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EGO 56V 38cm Line Trimmer & Blower Combo Kit - STLB1521E-S $495.20 + Delivery ($0 Click & Collect) @ Toolkit Depot


I was looking for a new line trimmer to go with my EGO mower and found this deal. It has free freight over $99 and if you have power pass you can get an additional discount.

First post so go easy 😉, thanks.

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  • +2

    Is this cheap? I am not so sure. The line trimmer isn't the more expensive auto wind one, and only one 2.5ah battery so you might be cutting it fine (pun intended) to use both in the one session

    • +1

      The page says it is - "Introducing the world's first Line Trimmer with POWERLOAD™ Technology. This technology solves one of the biggest pain points of line trimmers, replacing your line. It is as easy as feeding the line into the head and pressing a button!"

      • +2

        I think @Jackson meant to say the Line IQ technology which is the new auto release function rather than auto feed.

        • That sounds awesome, I wonder if you could just swap the normal powerfeed head for the new line IQ one?

          • @EightImmortals: Not sure about that but I have been hearing mixed reviews on the new tech so I stick with the Powerload aka the traditional bumping head. Cant complain at all.

            • +1

              @NoBargainNoLife: Powerload is amazing, but Line IQ is a bit of a gimmick to upsell. It’s not exactly hard to work out when you need more line and to bump the head. I’d rather not have it.

              • @ilikeit: Came here to say the same. EGO is great, powerload is great, but LineIQ "works" but is not great, the line gets WAY too short before it lets out more line, so you have a LOT of time with only a little bit of string out, so it takes far longer to cut grass than the regular manual feed heads. I have tried all of them firsthand.

                Note: the commercial trimmer is massively powerful but does not come with powerload. Get that one if you have a huge area of really long thick grass.

                • @dtpearson: try full throttle on a bit of concrete (the gutter?) and LineIQ will quickly feed you more line ;)

      • +2

        I have an Ego line trimmer and the powerload feature is amazing. It is insane quick and easy. Keeps the workflow.

        • I bought an Ego ZT mower a few weeks ago, and it's brilliant, just like their service, and it makes me want to get into their ecosystem :-)

          • +1

            @mickeyjuiceman: I bought the EGO Z6 zero turn about 18 months ago, and I have given it an absolute thrashing, and it still works perfectly. The batteries are holding up well, and so is everything else.

            I love using it, I find it FAR superior to use than my huge Torro 72" or Ferris 72" (but I do like the suspension on the Ferris). They might be bigger and faster, but they are noisy and drop belts, don't start sometimes, leak oil, get clogged decks etc etc. I cannot wait until big commercial electric units become available.

            • @dtpearson: Yeah, mine's the Z6 as well, and it is so much better than any other zero-turn I've used it's ridiculous. As you say, all of the things that it doesn't have to go wrong with it is just great. And I ended up getting eight extra batteries for it gratis (after getting the mower at a run-out price from Total Tools), so power is not a problem :-)

              • @mickeyjuiceman: Let me know how you get a free battery, I only have a 2.5ah and need a 5ah

                • +1

                  @Jackson: I got them due to the mower, not the whippersnipper - four came with the mower as a bonus, and then more from a deal Ego ran in December.

                  They're 10Ah, though, which is great for the mower but maybe not for the whippersnipper :-)

    • +1

      I’ve got two 2.5ah batteries but can do trimming and blowing for a large lawn with one. Obviously YMMV.

      This model does automatically wind the line IN when you’re changing the line, but it doesn’t automatically wind it OUT while you’re trimming. You tap the head on the ground to spool a bit more out.

  • +3

    I don’t think you can get free shipping for bulky item.

    $90 postage to NSW

    • +2

      Yep, $585 here, so no saving at all. Title def needs updating.

    • Free shipping works for me in Vic.

      • Hey buddy which suburb exactly? I am at Clayton and getting charged for shipping.

    • FWIW, I got Sydney Tools to pricematch (I'm not a fan of price-matching, generally, as I'd rather reward the place that made the initial move) and picked it up locally to avoid the shipping fee (that made the deal far less attractive).

  • No additional saving with Power Pass unfortunately.

  • I got the autowind one, makes life much easier

    • Did you get any discount?

    • +1

      Apparently you dont know how to use it correctly. I never push leaves to the road or someone else's but blow them to the lawn and mow over them.
      Noise-wise, it is much quieter than a petrol one. And you are not expected to use it every day not to mention early morning or late night.

        • +1

          I use mine to sweep my outdoor patio back onto the yard 😂

          Also worked great when I worked with a disability client who hated people touching his things but we wanted to sweet out the carport that was full of couches and concrete statues etc

        • +5

          i do not own one, nor have i ever used one because i hate them so much…

          Never used one? So, how does that make you an expert? Used properly, a blower is a very handy tool to have. Used improperly, which is all you seem to have experienced, and I agree they can be a nuisance. Sorry, your comment seems paradoxical and makes you sound simply like a disgruntled neighbour. Just because they annoy you when in the hands of an irresponsible person doesn’t mean you can paint them all with the same brush.

          P.S. talk to your local fire brigade, too, and I’m willing to bet they’ll be using a powerful blower as an invaluable bushfire fighting tool. Light a drip line for a backburn and come along behind with the blower to push all the debris into the burnt area, and it makes for an excellent fire break.

        • +4

          Look at you being so proud of your ignorance, assuming the entire world operates just like you and your immediate neighbours……

          My road is 90m from my house, guess how many times I have blown anything onto it with my blower?

          Electric blowers are a metric fooktonne quieter than petrol ones.
          I blow leaves etc… from around house into yard to be mulched with mower.
          I give a good blow job to my mower after each use, respect your mower and give it a good bj after each use too.
          Hell, I use my compressor to give a more precise bj to the mower as there are so many areas it catches grass after I use the blower.
          I blow crap out of the horse float after each use, what do you do with your horse float? Surely you have one as we're playing the game that everyone has the same lives as ourselves.
          I blow water off the cars and mowers are washing.
          I blow spider webs from the eves on the house and shed.

          I give a lot of blow jobs around the property, it seems like a lot of us have to make up for people like you not giving everything a good blow job.

          • @snuke: Best BJ comment ever!

            • @sandman20104159: So your quieter option to cleaning the mower after use is not to clean it, because it will get dirty again. Do you apply that logic to your cutlery, dinnerware, body, sphincter, teeth etc..?

              Why are you washing your car, it will just get dirty again?

              You consider cleaning maintenance to be a waste of time, good for you. I have respect for myself and my tools, I feel sorry for your tools.

            • @sandman20104159: How do you determine what noise is necessary? It seems like if it benefits you, it's perfectly fine, but if it doesn’t, you call it annoying. That’s incredibly selfish as FK!

              What if we say your mower is noisy would you stop flaunting it and just use tweezers instead?

              Are you just trolling here? Unbelievable.

                • @sandman20104159: How is this any different to someone using an electric blower (like in this deal) during weekday arvos to clean up after using an electric mower? You probably wouldn't even notice if it's not a petrol blower.

                  The blower is quieter than the mower, and the owner is cleaning up their mess by using it.

                  i hate noise, and i hate unnessacry noise, noise that doesnt need to be made such as leaf blowers when there is a quiter option out there, all a blower is, is a lazy mans tool that doesnt want to sweep!

                  Why don't you use a hand reel mower that is literally silent then? You are choosing to create noise pollution by using your electric mower.

    • +2

      Blowers are the best, I even use mine to dry my bike after I wash it

        • +1

          I use two blowers at once (one in each hand).
          Using two at once gives you additional options; e.g. using a v shape to direct leaves exactly where you want them to go, or combining both blowers in the same direction to push heavy/wet piles, or simply speeding up the time to clear an area by walking down the middle and blowing in both directions.

        • +1

          @sandman20104159 I use my blower just because I like the noise. I don’t particularly have anything that needs blowing. I blow on turbo too because it sounds amazing.

  • +3

    hoping some of these blowers end up in facebook market place deals

  • +4

    My EGO line trimmer/battery from Masters 2016 still goin strong
    RIP Masters Never Forget

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