just very salty. Was going to try the reduced salt version next time.

      • +2

        The Plumrose version is not salty at all (which is a good thing for some I guess?) but found it bordering on just being absolutely bland with no flavor at all. You should also pick up the 50% reduced fat spam one to try along with the 50% reduced salt version as a comparison of the two as some of my family members found the reduced salt version just too bland but found the reduced fat version 'just right' while the normal OG spam as you mentioned was 'too salty' to be correct.

        • +1

          Coles website says 994mg per 100g? Seems salty if the recommended salt intake is 1500mg per day?

        • Thanks. May give it a go. Had random spam videos pop up so we decided to give it a go for a meal.

    • +1

      Regular spam is far superior to this Plumrose stuff.

  • +1

    Spam, spam, spam, spam (Monty Python).

  • -1


    • You need to try camp pie if you think spam is yukk.

      • -6

        I am a vegan

  • Does anyone actually eat spam like this? Any typical ways you use it?

    • +1

      There are literally hundreds of dedicated recipe books.

    • +8

      good in fried rice. slice thinly and fry for toast. omelettes. heaps of uses really. not saying its good for the old ticker or anything

    • I had never used tinned ham it 'til this week, coincidentally. Had a ham bone to use for split pea and ham soup, but didn't know if there was enough on the bone. Diced a tin and added it to the pressure cooker. Was fine, if soft.

    • Blend it with banana, pineapple and cherries?

      • -1

        Blend a pig?

    • +1

      Popular in South east Asia and Hawaii

      • +1

        They love it in China, too. I don't know how many meals had an option to add meat, and it was always spam.

  • Coles here I come. Great post OP. Plumrose 🍽

  • I thought 50% is a good discount and pretty much the maximum for this product

  • +1

    The product is basically reconstituted pieces of ham pressed together to form the shape of the tin. 'orrible!

    • Some of the bacon etc not in a tin is also this.

  • +2

    Why would anyone pay nearly $20 a kilo (full price) for tinned ham.

    • +3

      Prep for when SHTF, put some in your bugout bag.

  • +3

    Mmmmmm steamed hams.

    • It’s still good it’s still good!!!!

      • Please ignore the fact my steamed hams are obviously grilled.

    • I've tried spam in sushi but never this…

  • Spiced Ham is my drag name.

  • +2

    finally my time has come

  • +1

    Highly processed edibles can cause…

    • tofu's highly processed…

      • smelly tofu yes but normal tofu not salt cured

        • all tofu is highly processed

          point is that yes processed foods can be problematic but making a blanket statement about 'edibles' is meaningless

  • Gotta say, those hot dogs are actually delicious

  • Spamburger spamburger spamburger spamburger

  • Bought 2 last time. Brought to NZ for roadtrip, custom officer took them from me (good that I declared them). Thought it was a bargain but not haaa

  • +1

    Yummy Miscelanus meat

  • This comes out of the same factory as Spam and Aldi's spam, (all from USA with the same can shape). I'm not sure why Plumrose sells rebranded Spam when their regular canned ham is a quality product.

  • This contains SODIUM Nitrite and Sodium phosphate- which are harmful additives (cardio issues and diabetes)

    so please dont over consume

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