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[Steam, PC] Humble Choice Jan 2025 - Against the Storm, Jagged Alliance 3, Blasphemous 2 + More $16.95 @ Humble Bundle


Get great games to own forever every month with Humble Choice!

Your enemy isn’t a rival army or an alien threat, but the Blightstorm—a cataclysmic death-rain from above in Against the Storm. It’s up to you and a massive roster of interesting, memorable, and powerful mercenaries to save a newly elected president in Jagged Alliance 3. And more!

  • Against the Storm
  • Jagged Alliance 3
  • Blasphemous 2
  • Beneath Oresa
  • Fort Solis
  • Boxes: Lost Fragments
  • Dordogne
  • The Pegasus Expedition

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closed Comments

    • Would think the same thing would apply for any other apps service such as gog, epic, battlenet etc.

      Would also think if the other person had access to their mailbox that you would be able to change certain settings over such as full name, email address, password.

      • -3

        Microsoft Rewards yesterday made players under 18 intelligible to earn points through playing games,

        Microsoft said nothing when my both my kids' accounts swapped birth years to 2000 about an hour later.

        I'm sure if you left someone your login in your will, Steam would act the same when you go to change name, birthdate, and emails.

        • No. Where are you people getting your info from lol? Steam have actually said, you can’t gift your account to family when you pass. No doubt they have some internal clock tracking the age of the account. Obviously changing the birth date wouldn’t bypass that. Actually, I’m not even sure Steam asks for your birthday in your account? I know it will ask when viewing a 18+ game, but I can’t ever remember it asking, or seen a birthdate listed in the account settings?

          • -1

            @whuts: PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, I've changed my name, my email, my birthday, on all of them (well maybe not on PSN actually, don't think I ever changed the birthday on there, but definitely my email and name),

            So long as you keep an account somewhat active (ie, don't let it sit offline completely for 50 years before signing back in), I don't see how they'd ever know who's actually playing on it. Unless they have some sort of "terminate this account after 100 years" button built in, even then though, the bigger concern, naturally, is if Steam itself would make it that long.

            The odds of both Steam outliving us, and nothing changing in their terms over the next 50 odd years, are both pretty low.

            …but in any case, the discs you buy on your PS2 are technically just licenses too, sure, they physically work for anyone, but I'm sure there's some legal bollocks that allows them to take back the disc at their discretion there too, you just would (obviously) see it happen a lot less, I say this though because it still is more than likely within their legal right, just like this, though, much like this in actual practice, I doubt you'd ever see it really happen.

            • -8

              @TheDukeOfNukem: Not even going to bother. Literally everything you wrote is wrong. It’ll take me an hour to reply. Look mate, do what you want. I really don’t care about you or what you do. Go for it mate. Good luck. I’m pointing out you’re wrong for other people and that’s that.

              Gods people are fux in the head. Reality can be ignored with “well I think” and “well this unrelated thing…”.

              And these people breed. Smh.

              • +1

                @whuts: Broheim, you make no sense.

                You're not pointing out shit. You said something, which is correct. I pointed out how it would be hard as shit for them to enforce it en masse, and even if they did, that the company as a whole is so incredibly unlikely to be operating in the same capacity they are now in 50 years time so it's largely moot anyway.

                And just in case you didn't know, moot is not the sound a cow makes. I can see you've had some difficulty piecing everything here together and I wouldn't want you to think I was talking about your mom without cause.

      • +16

        No, you actually own the game when you buy from GoG.com. You can download the software and stick it on a backup drive. It’s yours forever. Install as many times as you like. No client, activation, or client needed. With Steam, you only get a license to play the game via the steam client and that license can be revoked.

      • +8

        Incorrect. The GOG copy of the game is yours and can install it anywhere without needed to connect back to gog. Steam doesn't work that way. You must at least for the first time install the game via the Steam client which requires an account and internet connection

    • -4

      Idiots downvoting this post. You’re absolutely correct. I guess the downvoters “did their own research”.

    • -1

      Forever means forever. You don't stop owning the games just because you can't play them (PC is broken/you're on holiday/you're deceased)

      • Forever just like when you throw away a broken or useless toy? It doesn't work but you retain ownership even after it's broken and you threw it away… Naaaaah

  • Thank god i didn't buy Fort solis in Xmes sale, also heard good things bout Blasphemous 2, these 2 are enough to make this month good

  • +11

    Been pausing for months on end, I think this is the month I finally just cancel humble choice.

    • -1

      Was just thinking the same, I haven't unpaused in at least a year.

  • +1

    Great deal, finally some good games this month. I used to sub, now i just join when there is a good month

  • +3

    I have -250 hours on Against the Storm. Bundle is a steal at this price.

    • +6

      Are you playing it backwards? Do you get younger whilst you play?

      • +3

        One assumes they meant ~ not -

        Maybe they couldn't find it on their keyboard lol

  • -6

    remember the times where the discount was good? :D like 10 bucks a month

    • Against the Storm from Steam costs $39.95. Via Humble Bundle I can pay $16.95 to get it.

      Notwithstanding Blasphemous 2 and Jagged Alliance 3 comes with it

      This IS a discount.

      • -2

        humble choice was way cheaper only a few years ago.

        • +7

          Cool story bro.. so was everything else.

          • +2

            @tugman: You used to be able to buy a loaf of bread for a penny.

          • @tugman: Except EVs, they were more expensive.

          • -2

            @tugman: if you want to pay high prices go right ahead enjoy the new high price lol.

            • +1

              @kungfuman: Let me know how your time machine is going to get those low prices

  • +3

    That reminds me I still haven't got around to getting Jagged Alliance 3. JA2 is one of my all time favourites. Anybody tried JA3? How does it compare?

    • +2

      Been a long time since I've played JA2, but can confirm JA3 is excellent. Very Xcom 2 like (another of my favs)

      • Is it as much of an (profanity) as xcom2’s hit probability indicator?

        • +1

          Rarely, mainly because everyone remains at greater distances apart.

  • So how does this work?
    Sign up for a month then get the games for free then unsub and keep playing?

    • +1

      You sub to get Steam activation keys for the listed games. Those games will then stay on your Steam account when activated.

      You don't need to remain subbed to Humble Choice once you've activated the Steam keys.

    • Yeah first time I was confused. Basically you can sign up if you want this months, then can unsub. Or if you don't then when next month comes around they don't immediately charge you, the list of games comes out, and you can choose to skip it. Though if you're subbed, near the end of the month, it will charge you and send you games.

  • -6

    Aside from Blasphemous 2, this is a pretty weak month imo.
    But the price is good for that game alone.

    • +3

      Have you played Against the Storm?

      It's fantastic, a 92 on open critic, had a unique take on city builders with rogue like elements with great progression that keeps the game feeling interesting and slowly integrates new mechanics.

      I keep going back to it and continue to be impressed.

      • Never heard of it until now, sorry.

  • +1

    Against the Storm is an excellent game - unique blend of city management and roguelike, and very addictive. $16 for it alone is a steal.

  • +5

    If you like Xcom 2, you must pickup Jagged Alliance 3. It's great.

    • +3

      Much better than the previous crap of JA: Rage, etc. They got the creator back on board to consult on this one since JA2.

  • +4

    Surprisingly decent month, not skipping this one.
    The question is: where to buy some time to play all these games?..

    • +4

      Once you can afford them you don’t have enough time to play them :(

    • +1

      Stay single and dont have kids.

  • +2

    5 out of 8 games on my steam want list (only because I was unaware of Boxes: Lost Fragments - I have their other game Doors: Paradox and enjoyed that, so happy it's sibling is in this month's bundle).

    • Yeah, I played through Doors - really cool. It was a freebie on Epic. I had no idea they had another game. It's the start game this month for me.

  • I got the sub from this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/885002
    What happens if I skip this month? Will I still get the discount for the next 5 months?

    • -2

      Skipping a month extends the current subscription by 1 month, so you should be fine.

      • Nice. Thanks.

    • +1

      Terms: Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable to sign up to Humble Choice at $8 USD/$11.95 a month for 6 months before any applicable taxes and fees. Coupon expires on December 25, 2024 at 11:59pm PT. This price is locked in for 6 months, and this offer will be void if your plan is canceled or pause"

      If you pause you will lose the discount, basically you can't skip if you want to keep the discount going.

      • Oh well, guess the sub continues then. Thanks.

        • Yeah, I just see it as a $72 purchase for 6 months of humble bundles (~50 or so games). Some bad will come with the good but it'll probably end up being worth it if you have a lot of wishlisted games.

  • +3

    Jagged Alliance 3 is awesome if you like Xcom and similar games.

    • +1

      Yep, this bundle is a bargain for JA3 alone (aside from all the other great games this month), well worth it.

  • What are some games against the storm is comparable with?

  • Great bundle.

  • so i can sign up for this. then cancel my sub and still keep those games?

    • You pay for a month, and you keep the games you redeem on Steam.

      • +1

        Nice, been hedging JAG3… looks like I'll grab it for cheaps

  • Jagged alliance 3 is really good fun once you get into a groove.

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