Looking to buy Haier HRF680YPC (for $1819) which falls within our budget in the plumbed fridges category.
3 years extended warranty is quoted for $272 and I am seriously considering paying for it as it is not well known for the quality/ longevity. Under this extended warranty fridge will be replaced if they couldn't fix the issue in 10 days which is what really enticing us.
Any experience from people dealing with Haier after sales service and getting issues sorted after 2 year manufacturers warranty?
EDIT: Just found this form post and feel like I can definitely deal with Haier under ACL and save that $270.
(https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/877582) Thanks @cheekymonkey97
My personal opinion is an $1800 fridge should last at least 7 years. Maybe longer. I'm sure ACL would agree with me.
In short, extended warranties are an additional tax for those not willing to pursue their consumer rights.