(solved) Is 'The Bikeriders' Available on Binge?

Hi can someone on Binge atm check if

“The Bikeriders”

Is available to stream now? On the Apple TV app it says available to stream on Binge, but their website page is for the trailer with “Coming soon”.

I can’t find out without starting a subscription.

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  • No only the trailer is available to watch

    • are you friggin serious. that’s terrible.

      Apple TV app has reliably let me know specific movies on my watch list if available to watch the actual movie on other stream subs.

      so binge is doing a rug pull where they make it seem that way through Apple TV app, then people will sub, then they are shown with “coming soon” with only a trailer??! wtf 😡😡😡

      • Unfortunately I am serious lol. Also saw your other post it's the same for "I Saw The Glow" as well FYI

        • terrible.

          honestly I was actually thinking about maybe subbing just for a month to watch these two new releases and a few more recent release movies I had on my Apple TV app watch list.

          but no way am I going to pay a month and risk not being able to watch them. binge seems to get worse and worse since moving over to hubble box.

          recent complaint I heard is when you cancel, you have to fill the feedback form at the end, otherwise it doesn’t cancel and charges you for the next month!!

  • +1

    Just use Stremio, you can watch anything across all subscription services for free.

    • -1


      • 🏴‍☠️ but like, easy
        Less messing around with downloads or popups flashing pornstar buttholes at your extended family and their kids

      • https://www.stremio.com/

        You can use it on the web or download. Just hook up an addon like Torrentio and you’re set.

  • +1
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