Best Travel Sim for 28 Days in Thailand

HI, looking to navigate the minefield of travel Sims, want to use one in Phuket for 28 days in February, any suggestions for best deal with decent coverage?



  • +1

    Plenty of Youtube vids on that. Basically wait until you get there & buy one at 7 Eleven when you get a ham & cheese toastie.

  • +1

    plenty just check/search ozb for keyword esim

  • +3

    AIS eSIM

  • +2

    Just get the one at the airport arrivals. Go to one with a semi busy queue and 2-3 staff that help change the sim over for you. Easy done.

  • +1

    I used Nomad eSim last November, easy to set up and great value for money. There's an app to manage your Nomad account, top it up, buy new eSims etc.

  • +1

    The tourist SIMs available in Thailand are dirt cheap, backed by the main carriers, and quick & easy to pick up on the way through arrivals at the major airports.

    Just one example….…

    It's sad how mediocre our local telcos look compared to the speed & value of some SE asian countries.

    • Optus traveller SIMs compare pretty well if you ask me

      USA is by far the worst.

      • Haha… Am traveling shortly and remembered your post, so thought I'd give Optus a try.

        These are actually SIMs for visitors to Australia, not Australians going abroad. Still a reasonably good deal for relo's coming to Australia though.

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