Podcast and Audible book suggestions to learn on latest in AI

Just wondering if anyone had suggestions in podcasts or audible books on latest in AI.
Topic examples: AI Agents, Claude, etc

So going beyond the generative ai (ChatGPT, etc)


  • I would just ask the chatGPT, but you can try https://www.google.com/search?q=Podcast+and+Audible+book+sug…

  • I don't know about Podcast or Audio books as AI is always changing. Podcast would have a better luck, but even then I think it is bit rare. https://tldr.tech/ai I have noticed is pretty handy.

    Another option is https://theaipulse.beehiiv.com/ which is pretty good.

    • Thanks. I've seen ads for tldr. Wasn't sure how good it is

      • +1

        Its pretty good and provides a wind range of different sources.

  • You turn any articles into podcasts using notebook lm

  • +1

    Also, if you want some courses, try UDEMY.
    There are some free courses on AI by MS, Google and AWS (*certs may be paid, but are offered for discounted price/ free from time to time).

    One thing that is upcoming in 2025 is AI governance and responsible use of AI.
    IAPP also has a pricey course there- AIGP. (Even some of the Udemy courses are $200 and above!)

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