Hey guys, I was looking at Michu Wonder Litter on PetBarn and I noticed something a little weird with the reviews. I’m thinking of getting it, but I’m starting to wonder if these reviews are legit.
Here’s what I noticed:
- Every review is like, "game-changer" and "absolutely amazing." Seems a little too perfect.
- Almost all the reviews use the exact same words — like seriously, everyone’s calling it a "game-changer." Weird coincidence?
- Some reviews have these weird hyphenations like "tray-seriously" and "fantastic-tight" — not sure if that’s normal. Usually I would add a space before and after the hyphen as they are separate words/sentences.
- All the reviews are from about a month ago. Bit of a red flag there, right?
- Everyone seems to be from Melbourne, which is where Michu is based, and they all use just first names (no handles or full names).
Here’s the link to the product on PetBarn:
What do you guys think? Do these reviews look real to you, or am I just overthinking it?
While I'm here, what does everyone else use in their litter-robots?
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